Visual Studio 2019 c++ 自定义注释 ----doxygen


Visual Studio 2019 c++ 自定义注释 ----doxygen_第1张图片

可加入C++ 也可自定义。 

Visual Studio 2019 c++ 自定义注释 ----doxygen_第2张图片


注释 cannt 文件统一注释 ly Expansion SurroundsWith
fileName 文件名 xxxxxx . \n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software \n * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, \n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. \n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and \n * limitations under the License. \n * \n * @htmlonly * History * @endhtmlonly * Version|Auther|Date|Describe * ------|----|------|-------- * V3.3|Jones Lee|07-DEC-2017|Create File *

©COPYRIGHT 2017 WELLCASA All Rights Reserved.

*/ ]]>
命令   字段名 语法
@file  文件名   file [< name >]
@brief  简介   brief { brief description }
作者   author { list of authors }
主页信息  mainpage [(title)]
年-月-日  date { date description }
 版本号   version { version number }
版权  copyright { copyright description }
 参数 param [(dir)] < parameter-name> { parameter description }
返回    return { description of the return value }
返回值 retval { description }
漏洞   bug { bug description }
细节 details { detailed description }
前提条件 pre { description of the precondition }
参考 see { references }
@link     连接(与@see类库,{@link})    link < link-object>
异常描述   throw < exception-object> { exception description }
待处理   todo { paragraph describing what is to be done }
警告信息   warning { warning message }
弃用说明。可用于描述替代方案,预期寿命等   deprecated { description }
@example       示例。 deprecated { description }

