
HOUSTON – From the moment he said “I can’t breathe” to protests and violence in cities across the US, George Floyd’s death — at the hands of Minneapolis police officers — has reignited the discussion about race and police brutality in America.


Here is a look at a timeline of events that have happened since his death:


May 25: Floyd dies after officer kneels on his neck while in police custody


Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died on May 25 in Minneapolis police custody after video showed him pleading for air as an officer knelt on his neck. Floyd's death has sparked protests and unrest across the nation as demonstrators demand police reform and justice served to Floyd's arresting officers.


May 26: Officers involved fired


The four Minneapolis police officers who were involved in the arrest of Floyd were fired after a bystander’s video showed the man pleading that he could not breathe as a white officer knelt on his neck. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey tweeted about the firings, saying "This is the right call.”

参与逮捕弗洛伊德的四名明尼阿波利斯警察被解雇,原因是一名旁观者的视频显示,弗洛伊德在一名白人警察跪在他脖子上时,请求他不能呼吸。明尼阿波利斯市长Jacob Frey在推特上谈到了解雇事件,他说:“这是正确的决定。”

May 27: Protests take place in Minneapolis and Houston


Firefighters stand as an aerial hose sends water on hot spots of a building destroyed near the Minneapolis Police Third Precinct Thursday, May 28, 2020, in Minneapolis, after a night of rioting and looting as protests continue over the death of George Floyd, who was seen on video gasping for breath during an arrest in which an officer kneeled on his neck.


Protesters took to the streets in major cities across the country, including Houston, after Floyd died in Minneapolis police custody. Protesters took to the streets demanding change.


May 28: Minnesota governor warns of ‘extremely dangerous situation’


The demonstrations were initially peaceful but turned “extremely dangerous,” according to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. Groups of demonstrators looted and damaged stores in the surrounding areas, according to CNN’s observations. Attorney Benjamin Crump said in a statement that he and Floyd’s relatives were calling for peaceful protests and social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic.

明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·瓦尔兹(Tim Walz)说,示威活动最初是和平的,但后来变得“极其危险”。根据CNN的观察,成群的示威者洗劫并破坏了周边地区的商店。律师本杰明·克伦普在一份声明中说,他和弗洛伊德的亲属呼吁在冠状病毒大流行期间进行和平抗议,并保持社交距离。

May 28: Minnesota governor activates National Guard after days of violence


Walz called in the National Guard as a wounded Minneapolis braced for more violence one day after rioting. Parts of one neighborhood were reduced to smoking shambles, with burned buildings, looted stores and angry graffiti demanding justice.


May 29: Officer arrested, charged in Floyd’s death


Officer Derek Chauvin, 44, was taken into custody by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said Chauvin had been charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter.

现年44岁的警官德里克·沙文(Derek Chauvin)已被刑事逮捕局(Bureau of Criminal arrest)拘留。亨内平县检察官迈克·弗里曼表示,沙文被控三级谋杀和过失杀人罪。

May 31: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott declares state of disaster following weekend of protests


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott declared a State of Disaster for all Texas counties following several protests in cities throughout Texas over the death of Floyd. Also on this date, Houston Police Department Chief Art Acevedo wanted to honor Floyd and offered to have HPD to serve as funeral security escort to the family and Floyd’s body.

得克萨斯州州长格雷格·阿博特宣布得克萨斯州所有县进入灾难状态,此前得克萨斯州多个城市就弗洛伊德的死亡举行了几场抗议活动。也是在这一天,休斯顿警察局局长阿特·阿塞韦多(Art Acevedo)想要表达对弗洛伊德的敬意,并提出让HPD作为他家人和弗洛伊德遗体的葬礼安全护卫

June 1: Family autopsy revealed Floyd was asphyxiated by sustained pressure


An autopsy commissioned for Floyd’s family found that he died of asphyxiation due to neck and back compression when a Minneapolis police officer held his knee on Floyd’s neck for several minutes and ignored his cries of distress, the family’s attorneys said.


June 2: Thousands crowded downtown Houston for George Floyd march


People marched for several hours through downtown Houston in a peaceful protest of the death of Floyd. Rappers Trae tha Truth and Bun B and Mayor Turner marched with the family of Floyd starting from Discovery Green.

人们在休斯顿市中心举行了数小时的和平游行,抗议弗洛伊德的死亡。说唱歌手Trae tha Truth and Bun B和市长特纳与弗洛伊德的家人一起从Discovery Green开始游行。

“Make no mistake, George Floyd was a Houstonian born and raised in the Third Ward and so this could have happened to any person of color in the city of Houston,” said Bun B.


People march and ride horses to protest the death of George Floyd in Houston on Tuesday, June 2, 2020. Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee into Floyd's neck for several minutes even after he stopped moving and pleading for air. 


June 3: Charges upgraded against officer in George Floyd’s case, 3 other officers involved also charged


Prosecutors charged Chauvin with a new more serious charge of second-degree murder and for the first time leveled charges against three other officers at the scene, according to criminal complaints.


This combination of photos provided by the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office in Minnesota on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, shows Derek Chauvin, from left, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao. Chauvin is charged with second-degree murder of George Floyd, a black man who died after being restrained by him and the other Minneapolis police officers on May 25. Kueng, Lane and Thao have been charged with aiding and abetting Chauvin.

明尼苏达州亨内平县警长办公室于2020年6月3日星期三提供的这组照片显示,德里克·沙文(左起)、j·亚历山大·昆(J. Alexander Kueng)、托马斯·莱恩(Thomas Lane)和图索(Tou Thao)。肖文被控二级谋杀黑人乔治·弗洛伊德。5月25日,乔治·弗洛伊德和其他明尼阿波利斯警察被肖文控制后,弗洛伊德死亡。Kueng, Lane和Thao被指控协助和教唆Chauvin。

June 4: Minneapolis memorial service for George Floyd honored his life, called Americans to action


The first of several memorial services for George Floyd was held in Minneapolis. After Thursday’s service, Floyd’s body was taken to North Carolina for a memorial service there over the weekend before being brought home to Houston for a public visitation and funeral.


June 6: Memorial for Floyd in North Carolina



Floyd’s second memorial took place over the weekend in the state where he was born after the 11th night of protests ignited by his death.



June 8: Thousands of mourners pay their respects to George Floyd during public viewing in Houston


Thousands thronged to the Fountain of Praise church to pay their respects to George Floyd ahead of his funeral Tuesday.


Prominent attendees of the public visitation included Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rev. Al Sharpton, attorney Ben Crump and members of Floyd’s family including his brothers Philonise and Rodney. Families of other victims of racial violence including Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Ahmaud Arbery and Botham Jean were also in attendance to support the family.

公开参加的知名人士包括德克萨斯州州长格雷格·阿博特(Greg Abbott)、休斯顿市长特纳(Sylvester Turner)、众议员希拉·杰克逊·李(Sheila Jackson Lee)、阿尔·夏普顿(Al Sharpton)、律师本·克伦普(Ben Crump)以及弗洛伊德的兄弟Philonise和Rodney等家人。其他种族暴力受害者的家人,包括埃里克·加纳、迈克尔·布朗、阿贝里和博瑟姆·吉恩也出席了葬礼,支持这家人的生活。

June 8: Bond raised to $1M for officer charged in Floyd’s death


A judge on Monday kept bail at $1 million for a former Minneapolis police officer charged with second-degree murder in Floyd’s death. Chauvin said little during an 11-minute hearing in which he appeared before Hennepin County Judge Jeannice M. Reding on closed-circuit television from the state’s maximum security prison in Oak Park Heights.


He wore a mask and handcuffs as he sat at a table, where he answered yes or no to routine housekeeping questions and confirmed the spelling of his name and address. He did not enter a plea; a step that usually comes later in Minnesota courts.


June 8: Judge Lina Hidalgo declares June 9 ‘George Perry Floyd, Jr. Day’ in Harris County


Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo signed a proclamation commemorating Tuesday, June 9 as “George Perry Floyd, Jr. Day” in Harris County.


June 9: Floyd’s funeral being held in Houston


Friends and family of Floyd said their final goodbyes during his funeral being held in Houston on Tuesday. The service was scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. at the Fountain on Praise church in southwest Houston. Afterward, a procession was expected to take Floyd’s body to a cemetery in Pearland, where he will be buried next to his mother.


June 9: Houston mayor Sylvester Turner declares June 9 ‘George Perry Floyd, Jr. Day’ in Houston


Houston mayor Sylvester Turner has declared June 9 ‘George Perry Floyd, Jr. Day’ in Houston.

