在 Kubernetes 中,overlay 网络模式被用于实现容器之间的网络通信。
K8s 使用了一种称为容器网络接口(Container Network Interface,简称CNI)的规范,该规范定义了容器如何进行网络连接。实际上,CNI 并没有指定特定的 overlay 网络技术,而是将其留给各个容器运行时(如Docker、CRI-O等)来实现。
常见的在 Kubernetes 上使用的 overlay 网络方案包括:
Overlay网络的主要优势是它可以提供更高级别的网络功能,如虚拟隔离、QoS(Quality of Service)、安全性等。同时,它还可以实现网络功能的灵活部署和管理,不受物理网络限制。
常见的overlay网络技术包括VXLAN(Virtual Extensible LAN)、GRE(Generic Routing Encapsulation)、MPLS(Multiprotocol Label Switching)等。这些技术利用封装和隧道协议,实现了数据包的透明传送和提供了更多的网络功能。
本地区域网络(Local Area Network,LAN)是一种计算机网络,用于连接位于相对较小地理范围内的设备,例如在家庭、办公室、学校或数据中心中。LAN通常用于实现数据共享、设备连接和资源共享等目的。
LAN通常由位于同一局域网(Local Area Network)中的多台计算机、服务器、网络设备(如交换机和路由器)、打印机和其他网络连接设备组成。这些设备通过网络链路(如以太网)相互连接,以实现数据交换和通信。
VXLAN(Virtual eXtensible LAN)是一种网络虚拟化技术,用于创建虚拟局域网。它可以将不同的网络数据包封装在UDP数据包中,将虚拟网络从底层网络互相隔离,从而提供可扩展性和安全性。
在Kubernetes中,常见的Overlay网络方案包括Flannel、Calico和Weave Net。这些方案使用了不同的技术来实现Overlay网络。
以Flannel为例,它是一种基于VXLAN(Virtual Extensible LAN)的Overlay网络方案。VXLAN技术允许在底层网络之上创建一个虚拟网络,通过将通信数据包封装在UDP数据包中,并在物理网络上传输。这样,容器可以通过Overlay网络进行通信,就好像它们属于同一个局域网一样。
Overlay network mode is a commonly used solution in Kubernetes to facilitate communication between containers. It allows the creation of a virtual network overlay on top of the underlying physical network to enable container communication across hosts.
In Kubernetes, overlay network mode leverages the Container Network Interface (CNI) to define and establish network connections between containers. It implements encapsulation and tunneling protocols to wrap communication packets within another packet, enabling their transmission over the network. This way, containers can communicate using the overlay network as if they were part of the same local network.
Several overlay network solutions exist in Kubernetes, including Flannel, Calico, and Weave Net. These solutions employ different technologies to implement overlay networking.
Let’s take Flannel as an example, which is an overlay network solution based on VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN). VXLAN enables the creation of a virtual network overlay on top of the physical network. It encapsulates communication packets within UDP datagrams and transports them across the physical network. Consequently, containers can communicate over the overlay network, appearing as if they belong to the same LAN.
In Kubernetes, each node sets up a VXLAN tunnel, forming a virtual overlay network. Containers can communicate across nodes using this overlay network. VXLAN technology also provides network isolation and security between containers, ensuring secure and reliable communication.
The implementation principle of VXLAN technology involves encapsulation and tunneling protocols to transport communication packets. When a container sends a packet, it encapsulates it within a UDP datagram. This UDP datagram is then transmitted to the destination node where the receiving container resides.
Upon receiving the UDP datagram, the destination node decapsulates the packet and delivers it to the target container. This enables communication between containers over the overlay network, with the underlying network remaining transparent to this communication.
VXLAN technology’s purpose is to facilitate the creation of virtual networks and enable communication between containers. Through VXLAN, Kubernetes builds a logical overlay network on top of the underlying physical network. This freedom allows containers to communicate across nodes without being limited by the physical network topology.
Furthermore, VXLAN technology provides network isolation and security between containers. By encapsulating packets in UDP datagrams and transporting them via tunnels, communication remains secure and reliable, reducing the risk of network attacks and threats.
In summary, overlay network mode is a solution used in Kubernetes to establish container communication. VXLAN technology is a commonly used approach for enabling overlay networks. By encapsulating and tunneling communication packets, VXLAN establishes a virtual overlay network on top of the physical network, offering secure container communication and flexibility in network topology within the Kubernetes cluster.