



1. suggest               vt.建议   

①suggest (doing) sth.        I suggest going in my car.


He suggestedthat weshould comeanother day.

suggestv. 暗示

 如:His pale face suggested that he was notwell.

     suggestion    n.(可数) 建议                advice (不可数) n.建议

     如:Your suggestions are of great use.

  【辨析】advise & suggest

            advise +  sb to do sth      如:He advised me to sleep early.

          doing sth                          如:She advisedholding a class meeting.

          that-clause                        如:I advised her that she should wait.(should


2. request   vt.&n.(正式或礼貌)要求,请求   

request sth. ( from sb.)   You can request a free cup of coffee in somehotels.

request sb. to do sth.     You are required not to smoke in therestaurant.

 “Could youplease tell me where the restrooms are?” is a request for direction.

※后接that从句时,从句中的谓语动词是should +V.原形

 She requested that everyoneshould keepthe secret.


at sb's request 应…之请求; 鉴于…之请求

    At his request, we finished the work ontime.


        n.人群,观众     Crowds of people poured into the street.

        v.挤满,塞满    Thousands of people crowded the street.

crowded      adj.拥挤的

uncrowded    adj.不拥挤的


 polite  有礼貌的           impolite不礼貌的

  possible  可能的            impossible不可能的

  patient   有耐心的          impatient没耐心的

  perfect   完美的           imperfect不完美的

5.inexpensive adj.不昂贵的


        incorrect  不正确的

        indirect     间接的

        inconvenient   不方便的



❶ 在单词前加“un”

 1.comfortable →  uncomfortable            2.happy  →  unhappy

 3.necessary → unnecessary                 4.important  →  unimportant

 5.able  →  unable                       6.common  → uncommon                  

7.healthy  →  unhealthy                 8.likely(可能的)  → unlikely  (不可能的)                      

9.usual  →  unusual                       10.tidy  →  untidy

11.pleasant(令人愉悦的)  → unpleasant     12.lucky →  unlucky                    13.crowded →  uncrowded                     

❷ 在单词前加“dis”

 honest  →  dishonest

❸ 在 p开头的形容词前加“im”

 1.possible →  impossible         2.polite  →  impolite

 3.patient →  impatient             4. perfect→imperfect

❹ 在单词前加“in”

1.   correct →  incorrect              2. direct  →  indirect

3.expensive  →  inexpensive           4. convenient→inconvenient


 1.careful →  careless        2.hopeful  →  hopeless

 3.useful →  useless          4. helpful  →  helpless


adj. 笔直的(line, road); 直接的,直达的(flight, train);直率的

                   straight hair/ lines/ roads

                  There's a direct train/ flight toBeijing.

                  He is kind and direct.

v. 指导/ 导演(戏剧或电影)     director   n.导

The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg. (如:《辛德勒的名单》 


indirect adj. 间接的

direction n. 方向;导演,指挥;指引

direction      n.方向    sense of direction  方向感

              Has the wind changed direction?  


corner 拐角,角落

around the

corner 的意思是“在附近,马上,不久之后”

Her house isjust around the corner.     她的房子就在附近。

My birthday is

just around the corner. 我的生日马山就要到了。


adj. “ 便利的;方便的 ”, 其主语不能是表示人的词,常用于句型

It’s convenient

for sb. to do sth. “ 对于某人来说做某事是方便的。”

It’s convenientfor us to go shopping since there is a supermarket nearby.


(1) v. 急促移动             rush out of… 冲出…

      匆忙行事;催促       rush to do       rush sb. to dosth.催促某人去做某事

      紧急运送       be rushed to hospital   被紧急送往医院

(2)n. 匆忙     bein a rush                  

rush hour (上下班时的) 交通高峰期
