




0000000000023c80 <_dl_start>:
   23c80:	a9bf7bfd 	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
   23c84:	910003fd 	mov	x29, sp
   23c88:	94000024 	bl	23d18 <abort>

其对应的表格为(readelf -wF):

00000050 0000000000000014 00000054 FDE cie=00000000 pc=0000000000023c80..0000000000023c8c
   LOC           CFA      x29   ra    
0000000000023c80 sp+0     u     u     
0000000000023c84 sp+16    c-16  c-8 

表格中的原始数据格式为(readelf -wf):

00000050 0000000000000014 00000054 FDE cie=00000000 pc=0000000000023c80..0000000000023c8c
  DW_CFA_advance_loc: 4 to 0000000000023c84		//ip地址
  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 16						//sp偏移16
  DW_CFA_offset: r29 (x29) at cfa-16
  DW_CFA_offset: r30 (x30) at cfa-8


  • ip地址在23c80处时,还没有发生压栈,return addr也不发生改变
  • ip地址在23c84处时,发生了压栈,上一个栈帧的地址为cfa(call frame addr),x29则保存在cfa - 16处,return addr保存在cfa - 8 处

上述的该表格通过CIE(common information entry)和FDE(frame description entry)来描述,而CIE和FDE存储在eh_frame section中,为了加快FDE和CIE的查找,还存在一个eh_frame_hdr section,其各自描述如下:

  1. eh_frame_hdr结构
Encoding Field
unsigned char version
unsigned char eh_frame_ptr_enc
unsigned char fde_count_enc
unsigned char table_enc
encoded eh_frame_ptr
encoded fde_count
binary search table
  • eh_frame_ptr_enc:对结构体中eh_frame_ptr的编码,eh_frame_ptr是一个不定长的数据,需要根据eh_frame_ptr_enc的编码规则来组成该数据。
  • fde_count_enc:对结构体中fde_count的编码,fde_count同样是一个不定长的数据,需要根据fde_count_enc的编码规则来组成该数据。
  • table_enc:对fde table的编码,这个编码更像是标志位。
  • eh_frame_ptr:指向eh_frame section的首地址。
  • fde_count:搜索表中fde entry的个数
  • binary search table:包含fde count个fde entry的fde table,每个fde entry又包含起始地址和fde地址两个成员。fde table用于快速定位fde的位置,提高查找效率。


struct __attribute__((packed)) dwarf_eh_frame_hdr
    unsigned char version;
    unsigned char eh_frame_ptr_enc;	//eh_frame_ptr_enc,对内部成员eh_frame的编码格式
    unsigned char fde_count_enc;	//fde_count 编码格式 
    unsigned char table_enc;		//table encode,table entry的编码格式
    Elf_W (Addr) eh_frame;			//指向eh_frame section,
    /* The rest of the header is variable-length and consists of the
       following members:
        encoded_t fde_count;
            encoded_t start_ip; // first address covered by this FDE,地址是基于eh_frame_hdr地址的偏移,不是映射地址
            encoded_t fde_addr; // address of the FDE
        binary_search_table[fde_count];  */
  1. FDE结构
Field Description
Length Required
Extended Length Optional
CIE Pointer Required
PC begin Required
PC Range Required
Augmentation Data Length Optional
Augmentation Data Optional
Call Frame Instructions Required


  • Length:FDE占据的长度,固定为4个字节,当该值为0xFFFFFFFF时,表示该FDE为64位DWARF格式,FDE长度记录在紧接着的64位数据中。注意,Length本身不包含在占据的长度中。
  • Extended Length:当FDE为64位DWARF格式时,才包含该成员,表示FDE占据的长度。
  • CIE Pointer:指向CIE的指针,该值实际上为一个偏移量,通过当前CIE Pointer所在地址减去该偏移值即可得到CIE的地址。该值占据的字节数根据DWARF的格式为4或8个字节。
  • PC Begin:被该FDE覆盖的起始地址,该值被CIE中的FDE encoding成员进行了编码,其占据的字节数需要根据编码规则确定。
  • PC range:被该FDE覆盖的范围,该值同样被CIE中的FDE encoding成员进行了编码,其占据的字节数需要根据编码规则确定。
  • Augmentation Data Length:FDE扩展数据大小,依赖于CIE中的扩展字符串,当扩展字符串以‘z’开头时才包含该成员。
  • Augmentation Data:FDE扩展数据,包含指向LSDA的指针,由CIE中的LSDA encoding成员进行了编码。
  • Call Frame Instructions:指令码序列,该序列指示如何推演调用栈。
  1. CIE结构
Field Description
Length Required
Extended Length Optional
CIE ID Required
version Required
Augmentation String Required
Code Alignment Factor Required
Data Alignment Factor Required
Return Address Register Required
Augmentation Data Length Optional
Augmentation Data Optional
Inital Instructions Optional
  • Length:CIE占据的长度,固定为4个字节,当该值为0xFFFFFFFF时,表示该FDE为64位DWARF格式,CIE长度记录在紧接着的64位数据中。
  • Extended Length:当CIE为64位DWARF格式时,才包含该成员,表示CIE占据的长度。
  • CIE ID:0。
  • version:固定为1。
  • Augmentation String:扩充参数字符串,以NULL字符结尾。
  • Code Alignment Factor:代码对齐因子。
  • Data Alignment Factor:数据对齐因子。
  • Return Address Register:返回地址寄存器,指明哪一个寄存器中保存了返回地址。
  • Augmentation Data:依赖于Augmentation String中的字符序列,‘R’字符对应fde encoding。
  • Initial Instructions:指令码

对于没有fde table的elf文件而言,可转向debug_frame去搜索符合条件的fde,只不过此时需要从debug_frame开始逐行对每个fde进行解析,直到找到目标fde。而拥有fde table的elf文件则可以直接根据搜索表定位到目标fde的地址,直接解析该fde即可。


/* The function finds the saved locations and applies the register
   state as well. */
dwarf_step (struct dwarf_cursor *c)
  int ret;
  dwarf_state_record_t sr;
  if ((ret = find_reg_state (c, &sr)) < 0)//[1.1]
    return ret;
  return apply_reg_state (c, &sr.rs_current);//[1.2]

[1.1] 获取寄存器装态,根据FDE填充寄存器

/* Find the saved locations. */
static int
find_reg_state (struct dwarf_cursor *c, dwarf_state_record_t *sr)
  dwarf_reg_state_t *rs;
  struct dwarf_rs_cache *cache;
  int ret = 0;
  intrmask_t saved_mask;

  if ((cache = get_rs_cache(c->as, &saved_mask)) &&
      (rs = rs_lookup(cache, c)))
      /* update hint; no locking needed: single-word writes are atomic */
      unsigned short index = rs - cache->buckets;
      c->use_prev_instr = ! cache->links[index].signal_frame;
      memcpy (&sr->rs_current, rs, sizeof (*rs));
      ret = fetch_proc_info (c, c->ip);				//[1.1.1]
      int next_use_prev_instr = c->use_prev_instr;
      if (ret >= 0)
	  /* Update use_prev_instr for the next frame. */
	  struct dwarf_cie_info *dci = c->pi.unwind_info;
	  next_use_prev_instr = ! dci->signal_frame;
	  ret = create_state_record_for (c, sr, c->ip);//[1.1.2]
      put_unwind_info (c, &c->pi);
      c->use_prev_instr = next_use_prev_instr;

      if (cache && ret >= 0)
	  rs = rs_new (cache, c);
	  cache->links[rs - cache->buckets].hint = 0;
	  memcpy(rs, &sr->rs_current, sizeof(*rs));

  unsigned short index = -1;
  if (cache)
      put_rs_cache (c->as, cache, &saved_mask);
      if (rs)
	  index = rs - cache->buckets;
	  c->hint = cache->links[index].hint;
	  cache->links[c->prev_rs].hint = index + 1;
	  c->prev_rs = index;
  if (ret < 0)
      return ret;
  if (cache)
    tdep_reuse_frame (c, cache->links[index].signal_frame);
  return 0;

[1.1.1] 获取FDE

static int
fetch_proc_info (struct dwarf_cursor *c, unw_word_t ip)
  int ret, dynamic = 1;

  /* The 'ip' can point either to the previous or next instruction
     depending on what type of frame we have: normal call or a place
     to resume execution (e.g. after signal frame).

     For a normal call frame we need to back up so we point within the
     call itself; this is important because a) the call might be the
     very last instruction of the function and the edge of the FDE,
     and b) so that run_cfi_program() runs locations up to the call
     but not more.

     For signal frame, we need to do the exact opposite and look
     up using the current 'ip' value.  That is where execution will
     continue, and it's important we get this right, as 'ip' could be
     right at the function entry and hence FDE edge, or at instruction
     that manipulates CFA (push/pop). */
  if (c->use_prev_instr)

  memset (&c->pi, 0, sizeof (c->pi));

  /* check dynamic info first --- it overrides everything else */
  ret = unwi_find_dynamic_proc_info (c->as, ip, &c->pi, 1,
  if (ret == -UNW_ENOINFO)
      dynamic = 0;
      if ((ret = tdep_find_proc_info (c, ip, 1)) < 0)
        return ret;

  if (c->pi.format != UNW_INFO_FORMAT_DYNAMIC
      && c->pi.format != UNW_INFO_FORMAT_TABLE
      && c->pi.format != UNW_INFO_FORMAT_REMOTE_TABLE)
    return -UNW_ENOINFO;

  c->pi_valid = 1;
  c->pi_is_dynamic = dynamic;

  /* Let system/machine-dependent code determine frame-specific attributes. */
  if (ret >= 0)
    tdep_fetch_frame (c, ip, 1);

  return ret;

unwi_find_dynamic_proc_info (unw_addr_space_t as, unw_word_t ip,
                             unw_proc_info_t *pi, int need_unwind_info,
                             void *arg)
  if (as == unw_local_addr_space)
    return local_find_proc_info (as, ip, pi, need_unwind_info, arg);
    return remote_find_proc_info (as, ip, pi, need_unwind_info, arg);
static inline int
local_find_proc_info (unw_addr_space_t as, unw_word_t ip, unw_proc_info_t *pi,
                      int need_unwind_info, void *arg)
  unw_dyn_info_list_t *list;
  unw_dyn_info_t *di;

# pragma weak _U_dyn_info_list_addr
  if (!_U_dyn_info_list_addr)
    return -UNW_ENOINFO;

  list = (unw_dyn_info_list_t *) (uintptr_t) _U_dyn_info_list_addr ();
  for (di = list->first; di; di = di->next)
    if (ip >= di->start_ip && ip < di->end_ip)
      return unwi_extract_dynamic_proc_info (as, ip, pi, di, need_unwind_info,
  return -UNW_ENOINFO;
/*下文分析以arm架构、local unwind为例,/include/tdep-arm/libunwind_i.h*/
# define tdep_find_proc_info(c,ip,n)                            \
        arm_find_proc_info((c)->as, (ip), &(c)->pi, (n),        \
# define tdep_put_unwind_info(as,pi,arg)                \
        arm_put_unwind_info((as), (pi), (arg))
# define tdep_find_proc_info(c,ip,n)                                    \
        (*(c)->as->acc.find_proc_info)((c)->as, (ip), &(c)->pi, (n),    \
# define tdep_put_unwind_info(as,pi,arg)                \
        (*(as)->acc.put_unwind_info)((as), (pi), (arg))
arm_find_proc_info (unw_addr_space_t as, unw_word_t ip,
                    unw_proc_info_t *pi, int need_unwind_info, void *arg)
  int ret = -1;
  intrmask_t saved_mask;

  Debug (14, "looking for IP=0x%lx\n", (long) ip);
    ret = dwarf_find_proc_info (as, ip, pi, need_unwind_info, arg);
      struct arm_cb_data cb_data;

      memset (&cb_data, 0, sizeof (cb_data));
      cb_data.ip = ip;
      cb_data.pi = pi;
      cb_data.di.format = -1;

      SIGPROCMASK (SIG_SETMASK, &unwi_full_mask, &saved_mask);
      ret = dl_iterate_phdr (arm_phdr_cb, &cb_data);
      SIGPROCMASK (SIG_SETMASK, &saved_mask, NULL);

      if (cb_data.di.format != -1)
        ret = arm_search_unwind_table (as, ip, &cb_data.di, pi,
				       need_unwind_info, arg);
        ret = -UNW_ENOINFO;

  return ret;
dwarf_find_proc_info (unw_addr_space_t as, unw_word_t ip,
                      unw_proc_info_t *pi, int need_unwind_info, void *arg)
  struct dwarf_callback_data cb_data;
  intrmask_t saved_mask;
  int ret;

  Debug (14, "looking for IP=0x%lx\n", (long) ip);

  memset (&cb_data, 0, sizeof (cb_data));
  cb_data.ip = ip;
  cb_data.pi = pi;
  cb_data.need_unwind_info = need_unwind_info;
  cb_data.di.format = -1;
  cb_data.di_debug.format = -1;

  SIGPROCMASK (SIG_SETMASK, &unwi_full_mask, &saved_mask);
  ret = dl_iterate_phdr (dwarf_callback, &cb_data);

  if (ret > 0)
      if (cb_data.single_fde)
	/* already got the result in *pi */
	return 0;
		/*如果存在fde search table 则在seerch table中查找*/
      /* search the table: */
      if (cb_data.di.format != -1)
	ret = dwarf_search_unwind_table_int (as, ip, &cb_data.di,
					     pi, need_unwind_info, arg);
	ret = -UNW_ENOINFO;
	/*如果search table中没有找到,并且还存在debug frame则尝试在debug frame中找*/
      if (ret == -UNW_ENOINFO && cb_data.di_debug.format != -1)
	ret = dwarf_search_unwind_table_int (as, ip, &cb_data.di_debug, pi,
					     need_unwind_info, arg);
    ret = -UNW_ENOINFO;

  return ret;
/* ptr is a pointer to a dwarf_callback_data structure and, on entry,
   member ip contains the instruction-pointer we're looking
   for.  */
dwarf_callback (struct dl_phdr_info *info, size_t size, void *ptr)
  struct dwarf_callback_data *cb_data = ptr;
  unw_dyn_info_t *di = &cb_data->di;
  const Elf_W(Phdr) *phdr, *p_eh_hdr, *p_dynamic, *p_text;
  unw_word_t addr, eh_frame_start, eh_frame_end, fde_count, ip;
  Elf_W(Addr) load_base, max_load_addr = 0;
  int ret, need_unwind_info = cb_data->need_unwind_info;
  unw_proc_info_t *pi = cb_data->pi;
  struct dwarf_eh_frame_hdr *hdr = NULL;
  unw_accessors_t *a;
  long n;
  int found = 0;
  struct dwarf_eh_frame_hdr synth_eh_frame_hdr;
  unw_word_t start, end;
  ip = cb_data->ip;

  /* Make sure struct dl_phdr_info is at least as big as we need.  */
  if (size < offsetof (struct dl_phdr_info, dlpi_phnum)
             + sizeof (info->dlpi_phnum))
    return -1;

  Debug (15, "checking %s, base=0x%lx)\n",
         info->dlpi_name, (long) info->dlpi_addr);

  phdr = info->dlpi_phdr;		//动态库program header指针
  load_base = info->dlpi_addr;	//动态库加载地址
  p_text = NULL;				//代码段首地址
  p_eh_hdr = NULL;				//eh_frame_hdr首地址
  p_dynamic = NULL;				//动态段首地址

  /* See if PC falls into one of the loaded segments.  Find the
     eh-header segment at the same time.  */
  for (n = info->dlpi_phnum; --n >= 0; phdr++)				//遍历该动态库的segment
      if (phdr->p_type == PT_LOAD)							//如果是加载段							
          Elf_W(Addr) vaddr = phdr->p_vaddr + load_base;

          if (ip >= vaddr && ip < vaddr + phdr->p_memsz)	//如果目标地址在该加载段,则该加载段为代码段
            p_text = phdr;									//记录代码段首地址

          if (vaddr + phdr->p_filesz > max_load_addr)		//记录加载到内存的虚拟地址最大地址
            max_load_addr = vaddr + phdr->p_filesz;
      else if (phdr->p_type == PT_GNU_EH_FRAME)
        p_eh_hdr = phdr;									//记录eh_frame_hdr段program header
      else if (phdr->p_type == PT_DYNAMIC)
        p_dynamic = phdr;									//记录动态段program header

  if (!p_text)												//如果ptext为0,则代表目标ip不在该动态库,直接返回
    return 0;

  if (p_eh_hdr)												//如果eh_frame_hdr存在,则记录eh_frame_hdr段首地址
      hdr = (struct dwarf_eh_frame_hdr *) (p_eh_hdr->p_vaddr + load_base);
    {														//如果不存在eh_frame_hdr则需要去合成eh_frame_header
      Elf_W (Addr) eh_frame;
      Debug (1, "no .eh_frame_hdr section found\n");
      eh_frame = dwarf_find_eh_frame_section (info);
      if (eh_frame)
          Debug (1, "using synthetic .eh_frame_hdr section for %s\n",
	  synth_eh_frame_hdr.version = DW_EH_VERSION;
	  synth_eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame_ptr_enc = DW_EH_PE_absptr |
	    ((sizeof(Elf_W (Addr)) == 4) ? DW_EH_PE_udata4 : DW_EH_PE_udata8);
          synth_eh_frame_hdr.fde_count_enc = DW_EH_PE_omit;
          synth_eh_frame_hdr.table_enc = DW_EH_PE_omit;
	  synth_eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame = eh_frame;
          hdr = &synth_eh_frame_hdr;

  if (hdr)					//如果找到了eh_frame_hdr的首地址
      if (p_dynamic)		//如果动态段存在
          /* For dynamicly linked executables and shared libraries,
             DT_PLTGOT is the value that data-relative addresses are
             relative to for that object.  We call this the "gp".  */
          Elf_W(Dyn) *dyn = (Elf_W(Dyn) *)(p_dynamic->p_vaddr + load_base);
          for (; dyn->d_tag != DT_NULL; ++dyn)
            if (dyn->d_tag == DT_PLTGOT)					//根据动态段找到PLTGOT(重定位表)段的首地址
                /* Assume that _DYNAMIC is writable and GLIBC has
                   relocated it (true for x86 at least).  */
                di->gp = dyn->d_un.d_ptr;
        /* Otherwise this is a static executable with no _DYNAMIC.  Assume
           that data-relative addresses are relative to 0, i.e.,
           absolute.  */
        di->gp = 0;
      pi->gp = di->gp;										//将di->gp记录到unwind info

      if (hdr->version != DW_EH_VERSION)
          Debug (1, "table `%s' has unexpected version %d\n",
                 info->dlpi_name, hdr->version);
          return 0;

      a = unw_get_accessors_int (unw_local_addr_space); 	//初始化结构体
      addr = (unw_word_t) (uintptr_t) (&hdr->eh_frame);		//eh_frame地址,为变长的地址

      /* (Optionally) read eh_frame_ptr: */					//读取eh_frame_start地址,读取之后addr会增加,指向下一个成员
      if ((ret = dwarf_read_encoded_pointer (unw_local_addr_space, a,
                                             &addr, hdr->eh_frame_ptr_enc, pi,
                                             &eh_frame_start, NULL)) < 0)
        return ret;

      /* (Optionally) read fde_count: */					//读取fde_count
      if ((ret = dwarf_read_encoded_pointer (unw_local_addr_space, a,
                                             &addr, hdr->fde_count_enc, pi,
                                             &fde_count, NULL)) < 0)
        return ret;
/*如果没有fde table,则需要遍历eh_frame去查找*/
      if (hdr->table_enc != (DW_EH_PE_datarel | DW_EH_PE_sdata4))
          /* If there is no search table or it has an unsupported
             encoding, fall back on linear search.  */
          if (hdr->table_enc == DW_EH_PE_omit)
            Debug (4, "table `%s' lacks search table; doing linear search\n",
            Debug (4, "table `%s' has encoding 0x%x; doing linear search\n",
                   info->dlpi_name, hdr->table_enc);

          eh_frame_end = max_load_addr; /* XXX can we do better? */

          if (hdr->fde_count_enc == DW_EH_PE_omit)
            fde_count = ~0UL;
          if (hdr->eh_frame_ptr_enc == DW_EH_PE_omit)
            abort ();

          Debug (1, "eh_frame_start = %lx eh_frame_end = %lx\n",
                 eh_frame_start, eh_frame_end);

          /* XXX we know how to build a local binary search table for
             .debug_frame, so we could do that here too.  */
          found = linear_search (unw_local_addr_space, ip,
                                 eh_frame_start, eh_frame_end, fde_count,
                                 pi, need_unwind_info, NULL);
          if (found != 1)
            found = 0;
	    cb_data->single_fde = 1;
      else			//如果存在fde table,则直接在table中根据索引查找,直接填充相关的数据
          di->format = UNW_INFO_FORMAT_REMOTE_TABLE;
          di->start_ip = p_text->p_vaddr + load_base;						//代码段起始地址
          di->end_ip = p_text->p_vaddr + load_base + p_text->p_memsz;		//代码段终止地址
          di->u.rti.name_ptr = (unw_word_t) (uintptr_t) info->dlpi_name;	//动态库名称
          di->u.rti.table_data = addr;										//table地址
          assert (sizeof (struct table_entry) % sizeof (unw_word_t) == 0);
          di->u.rti.table_len = (fde_count * sizeof (struct table_entry)
                                 / sizeof (unw_word_t));
          /* For the binary-search table in the eh_frame_hdr, data-relative
             means relative to the start of that section... */
          di->u.rti.segbase = (unw_word_t) (uintptr_t) hdr;					//相对地址的基准为eh_frame_ptr的基地址
													//就是说table entry中保存的地址都是相对与segbase的地址
          found = 1;
          Debug (15, "found table `%s': segbase=0x%lx, len=%lu, gp=0x%lx, "
                 "table_data=0x%lx\n", (char *) (uintptr_t) di->u.rti.name_ptr,
                 (long) di->u.rti.segbase, (long) di->u.rti.table_len,
                 (long) di->gp, (long) di->u.rti.table_data);

  /* Find the start/end of the described region by parsing the phdr_info
     structure.  */
  start = (unw_word_t) -1;
  end = 0;
  for (n = 0; n < info->dlpi_phnum; n++)
      if (info->dlpi_phdr[n].p_type == PT_LOAD)
          unw_word_t seg_start = info->dlpi_addr + info->dlpi_phdr[n].p_vaddr;
          unw_word_t seg_end = seg_start + info->dlpi_phdr[n].p_memsz;

          if (seg_start < start)
            start = seg_start;

          if (seg_end > end)
            end = seg_end;
//从文件中读取debug frame段,并填充table表
  found = dwarf_find_debug_frame (found, &cb_data->di_debug, ip,
                                  info->dlpi_addr, info->dlpi_name, start,
#endif  /* CONFIG_DEBUG_FRAME */

  return found;
#ifndef __clang__
static ALIAS(dwarf_search_unwind_table) int
dwarf_search_unwind_table_int (unw_addr_space_t as,
                               unw_word_t ip,
                               unw_dyn_info_t *di,
                               unw_proc_info_t *pi,
                               int need_unwind_info, void *arg);
#define dwarf_search_unwind_table_int dwarf_search_unwind_table
dwarf_search_unwind_table (unw_addr_space_t as, unw_word_t ip,
                           unw_dyn_info_t *di, unw_proc_info_t *pi,
                           int need_unwind_info, void *arg)
  const struct table_entry *e = NULL, *table;
  unw_word_t ip_base = 0, segbase = 0, last_ip, fde_addr;
  unw_accessors_t *a;
  struct table_entry ent;
  int ret;
  unw_word_t debug_frame_base;
  size_t table_len;

  assert (is_remote_table(di->format));
  assert (is_remote_table(di->format)
          || di->format == UNW_INFO_FORMAT_TABLE);
  assert (ip >= di->start_ip && ip < di->end_ip);
  if (is_remote_table(di->format))
      table = (const struct table_entry *) (uintptr_t) di->u.rti.table_data;
      table_len = di->u.rti.table_len * sizeof (unw_word_t);
      debug_frame_base = 0;
  else   /*从debug frame中查找*/
      assert(di->format == UNW_INFO_FORMAT_TABLE);
      struct unw_debug_frame_list *fdesc = (void *) di->u.ti.table_data;

      /* UNW_INFO_FORMAT_TABLE (i.e. .debug_frame) is read from local address
         space.  Both the index and the unwind tables live in local memory, but
         the address space to check for properties like the address size and
         endianness is the target one.  */
      as = unw_local_addr_space;
      table = fdesc->index;
      table_len = fdesc->index_size * sizeof (struct table_entry);
      debug_frame_base = (uintptr_t) fdesc->debug_frame;

  a = unw_get_accessors_int (as);

  segbase = di->u.rti.segbase;
  if (di->format == UNW_INFO_FORMAT_IP_OFFSET) {
    ip_base = di->start_ip;
  } else {
    ip_base = segbase;

  if (as == unw_local_addr_space)
      e = lookup (table, table_len, ip - ip_base);			//相对地址为ip - ipbase
      if (e && &e[1] < &table[table_len])
	last_ip = e[1].start_ip_offset + ip_base;				//找到被该FDE覆盖的起始映射地址
	last_ip = di->end_ip;
      int32_t last_ip_offset = di->end_ip - ip_base;
      segbase = di->u.rti.segbase;							
      if ((ret = remote_lookup (as, (uintptr_t) table, table_len,
                                ip - ip_base, &ent, &last_ip_offset, arg)) < 0)
        return ret;
      if (ret)
	  e = &ent;
	  last_ip = last_ip_offset + ip_base;
        e = NULL;       /* no info found */
  if (!e)
      Debug (1, "IP %lx inside range %lx-%lx, but no explicit unwind info found\n",
             (long) ip, (long) di->start_ip, (long) di->end_ip);
      /* IP is inside this table's range, but there is no explicit
         unwind info.  */
      return -UNW_ENOINFO;
  Debug (15, "ip=0x%lx, start_ip=0x%lx\n",
         (long) ip, (long) (e->start_ip_offset));
  if (debug_frame_base)
    fde_addr = e->fde_offset + debug_frame_base;
    fde_addr = e->fde_offset + segbase;									//fde的地址
  Debug (1, "e->fde_offset = %lx, segbase = %lx, debug_frame_base = %lx, "
            "fde_addr = %lx\n", (long) e->fde_offset, (long) segbase,
            (long) debug_frame_base, (long) fde_addr);
  if ((ret = dwarf_extract_proc_info_from_fde (as, a, &fde_addr, pi,
                                               debug_frame_base ?
                                               debug_frame_base : segbase,
                                               debug_frame_base != 0, arg)) < 0)
    return ret;

  /* .debug_frame uses an absolute encoding that does not know about any
     shared library relocation.  */
  if (di->format == UNW_INFO_FORMAT_TABLE)
      pi->start_ip += segbase;
      pi->end_ip += segbase;
      pi->flags = UNW_PI_FLAG_DEBUG_FRAME;

#if defined(NEED_LAST_IP)
  pi->last_ip = last_ip;
  if (ip < pi->start_ip || ip >= pi->end_ip)
    return -UNW_ENOINFO;

  return 0;
/* Extract proc-info from the FDE starting at adress ADDR.
   Pass BASE as zero for eh_frame behaviour, or a pointer to
   debug_frame base for debug_frame behaviour.  */

dwarf_extract_proc_info_from_fde (unw_addr_space_t as, unw_accessors_t *a,
                                  unw_word_t *addrp, unw_proc_info_t *pi,
                                  unw_word_t base,
                                  int need_unwind_info, int is_debug_frame,
                                  void *arg)
  unw_word_t fde_end_addr, cie_addr, cie_offset_addr, aug_end_addr = 0;
  unw_word_t start_ip, ip_range, aug_size, addr = *addrp;
  int ret, ip_range_encoding;
  struct dwarf_cie_info dci;
  uint64_t u64val;
  uint32_t u32val;

  Debug (12, "FDE @ 0x%lx\n", (long) addr);

  memset (&dci, 0, sizeof (dci));
//读取FDE的第一个成员length:如果该值不为0xffffffff,则表示的是FDE的长度;如果该值为0xffffffff,则表示接下来的64位为FDE的长度,为64位格式的FDE entry。
  if ((ret = dwarf_readu32 (as, a, &addr, &u32val, arg)) < 0)
    return ret;

  if (u32val != 0xffffffff)
      int32_t cie_offset = 0;

      /* In some configurations, an FDE with a 0 length indicates the
         end of the FDE-table.  */
      if (u32val == 0)
        return -UNW_ENOINFO;

      /* the FDE is in the 32-bit DWARF format */			//32位的DWARF 格式

      *addrp = fde_end_addr = addr + u32val;				//FDE entry的尾地址
      cie_offset_addr = addr;								
      if ((ret = dwarf_reads32 (as, a, &addr, &cie_offset, arg)) < 0)
        return ret;

      if (is_cie_id (cie_offset, is_debug_frame))
        /* ignore CIEs (happens during linear searches) */
        return 0;

      if (is_debug_frame)									//根据是否为debug_frame中,获取CIE的地址
        cie_addr = base + cie_offset;
        /* DWARF says that the CIE_pointer in the FDE is a
           .debug_frame-relative offset, but the GCC-generated .eh_frame
           sections instead store a "pcrelative" offset, which is just
           as fine as it's self-contained.  */
        cie_addr = cie_offset_addr - cie_offset;
  else														//若为64位的FDE entry
      int64_t cie_offset = 0;

      /* the FDE is in the 64-bit DWARF format */

      if ((ret = dwarf_readu64 (as, a, &addr, &u64val, arg)) < 0)
        return ret;

      *addrp = fde_end_addr = addr + u64val;
      cie_offset_addr = addr;

      if ((ret = dwarf_reads64 (as, a, &addr, &cie_offset, arg)) < 0)
        return ret;

      if (is_cie_id (cie_offset, is_debug_frame))
        /* ignore CIEs (happens during linear searches) */
        return 0;

      if (is_debug_frame)
        cie_addr = base + cie_offset;
        /* DWARF says that the CIE_pointer in the FDE is a
           .debug_frame-relative offset, but the GCC-generated .eh_frame
           sections instead store a "pcrelative" offset, which is just
           as fine as it's self-contained.  */
        cie_addr = (unw_word_t) ((uint64_t) cie_offset_addr - cie_offset);

  Debug (15, "looking for CIE at address %lx\n", (long) cie_addr);
  if ((ret = parse_cie (as, a, cie_addr, pi, &dci, is_debug_frame, arg)) < 0)
    return ret;

  /* IP-range has same encoding as FDE pointers, except that it's
     always an absolute value: */
  ip_range_encoding = dci.fde_encoding & DW_EH_PE_FORMAT_MASK;
  if ((ret = dwarf_read_encoded_pointer (as, a, &addr, dci.fde_encoding,
                                         pi, &start_ip, arg)) < 0
      || (ret = dwarf_read_encoded_pointer (as, a, &addr, ip_range_encoding,
                                            pi, &ip_range, arg)) < 0)
    return ret;
  pi->start_ip = start_ip;
  pi->end_ip = start_ip + ip_range;
  pi->handler = dci.handler;

  if (dci.sized_augmentation)
      if ((ret = dwarf_read_uleb128 (as, a, &addr, &aug_size, arg)) < 0)
        return ret;
      aug_end_addr = addr + aug_size;

  if ((ret = dwarf_read_encoded_pointer (as, a, &addr, dci.lsda_encoding,
                                         pi, &pi->lsda, arg)) < 0)
    return ret;

  Debug (15, "FDE covers IP 0x%lx-0x%lx, LSDA=0x%lx\n",
         (long) pi->start_ip, (long) pi->end_ip, (long) pi->lsda);

//判断是否需要保存CIE FDE的内容,
  if (need_unwind_info)
      pi->format = UNW_INFO_FORMAT_TABLE;
      pi->unwind_info_size = sizeof (dci);
      pi->unwind_info = mempool_alloc (&dwarf_cie_info_pool);
      if (!pi->unwind_info)
        return -UNW_ENOMEM;

      if (dci.have_abi_marker)
          if ((ret = dwarf_readu16 (as, a, &addr, &dci.abi, arg)) < 0
              || (ret = dwarf_readu16 (as, a, &addr, &dci.tag, arg)) < 0)
            return ret;
          Debug (13, "Found ABI marker = (abi=%u, tag=%u)\n",
                 dci.abi, dci.tag);

      if (dci.sized_augmentation)
        dci.fde_instr_start = aug_end_addr;
        dci.fde_instr_start = addr;
      dci.fde_instr_end = fde_end_addr;

      memcpy (pi->unwind_info, &dci, sizeof (dci));
  return 0;

[1.1.2] 解析FDE并填充寄存器

static int
create_state_record_for (struct dwarf_cursor *c, dwarf_state_record_t *sr,
                         unw_word_t ip)
  int ret;
  switch (c->pi.format)
      if ((ret = setup_fde(c, sr)) < 0)		//解析CIE指令码
	return ret;
      ret = parse_fde (c, ip, sr);			//解析FDE指令码

      ret = parse_dynamic (c, ip, sr);

      Debug (1, "Unexpected unwind-info format %d\n", c->pi.format);
      ret = -UNW_EINVAL;
  return ret;
static inline int
setup_fde (struct dwarf_cursor *c, dwarf_state_record_t *sr)
  int i, ret;

  assert (c->pi_valid);

  memset (sr, 0, sizeof (*sr));
  for (i = 0; i < DWARF_NUM_PRESERVED_REGS + 2; ++i)
    set_reg (sr, i, DWARF_WHERE_SAME, 0);

  struct dwarf_cie_info *dci = c->pi.unwind_info;
  sr->rs_current.ret_addr_column  = dci->ret_addr_column;
  unw_word_t addr = dci->cie_instr_start;					//CIE指令码首地址
  unw_word_t curr_ip = 0;									//ip = 0
  dwarf_stackable_reg_state_t *rs_stack = NULL;
  ret = run_cfi_program (c, sr, &curr_ip, ~(unw_word_t) 0, &addr,
			 &rs_stack, dci);
  if (ret < 0)
    return ret;

  memcpy (&sr->rs_initial, &sr->rs_current, sizeof (sr->rs_initial));
  return 0;

static inline int
parse_fde (struct dwarf_cursor *c, unw_word_t ip, dwarf_state_record_t *sr)
  int ret;
  struct dwarf_cie_info *dci = c->pi.unwind_info;
  unw_word_t addr = dci->fde_instr_start;			//FDE的指令码首地址
  unw_word_t curr_ip = c->pi.start_ip;				//FDE覆盖的首地址
  dwarf_stackable_reg_state_t *rs_stack = NULL;
  /* Process up to current `ip` for signal frame and `ip - 1` for normal call frame
     See `c->use_prev_instr` use in `fetch_proc_info` for details. */
     // c->use_prev_instr = 0 或1, 用于当前ip或ip - 1 去回溯
  ret = run_cfi_program (c, sr, &curr_ip, ip - c->use_prev_instr, &addr, dci->fde_instr_end,
			 &rs_stack, dci);
  if (ret < 0)
    return ret;

  return 0;

[1.2] 根据解析FDE后得到的register state推算下一级frame的寄存器值,这个就是对照指令码表进行解析即可

static int
apply_reg_state (struct dwarf_cursor *c, struct dwarf_reg_state *rs)
  unw_word_t regnum, addr, cfa, ip;
  unw_word_t prev_ip, prev_cfa;
  unw_addr_space_t as;
  dwarf_loc_t cfa_loc;
  unw_accessors_t *a;
  int i, ret;
  void *arg;

  prev_ip = c->ip;
  prev_cfa = c->cfa;

  as = c->as;
  arg = c->as_arg;
  a = unw_get_accessors_int (as);

  /* Evaluate the CFA first, because it may be referred to by other
     expressions.  */

  if (rs->reg.where[DWARF_CFA_REG_COLUMN] == DWARF_WHERE_REG)
      /* CFA is equal to [reg] + offset: */

      /* As a special-case, if the stack-pointer is the CFA and the
         stack-pointer wasn't saved, popping the CFA implicitly pops
         the stack-pointer as well.  */
      if ((rs->reg.val[DWARF_CFA_REG_COLUMN] == UNW_TDEP_SP)
          && (UNW_TDEP_SP < ARRAY_SIZE(rs->reg.val))
          && (rs->reg.where[UNW_TDEP_SP] == DWARF_WHERE_SAME))
          cfa = c->cfa;
          regnum = dwarf_to_unw_regnum (rs->reg.val[DWARF_CFA_REG_COLUMN]);
          if ((ret = unw_get_reg ((unw_cursor_t *) c, regnum, &cfa)) < 0)
            return ret;
      cfa += rs->reg.val[DWARF_CFA_OFF_COLUMN];
      /* CFA is equal to EXPR: */

      assert (rs->reg.where[DWARF_CFA_REG_COLUMN] == DWARF_WHERE_EXPR);

      addr = rs->reg.val[DWARF_CFA_REG_COLUMN];
      if ((ret = eval_location_expr (c, as, a, addr, &cfa_loc, arg)) < 0)
        return ret;
      /* the returned location better be a memory location... */
      if (DWARF_IS_REG_LOC (cfa_loc))
        return -UNW_EBADFRAME;
      cfa = DWARF_GET_LOC (cfa_loc);

  dwarf_loc_t new_loc[DWARF_NUM_PRESERVED_REGS];
  memcpy(new_loc, c->loc, sizeof(new_loc));

  for (i = 0; i < DWARF_NUM_PRESERVED_REGS; ++i)
      switch ((dwarf_where_t) rs->reg.where[i])
        case DWARF_WHERE_UNDEF:
          new_loc[i] = DWARF_NULL_LOC;

        case DWARF_WHERE_SAME:

        case DWARF_WHERE_CFAREL:
          new_loc[i] = DWARF_MEM_LOC (c, cfa + rs->reg.val[i]);

        case DWARF_WHERE_REG:
          new_loc[i] = DWARF_REG_LOC (c, dwarf_to_unw_regnum (rs->reg.val[i]));

        case DWARF_WHERE_EXPR:
          addr = rs->reg.val[i];
          if ((ret = eval_location_expr (c, as, a, addr, new_loc + i, arg)) < 0)
            return ret;

        case DWARF_WHERE_VAL_EXPR:
          addr = rs->reg.val[i];
          if ((ret = eval_location_expr (c, as, a, addr, new_loc + i, arg)) < 0)
            return ret;
          new_loc[i] = DWARF_VAL_LOC (c, DWARF_GET_LOC (new_loc[i]));

  memcpy(c->loc, new_loc, sizeof(new_loc));

  c->cfa = cfa;
  /* DWARF spec says undefined return address location means end of stack. */
  if (DWARF_IS_NULL_LOC (c->loc[rs->ret_addr_column]))
      c->ip = 0;
      ret = 0;
    ret = dwarf_get (c, c->loc[rs->ret_addr_column], &ip);
    if (ret < 0)
      return ret;
    c->ip = ip;
    ret = 1;

  /* XXX: check for ip to be code_aligned */
  if (c->ip == prev_ip && c->cfa == prev_cfa)
      Dprintf ("%s: ip and cfa unchanged; stopping here (ip=0x%lx)\n",
               __FUNCTION__, (long) c->ip);
      return -UNW_EBADFRAME;

  if (c->stash_frames)
    tdep_stash_frame (c, rs);

  return ret;


通过readelf -S libc-2.31.so得到eh_frame_hdr和eh_frame section的位置:

[17] .eh_frame_hdr     PROGBITS         00000000001293e8  001293e8
       0000000000005944  0000000000000000   A       0     0     4
[18] .eh_frame         PROGBITS         000000000012ed30  0012ed30
       0000000000022234  0000000000000000   A       0     0     8


version: 01			//byte
eh_frame_ptr_enc:1b	//byte
fde_count_enc:03	//byte
table_enc:3b		//byte
eh_frame_ptr:1293ec + 5944 = 12ed30 //与readelf读取出来得一致
fde_count: b27
binary search table:
start_ip: ffefa898 + 1293e8(eh_frame_hdr首地址) = 23c80
fde_addr: 5998 + 1293e8 = 12ed80
start_ip: ffefa8a4 + 1293e8(eh_frame_hdr首地址) = 23c8c
fde_addr: 5a94 + 1293e8 = 12ef7c


CIE Pointer:0x54  //则CIE addr为 12ed84 - 54 = 12ed30


CIE ID:00000000
Augmentation String: 7a 52 00 //对应右侧的zR字符串
Code Alignment Factor:0x04
Data Alignment Factor: 0x78
Return Address Register: 0x1e
Augmentation Data Length:0x01
Augmentation Data:0x1b       //为fde encoding, 
Inital Instructions: 0c 1f 00  //总长度为0x10


CIE Pointer:0x54  //则CIE addr为 12ed84 - 54 = 12ed30
PC begin:0xffef4ef8 + 0x12ed88 = 0x23c80 //12ed88为当前地址
PC Range:0x0c	 //pc range encoding =  fde encoding & 0x0f = 0x0b
Augmentation Data Length:0x00
Call Frame Instructions:41 0e 10 9d 02 9e 01//总长度为0x14

指令码的解析可以参考代码,与readelf -wf libc-2.31.so读取的eh_frame对比如下,可以发现和最后一条是一致的。

Contents of the .eh_frame section:

00000000 0000000000000010 00000000 CIE
  Version:               1
  Augmentation:          "zR"
  Code alignment factor: 4
  Data alignment factor: -8
  Return address column: 30
  Augmentation data:     1b
  DW_CFA_def_cfa: r31 (sp) ofs 0

00000014 0000000000000010 00000018 FDE cie=00000000 pc=0000000000024040..0000000000024044

00000028 0000000000000024 0000002c FDE cie=00000000 pc=0000000000024048..00000000000240e8
  DW_CFA_advance_loc: 4 to 000000000002404c
  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 48
  DW_CFA_offset: r29 (x29) at cfa-48
  DW_CFA_offset: r30 (x30) at cfa-40
  DW_CFA_advance_loc: 16 to 000000000002405c
  DW_CFA_offset: r19 (x19) at cfa-32
  DW_CFA_offset: r20 (x20) at cfa-24
  DW_CFA_advance_loc: 80 to 00000000000240ac
  DW_CFA_restore: r30 (x30)
  DW_CFA_restore: r29 (x29)
  DW_CFA_restore: r19 (x19)
  DW_CFA_restore: r20 (x20)
  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 0
  DW_CFA_advance_loc: 4 to 00000000000240b0

00000050 0000000000000014 00000054 FDE cie=00000000 pc=0000000000023c80..0000000000023c8c
  DW_CFA_advance_loc: 4 to 0000000000023c84
  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 16
  DW_CFA_offset: r29 (x29) at cfa-16
  DW_CFA_offset: r30 (x30) at cfa-8
