基于 SIFT 和 RANSAC 算法对高分辨率图像进行图像伪造检测(Matlab代码实现)






1 概述

2 运行结果

3 参考文献

4 Matlab代码实现

1 概述


基于 SIFT 和 RANSAC 算法对高分辨率图像进行图像伪造检测(Matlab代码实现)_第1张图片



Cloning (copy-move forgery) is a malicious tampering attack with digital images where a part of image is copied and pasted within the image to conceal the important details of image without any obvious traces of manipulation. This type of tampering attacks leaves a big question of authenticity of images to the forensics. Many techniques are proposed in the past few years after powerful software's are developed to manipulate the image. The proposed scheme is involved with both the block based and feature point extraction based techniques to extract the forged regions more accurately. The proposed algorithm mainly involves in matching the tentacles of same features extracted from each block by computing the dot product between the unit vectors. Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm is used to extract the matched regions. The experimental result of the algorithm which is proposed indicates that, it can extract more accurate results compared with existing forgery detection methods.

2 运行结果

close all;
clear all;
X=imread('cat.jpg');  %图片可以换成自己的

[H1,V1,D1] = detcoef2('all',c,s,1);

基于 SIFT 和 RANSAC 算法对高分辨率图像进行图像伪造检测(Matlab代码实现)_第2张图片

 基于 SIFT 和 RANSAC 算法对高分辨率图像进行图像伪造检测(Matlab代码实现)_第3张图片

基于 SIFT 和 RANSAC 算法对高分辨率图像进行图像伪造检测(Matlab代码实现)_第4张图片

基于 SIFT 和 RANSAC 算法对高分辨率图像进行图像伪造检测(Matlab代码实现)_第5张图片

 基于 SIFT 和 RANSAC 算法对高分辨率图像进行图像伪造检测(Matlab代码实现)_第6张图片

 基于 SIFT 和 RANSAC 算法对高分辨率图像进行图像伪造检测(Matlab代码实现)_第7张图片


img = double(img)/255;
ScaleSpaceNum = 3; % number of scale space intervals
SigmaOrigin = 2^0.5; % default sigma
ScaleFactor = 2^(1/ScaleSpaceNum);
StackNum = ScaleSpaceNum + 3; % number of stacks = number of scale space intervals + 3
OctaveNum = 3;
GaussianFilterSize = 21; 

3 参考文献


[1]Ramu, Gonapalli, and S. B. G. Thilak Babu. “Image Forgery Detection for High Resolution Images Using SIFT and RANSAC Algorithm.” 2017 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), IEEE, 2017, doi:10.1109/cesys.2017.8321205.

4 Matlab代码实现
