Coach Shane《Daily Easy English Expression》学习笔记 026-050


026 I couldn't help it

解释:I couldn't help it.= I couldn't control myself. = I couldn't stop it. 我没有办法;我没办法;我忍不住

用法:couldn't 读快的时候可以省略t的音,再快可以省略d的音,接近c'n

A: Why did you laugh in class?

B: I couldn't help it.

A: What was so funny?

B: The way he said "Uranus".

027 to look away



A: Don't look away from me when I'm talking to you.

B: Yes, dad.

A: Did you take the cookies or not?

B: I was hungry!

028 don't push it

解释:在这里it 指运气。别越界哈;不要咄咄逼人;别操之过急。You are pushing it,你过界了,你过分了。


A: Can you make me spaghetti?

B: I'm a little tired, but why not?

A: Thank you. Can you make garlic bread, too?

B: Uh... Okay.

A: And do the dishes?

B: You're pushing it.

029 Are you done yet?

解释:Are you done yet? = Are you finished yet? 你完事了没;你们做完了吗

用法:读快接近 ar yuh....

A: Are you done yet?

B: Almost.

A: Hurry up! I'lll wait in the car.

B: Hey, you got any toilet paper out there? Hello? Anyone? HELP!!

030 Knock on wood.

解释:祈求好运,吉人天相, 谢天谢地,asking for luck。


A: You broke your arm again?

B: Yeah. This is my third time.

A: I've never broken my arm. Knock on wood!

B: It's no big deal~

031 Count me out/in.

解释:不要算我/算我一个,to exclude sb/to include sb。


A: Did you hear? The boss is looking for volunteers.

B: For what?

A: To help wash his car.

B: Count me out. I'd rather get fired.

A: He can count me in! I love the boss.

032 To rain on your parade.

解释:parade游行,to do sth terrible to your plan。


A: What's that? A present?

B: Diamond earring. They're for Sue!

A: Wow! Uh...I don't want to rain on your parade, but Sue just got engaged.

B: What? Engaged? She's gonna get married? What???

033 I'm broke!

解释:没钱了,I have no money。


A: Let's go eat lunch.

B: 'Kay. Burgers?

A: Nah, I want something healthy.

B: Healthy? Healthy means expensive. I can't. I'm broke.

034 To sell SOMEONE out.

解释:出卖,to betray sb。


A: I can't believe you sold me out to mom.

B: You're always selling me out.

A: Okay, let's make a truce.

B: Okay. From now on, we lie for each other to mom.

A: Good.

C: I heard that~

035 It will all come down to

解释:to come down to sth/me/you/the final exam/God, It=the result, all=completely,取决于,降至;归结起来;变为;归结为。


A: In order to win the tournament, he must make this putt.

B: It will all come down to this putt.

A: It all comes down to this shot...

B: It all comes down to his concentration...

A: NO! He missed! He's a loser!

036 I beg to differ.

解释:I'm sorry but I disagree with you, I don't think so,。

用法:这个用法很礼貌,强调意见不一致,意思比Maybe,however,I think 强。

A: Don't these uggs look good on me?

B: I beg to differ.

A: What?

B: You look like a gay cowboy. Uggs are for women.

037 Luck Lock and Look

解释:Luck, Lock, Look的发音区别。


A: Where're you going?

B: To the library. I want to look for a book.

A: Good luck. They locked up already.

B: It's that late?

038 Don't sweat it!

解释:Don't worry about it. Don't be too stressed out.


A: I need you to finish this report, okay?

B: By when?

A: .By next Tuesday.

B: That gives me only Thursday, Friday and Money to work on it.

A: Don't sweat it! You can come in on the weekend.

039 Go all out~

解释:to go all out=to do one hundred and ten perent of your energy/passion,全力以赴,不惜一切代价。

用法:to go all out

A: Look at all the bags!

B: Christmas shopping! I went all out this year~

A: Did you get one for me?

B: No. You said you didn't believe in Santa.

040 ~ already


用法:Where are you already? You should be done already.

A: Where is my fried chicken already? I ordered 30 minutes ago.

B: Here's your order, sir.

A: I thought you forgot about me.

B: With your beautiful voice? How could I?

041 Come down with

解释:I think I'm coming down with something. => I think I'm getting sick

用法:coming down with +疾病。I think I'm coming down with a cold/the flue/a virus/a headache/a stomachache.

A: You don't look too good.

B: I feel terrible.

A: Are you coming down with a cold?

B: I think so. I'd better buy lots of vitamin C.

042 Go down

解释:to go down=>down 有三种解释 1. the south(上北下南左西右东)。2. 空间的上和下,down the hill/elevator。3. 郊区,urban area, downtown,the hall。


A: Are you going down to the store today?

B: I went down yesterday.

A: Please? I need some more beer!

B: Go get it yourself.

043 Steal my thunder

解释:to steal someone's thunder,thunder=>big day, big moment,抢了某人的风头。


A: Aren't you inviting Amanda to eht wedding?

B: No way. She always tries to steal my thunder.

A: How? Because she always tries to be the queen?

B: That's right. That's MY day and I'm not gonna let ANYONE steal my thunder.

044 a pain in the neck

解释:讨厌鬼,烦心事(英国英语亦用a pain in the arse, a pain in the backside等,美国英语亦用a pain in the ass, a pain in the butt等,但多数人认为具冒犯意味)

用法:to be a pain in the neck(in the读快接近in nuh),也可简化为 a pain。

A: Oh, this traffic is such a pain in the neck.

B: Well, it's Friday night. It's always bad.

A: Next time, let's take the subway or bus.

B: Oh, but standing on the bus is such a pain in the neck, too!

045 to come in on


用法:to come in on 后加具体星期几Monday等, 周末周中Weekend、Weekdays、数字日期(the 10th of May),预约日期的时候可以使用。

A: Can you come in on a weekend?

B: No. I can only go in on weekdays.

A: Can you come in of Friday?

B: No, I'm Muslim. That's my weekend. Sunday?

046 to turn in

解释:1. 睡觉=go to bed。2. 举报。3.提交。

用法:1. When did you turn in last night? 2. Turn in the weapons to the police. 3. Turn in the proposal to the boss.

A: Did you turn in the assignment?

B: Yes! Now I'm free~

A: So, what are you gonna do?

B: I'm gonna turn in early tonight. I'm tired~~

047 to lack something

解释:to be missing something,to be short of sth,缺少的,不足的

用法:laking something

A: Any advice? How do I get more YouTube viewers?

B: Well. you are lacking something.

A: What? Energy?

B: Hair. You might want to get a toupee.

048 I'm down.


用法:I am down.=>I'm down.

A: You wanna go watch the basketbal game tonight?

B: You paying?

A: No need~Free tickets!

B: Cool! I'm down!

049 to kick it up a notch.

解释:to kick up=> to increase,增加;a notch=>a space, a hole,a little 一档。


A: It's pretty cool in here.

B: The thermostas's at 24.

A: Can we kick it up a notch?

B: Okay. Ooh! That's my favorite song!

A: Me, too! Let's kick that up a notch, too!

050 happy holidays.

解释:holidays, 和习俗有关,日历中标红的节日;vacation ,学校、工作假期;weekend 周末。


A:What are you up to on the holiday?

B: Just staying at home. I start my vacation next week.

A: Why so late?

B: Holiday traffic! It's too much!

你可能感兴趣的:(Coach Shane《Daily Easy English Expression》学习笔记 026-050)