


I guess Dad must have been pretty happy with himself for making me go outside yesterday, because he did it again today.

It’s getting really annoying to have to go up to Rowley’s every time I want to play a video game. There’s this weird kid named Fregley who lives halfway between my house and Rowley’s, and Fregley is always hanging out in his front yard. So it’s pretty hard to avoid him.

Fregley is in my Phys Ed class at school, and he has this whole made-up language. Like when he needs to go to the bathroom, he says—

Us kids have pretty much figured Fregley out by now, but I don’t think the teachers have really caught on yet.

made-up 编造的

英文解释:A made-up word, name, or story is invented, rather than really existing or being true.

e.g. It looks like a made-up word.

catch on 理解

英文解释:If you catch on to something, you understand it, or realize that it is happening.

e.g. Wait a minute! I'm beginning to catch on.


Today, I probably would have gone up to Rowley’s on my own anyway, because my brother Rodrick and his band were practicing down in the basement.

Rodrick’s band is really awful, and I can’t stand being home when they’re having rehearsals.

His band is called “Loaded Diaper,” only it’s spelled “Löded Diper” on Rodrick’s van.

You might think he spelled it that way to make it look cooler, but I bet if you told Rodrick how “Loaded Diaper” is really spelled, it would be news to him.

Dad was against the idea of Rodrick starting a band, but Mom was all for it.

She’s the one who bought Rodrick his first drum set.

I think Mom has this idea that we’re all going to learn to play instruments and then become one of those family bands like you see on TV.

rehearsal 排练

英文解释:A rehearsal of a play, dance, or piece of music is a practice of it in preparation for a performance.

drum set 架子鼓

Dad really hates heavy metal, and that’s the kind of music Rodrick and his band play. I don’t think Mom really cares what Rodrick plays or listens to, because to her, all music is the same. In fact, earlier today, Rodrick was listening to one of his CDs in the family room, and Mom came in and started dancing.

That really bugged Rodrick, so he drove off to the store and came back fifteen minutes later with some headphones. And that pretty much took care of the problem.

heavy metal 重金属

bug 困扰,烦恼

英文解释:If someone or something bugs you, they worry or annoy you.

take care of 处理,清除

英文解释:protect against trouble

comment:take care of sth. 不仅有照看的意思,而且有处理的意思。
