英文 | 中文 |
Where's your fuckin' chain now? | 你那根链条现在他妈的哪去了 |
God! aah! | 上帝 |
Dumb-ass ponytail. | 梳马尾辫的蠢货 |
Here we go. yah! | 来吧 |
I love you. | 我爱你 |
I love you too, baby. | 我也爱你宝贝 |
Well, fuck you, Fido. | 死吧你臭费多犬 |
What the fuck...? | 他妈的怎么回事 |
Show your fuckin' face, freak! | 露出你的臭脸来变态 |
It's too bad I don't have fangs. | 我没长尖牙真是太遗憾了 |
Rip your fuckin' throat out. | 妈的撕裂你的喉咙 |
Fuck, yeah! | 操 |
Here it comes. | 就要来了 |
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Are you ready? | 准备好了吗 |
Oh, fuck. oh, fuck, yeah! | 操真爽 |
That was intense, huh? | 这次猛吧 |
Maudette? | 马蒂 |
Maudette. | 马蒂 |
Oh, shit. | 靠 |
Oh, fuck! fuck! | 我操 |
Oh, Jesus. uh... | 天哪 |
Ah, what a moron. | 真是个白痴 |
I-- I didn't kill her. | 她不是我杀的 |
I didn't kill her! | 她不是我杀的 |
Well, somebody sure as hell did. | 凶手另有其人 |
A vampire? | 吸血鬼 |
You're sure? | 你确定吗 |
Oh, yeah. | 当然 |
Yeah, I saw his fangs. | 我看到了他的尖牙 |
Hey, Maudette had fang marks on her inner thigh. | 马蒂大腿内侧有尖牙咬过的痕迹 |
We know. we examined the body. | 了解我们验过尸 |
Okay. | 好吧 |
This be the same vampire your sister's messin' around with? | 会是和你姐姐胡混的那个吗 |
Okay, first, my sister ain't messin' around with nobody. | 首先我姐姐没跟任何人胡混 |
My sister don't mess around. | 她从不胡混 |
And second, I don't know. | 其次我也不知道 |
I never met the other vampire. | 我从没见过其他吸血鬼 |
I never met any vampire, and I hope to hell I never do. | 我从没见过吸血鬼最好这辈子也别碰到 |
What did this vampire on the videotape look like? | 录像带上的那个长什么样 |
Mm, uh, bald-headed. | 光头 |
Weird skeleton tattoo. | 有奇怪的骨架纹身 |
And he looked crazy. | 很疯狂的样子 |
Crazy out of his motherfuckin' mind. | 疯狂得他妈近乎癫狂 |
It's interesting, because, um, | 有意思的是 |
This the only videotape we found in Maudette's apartment. | 这是我们在马蒂家找到的唯一一盘录像带 |
Well, I guess that means somebody took them all, right? | 我想应该是有人把其余的都拿走了 |
Somebody didn't want you to see them? | 这人不想让你们看到它们? |
Or somebody only wanted us to find this one? | 或者他是故意要我们找到你这盘? |
Because it supposedly clears him of a | 因为这样就有可能抹去 |
Crime that maybe he came back later to commit? | 他重新回来作案的证据 |
Yeah. | 没错 |
Oh, come on, Andy. | 别搞了安迪 |
I'm not that smart. | 我可没那么聪明 |
It's okay. | 没事了 |
-Sookie - I can't feel my legs. | -苏琪-我的腿没感觉了 |
Quick, drink before the wound closes. | 快在伤口愈合前快喝下去 |
-Would I be a vampire?-You won't be. | -我会变成吸血鬼吗-不会 |
Goddamn it, Sookie, do you want to live or not? | 可恶苏琪你不想活了吗 |
No. | 不要 |
Go back to the green room. | 请回到休息室 |
Turns out I'm first in the walk and talk challenge. | 看来我可是走与说挑战赛的第一个 |
Walking and talking can't be too hard, right? | 步行和说话不会很难吧 |
B.J., your category is names of U.S. states. | B.J.你的类别是美国各州名称 |
Oh, mother, damn. | 妈妈可恶 |
Memphis. | 孟菲斯 |
New Jersey. New York. Connecticut. | 新泽西纽约康涅狄格 |
Pick up-- pick up--pick up the phone, beyotch. | 快接 快接接电话小妞 |
Too sexy, yeah.pick up the phone, beyotch. | 太性感了接电话小妞 |
Hello, hooker. what's the t? | 婊子什么事 |
Where are you? | 你在哪儿 |
I'm on my way to a party in Monroe. | 我在去派对的路上在门罗 |
And hell, no, I ain't swingin' by to pick your needy ass up, hooker. | 没门我对你这平板女可没兴趣婊子 |
Lafayette, please. | 拉法耶求你了 |
My momma's passed out on the coach | 我妈昏倒在沙发上 |
And I can't face cleaning her up and putting her to bed. | 把她洗干净弄上床我实在不想再呆在家了 |
It's just too goddamn depressing. | 这他妈太郁闷了啊 |
What's depressing is how often get this phone call from you, | 这么频繁的接到你的这种电话 |
That's depressing. | 才真叫郁闷 |
Why come you won't call Jason Stackhouse? | 你怎么不打给杰森·斯塔克豪斯 |
You're a mean, nasty bitch. | 你是个卑鄙下流的婊子 |
And you need to move your sorry ass out your momma's house, | 你得从你妈那搬出来 |
That's what you need to do. | 这才是你该做的 |
Yeah, whatever. | 嗯可不是 |
Well, a'ight. | 好吧 |
A'ight, I is on my way. | 好吧我过来了 |
But you might got to find your own ride home. | 不过你最好自己想办法回家 |
Just in case I get lucky. | 没准我交到桃花运呢 |
What you mean if you get lucky? | 什么叫你交到桃花运 |
Your standards are so low you always get lucky. heh. | 你标准那么低还怕交不到桃花运吗 |
Ha-ha! Damn straight. | 你他妈倒挺直接啊 |
Hallelujahs, hallelujahs. | 赞美主赞美主 |
Oh! Good lord, I'm comin'! | 我的天来了 |
Jesus. | 天啊 |
Jason, what the fuck? | 杰森你他妈的来干嘛 |
Did I say you could come in? | 我同意让你进来了吗 |
Look, Jason, it's 3:00 in the morning. | 听着杰森现在可是凌晨3点 |
You have no idea what I've been through since last night. | 你根本想象不到从昨晚起我都经历了什么 |
I spent the whole day thinkin' I'd really killed Maudette Pickens. | 一整天我满脑子都是杀死马蒂·皮肯斯的事 |
Oh, my god. | 我的上帝 |
I thought I'd accidentally strangled her during sex. | 我以为我在做爱时不小心掐死了她 |
And bud and fucking Andy waited 12 whole hours | 布达佩斯和安迪这个混蛋过了12个小时 |
To show me a videotape that proved I didn't do it! | 才给我看了那盘证明我清白的录像带 |
I thought I'd ruined my whole life. | 我都以为这辈子就这么毁了 |
Jason... mm. | 杰森 |
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Do I taste different from other people? | 我的血尝起来跟别人不同吗 |
Yes. | 当然 |
What are you? | 你到底是什么人 |
Well, apparently I'm not dead. | 显然我还活着 |
What I am is telepathic. | 我能够心灵感应 |
I can hear people's thoughts. | 我能听见其他人的想法 |
Even mine? | 我的也能? |
No. | 听不见 |
That's why I like you so much. | 这就是我这么喜欢你的原因 |
I can't hear you at all. | 一点都听不见 |
You have no idea how peaceful it is | 你无法想象我长这么大聒噪始终无处不在 |
after a lifetime of blah, blah, blah. | 跟你在一起是多么安宁 |
May I ask you a personal question? | 能问你个私人问题吗 |
Bill, you were just licking blood out of my head. | 比尔你才把我头上的血添掉 |
I don't think it gets much more personal than that. | 我想没什么比这个更私人了吧 |
How do you manage a social life with men your own age? | 你是如何与同龄男孩子们交往的呢 |
Their only thought must be-- I don't date. | -他们的那些念头一定很...-我不约会 |
Ever? | 从没有 |
Oh, I've-- I've been on a few dates. | 约会过几次 |
Man, I can't wait to see her naked. | 我都等不及看她脱光的样子了 |
I wonder if she's a natural blond. | 不知道她头发是不是天生金黄色 |
Nothing worse than a blond with a big, black bush. | 没有比金发美女私处乌黑一片更糟糕的了 |
Aah! what the heck?! | 你搞什么鬼 |
Not every guy was a pig. | 也不是人人都是蠢猪 |
The kind of girl I could marry and spend the rest of my life loving. | 这种女孩是我可以娶的下半辈子都爱她一个 |
And never have those thoughts of matt damon, | 不再去想着什么马特·戴蒙 |
Jake gyllenhaal in jarhead with that little santa hat on. | 还有留着锅盖头带圣诞帽的杰克·吉伦哈尔 |
Hey, where you goin'? what's wrong? | 你去哪儿怎么了 |
But it always ends up the same. | 不过结局都一样 |
There must be some people who know about your talent. | 肯定有人知道你会读心术吧 |
The people closest to me. | 最亲近的人 |
But we never talk about it. | 不过我们从不谈及它 |
And I do my best to stay out of their heads. | 我也尽量不去读他们所想 |
Over the years I've learned how. | 这些年我已经学会怎么控制了 |
I figure it's kind of unethical to listen in to my family and my friends, | 偷听家人朋友还有老板的心里所想 |
My boss. | 我觉得不太道德 |
But they know. | 不过他们知道 |
Other people suspect or they think I'm psychic. | 其他人也会怀疑或以为我能通灵 |
Most people just think I'm crazy. | 大部分人认为我疯了 |
What does it sound like? | 听起来像什么 |
It's sort of like a stream of consciousness. | 像是一种意识流 |
Gets weirder when people are mad, or upset and sometimes... | 当人们发怒或者郁闷的时候就会变得更奇怪 |
Sometimes it's just images. | 有时只是一些想象 |
I should be gettin' home. | 我得回家了 |
Bill, I feel completely healed. | 比尔我觉得我完全好了 |
You are. | 确实 |
Do doctors know that v-juice can do this? | 医生知道吸血鬼的血有这个作用吗 |
No. | 不知道 |
And we wanna keep it that way. | 我们也不想让人知道 |
I should show you to your car. | 我带你回你车那儿去 |
-How you doin', motherfucker? -what's up, joe? | -最近怎么样哇混蛋-怎么样啊 乔 |
Sexy ass over there. | 屁股真性感 |
Hey, hey, hey. hey, baby. | 宝贝儿 |
Hey, big boy, what's up, you? | 大个子干嘛呢 |
What's up, baby? | 在干嘛宝贝儿 |
I'm terrell. | 我叫特瑞尔 |