




(The UIKit framework provides the core objects that you need to build apps for iOS and tvOS. You use these objects to display your content onscreen, to interact with that content, and to manage interactions with the system. Apps rely on UIKit for their basic behavior, and UIKit provides many ways for you to customize that behavior to match your specific needs.)

You always start the development of an iOS or tvOS app by creating a project in Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment. If you don’t have Xcode, you can download it from the App Store. You can also download the latest version from developer.apple.com.


(Xcode provides template projects as starting points for every app you create. For example, Figure 1 shows the structure of an app created using the single view app template in Xcode. The template projects provide a minimal user interface, so you can build and run your project immediately and see the results on a device or in the simulator.)

Figure 1

(When you build your app, Xcode compiles your source files and creates an app bundle for your project. An app bundle is a structured directory that contains the code and resources associated with the app. Resources include the image assets, storyboard files, strings files, and app metadata that support your code. The structure of the app bundle is important, but Xcode knows where your resources need to go, so don’t worry about it for now.)

必需的应用程序元数据(Required App Metadata)

系统从应用程序包中的信息属性列表(Info.plist)文件中导出关于您的应用程序配置和功能的信息。 Xcode为每个新项目模板提供了此文件的预配置版本,但您可能需要在某个时候修改此文件。 例如,如果您的应用程序依赖于特定的硬件或使用特定的系统框架,则可能需要将与这些功能相关的信息添加到此文件中。
(The system derives information about your app’s configuration and capabilities from the information property list (Info.plist) file in your app bundle. Xcode provides a preconfigured version of this file with every new project template, but you will likely need to modify this file at some point. For example, if your app relies on specific hardware, or uses specific system frameworks, you might need to add information related to those features to this file.)
(One common modification you can make to the Info.plist file is to declare your app’s hardware and software requirements. These requirements are how you communicate to the system what your app needs to run. For example, a navigation app might require the presence of GPS hardware to provide turn-by-turn directions, as shown in Figure 3. The App Store prevents an app from being installed on a device that does not meet your app’s requirements.)

Figure 3

关于更多你可以引入在Info.plist文件中的关键字,请参阅信息属性列表关键字参考。(For information about the keys that you can include in your Info.plist file, see Information Property List Key Reference.)

UIKit应用程序的代码结构(Code Structure of a UIKit App)

UIKit提供一些应用程序的核心对象,包括这些与系统交互的应用程序,运行应用程序的主事件循环以及在屏幕上显示你的内容。你可以按原样使用这些对象,也可以仅使用较小的修改。知道修改过哪些对象,和什么时候去修改,对于实现你的应用至关重要。(UIKit provides many of your app’s core objects, including those that interact with the system, run the app’s main event loop, and display your content onscreen. You use most of these objects as-is or with only minor modifications. Knowing which objects to modify, and when to modify them, is crucial to implementing your app.)
UIKit应用程序结构基于模型-视图-控制器(MVC)设计模式,其中对象是按照他们的用途划分的。模型对象管理应用程序的数据和业务逻辑。视图对象提供了你的数据的可视化表示。控制器对象扮演者你的模型和视图对象的桥梁,在适当的时候在他们移动数据。(The structure of UIKit apps is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, wherein objects are divided by their purpose. Model objects manage the app’s data and business logic. View objects provide the visual representation of your data. Controller objects act as a bridge between your model and view objects, moving data between them at appropriate times.)
(Figure 4 represents a fairly typical structure of a UIKit app. You provide the model objects that represent your app’s data structures. UIKit provides most of the view objects, although you can define custom views for your data, as needed. Coordinating the exchange of data between your data objects and the UIKit views are your view controllers and app delegate object.)

Figure 4

UIKit和Foundation框架提供了许多你可以定义应用程序模型对象的基础类型。UIKit为组织属于基于磁盘文件的数据结构提供了UIDocment对象。(谷歌翻译:UIKit提供了一个UIDocument对象,用于组织属于基于磁盘的文件中的数据结构。)Foundation框架定义了基础对象呈现字符串,数字,数组和其他数据类型。The Swift Standard Library提供了许多基础框架中可用的相同类型。
(The UIKit and Foundation frameworks provide many of the basic types that you use to define your app’s model objects. UIKit provides a UIDocument object for organizing the data structures that belong in a disk-based file. The Foundation framework defines basic objects representing strings, numbers, arrays, and other data types. The Swift Standard Library provides many of the same types available in the Foundation framework.)
(UIKit provides most of the objects in the controller and view layers of your app. Specifically, UIKit defines the UIView class, which is usually responsible for displaying your content onscreen. (You can also render content directly to the screen using Metal and other system frameworks.) The UIApplication object runs your app’s main event loop and manages your app’s overall life cycle.)
