主页传送门: 传送
事情是这样的 今天在拉取了同事的代码做redis缓存设置的时候,发现即使已经设置了database, 但是存数据的时候还是用的默认0数据库。这引起了我的好奇,遂开始琢磨是什么情况造成的这种现象。
host: ${REDIS_HOST:localhost}
port: ${REDIS_PORT:6379}
password: ${REDIS_PASSWORD:}
database: ${REDIS_DATABASE:0}
然后通过RedisConfiguration 加载
public class RedisConfiguration {
private String host;
private int port;
private String password;
private int database;
// getters and setters...
引入Commons Pool对象池,用于缓存Redis连接的原因是因为Lettuce本身是基于Netty的异步驱动,在异步访问时并不需要创建连接池,但基于Servlet模型的同步访问时,连接池是有必要的。目的是为了复用对象,以减少创建对象的开销,所以一定记得要加这个依赖。
* Creates an instance that can be served by the pool and wrap it in a
* {@link PooledObject} to be managed by the pool.
* @return a {@code PooledObject} wrapping an instance that can be served by the pool
* @throws Exception if there is a problem creating a new instance,
* this will be propagated to the code requesting an object.
PooledObject makeObject()throws Exception;
* Destroys an instance no longer needed by the pool.
* * It is important for implementations of this method to be aware that there
* is no guarantee about what state obj
will be in and the
* implementation should be prepared to handle unexpected errors.
* * Also, an implementation must take in to consideration that instances lost
* to the garbage collector may never be destroyed.
* @param p a {@code PooledObject} wrapping the instance to be destroyed
* @throws Exception should be avoided as it may be swallowed by
* the pool implementation.
* @see #validateObject
* @see ObjectPool#invalidateObject
void destroyObject(PooledObject p)throws Exception;
* Ensures that the instance is safe to be returned by the pool.
* @param p a {@code PooledObject} wrapping the instance to be validated
* @return false
if obj
is not valid and should
* be dropped from the pool, true
boolean validateObject(PooledObject p);
* Reinitializes an instance to be returned by the pool.
* @param p a {@code PooledObject} wrapping the instance to be activated
* @throws Exception if there is a problem activating obj
* this exception may be swallowed by the pool.
* @see #destroyObject
void activateObject(PooledObject p)throws Exception;
* Uninitializes an instance to be returned to the idle object pool.
* @param p a {@code PooledObject} wrapping the instance to be passivated
* @throws Exception if there is a problem passivating obj
* this exception may be swallowed by the pool.
* @see #destroyObject
void passivateObject(PooledObject p)throws Exception;
Jedis 和Lettuce 是Java 操作Redis 的客户端。
在Spring Boot 1.x 版本默认使用的是Jedis ,而在Spring Boot 2.x 版本默认使用的就是Lettuce。
所以如果你用的是1.x版本的话 需要把 RedisConnectionFactory factory 替换为LettuceConnectionFactory lettuceConnectionFactory
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