2019-05-29 【Unity】Terrain画线03:投影Projector


  • 原理:
  1. 在点击的地方画出LineRender,分别计算出各个点的最大、最小X,Y坐标,可以得到一个矩形。
  2. 获得矩形长宽较大的一个,作为Ortho相机的OrthoSize;同时也作为Projector投影器的OrthoSize。把相机和投影器放置在正确的位置上,正好能把画的红线罩住。

  3. Ortho相机拍照一张,作为投影器的贴图。(增大RenderTexture贴图分辨率,可以获得更好的效果)投影器向下投影。Over。

  • 部分代码

using SGF.Unity.Common;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public enum DrawMode

public class TextureGenerator : MonoSingleton
    private float _minX;
    private float _maxX;
    private float _minY;
    private float _maxY;

    private float _middleX;
    private float _middleY;
    private int _textureWidth;
    private int _textureHeight;

    public Color LineColor = Color.red; //作为单例,提供颜色给ProjController画lineRender
    private Color _backgroundColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); //白色透明

    public int TexResolutionMult = 10;
    public float ProjectorHeight = 200;

    public Vector3 GetProjectorPos()
        return new Vector3(_middleX, ProjectorHeight, _middleY);

    private void DataRelease()
        _minX = 0;
        _maxX = 0;
        _minY = 0;
        _maxY = 0;
        _middleX = 0;
        _middleY = 0;
        _textureWidth = 0;
        _textureHeight = 0;

    /// 根据相机拍照LineRender生成纹理图片
    public Texture2D GenerateProceduralTexture(Camera camera, Projector proj, DrawMode type = DrawMode.POLYGON)
        //CalculateTextureWH(posList);  //提前计算过了

        int longSide = _textureWidth > _textureHeight ? _textureWidth : _textureHeight;

        float orthoSize = longSide / 2.0f;
        camera.orthographicSize = orthoSize;
        proj.orthographicSize = orthoSize;

        longSide *= TexResolutionMult;  //乘以分辨率倍数

        RenderTexture rt = null;
        rt = camera.targetTexture;
        if (rt == null)
            rt = new RenderTexture(longSide, longSide, 0);
            camera.targetTexture = rt;
            rt.width = longSide;
            rt.height = longSide;

        Texture2D image = new Texture2D(longSide, longSide);

        // The Render Texture in RenderTexture.active is the one
        // that will be read by ReadPixels.
        RenderTexture.active = rt;    //设置当前活动的rendertexture为当前相机的

        // Render the camera's view.

        // Make a new texture and read the active Render Texture into it.
        //image.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, camera.targetTexture.width, camera.targetTexture.height), 0, 0);
        image.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, longSide, longSide), 0, 0);

        return image;

    #region ===== 程序生成纹理(方案已被取代) =====
    /// 根据计算点生成图片
    //public Texture2D GenerateProceduralTexture(List posList, bool closePolygon = false, DrawMode type = DrawMode.POLYGON)
    //    CalculateTextureWH(posList);
    //    Debug.Log(_textureWidth + ", " + _textureHeight);
    //    Texture2D proceduralTexture = new Texture2D(_textureWidth, _textureHeight);

    //    for(int w = 0;w < _textureWidth; w ++)
    //    {
    //        for(int h = 0; h < _textureHeight; h++)
    //        {
    //            Color pixel = _backgroundColor;

    //            //遍历该点距离每条边的距离,一旦有一条边满足条件跳出循环
    //            for(int i = 0;i < posList.Count;i ++)
    //            {
    //                int next = i + 1;
    //                if (next == posList.Count) next = 0;

    //                Vector3 vstart = WorldToTexture(posList[i]);
    //                Vector3 vend = WorldToTexture(posList[next]);
    //                Vector3 vcurrent = new Vector3(w, 0, h);

    //                if (PointInRect(vstart, vend, vcurrent, LineWidth))
    //                {
    //                    if (PointToStraightlineDistance(vstart, vend, vcurrent) <= LineWidth)
    //                    {
    //                        pixel = LineColor;
    //                        break;
    //                    }
    //                }
    //            }

    //            proceduralTexture.SetPixel(w, h, pixel);
    //        }
    //    }

    //    proceduralTexture.Apply();
    //    return proceduralTexture;

    public void CalculateTextureWH(List posList)

        for (int i = 0;i < posList.Count;i ++)
            float curX = posList[i].x;
            float curY = posList[i].z;

            if(i == 0)
                _minX = _maxY = curX;
                _minY = _maxY = curY;

            if (curX < _minX) _minX = curX;
            if (curX >= _maxX) _maxX = curX;
            if (curY < _minY) _minY = curY;
            if (curY >= _maxY) _maxY = curY;

        _middleX = (_minX + _maxX) / 2;
        _middleY = (_minY + _maxY) / 2;
        _textureWidth = (int)Math.Ceiling(_maxX - _minX);
        _textureHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(_maxY - _minY);

    private Vector3 WorldToTexture(Vector3 originData)
        Vector3 transData = new Vector3(originData.x - _minX, 0, originData.z - _minY);
        return transData;

    /// 点到直线的距离
    /// The of point to vector.
    /// Start point.
    /// End point.
    /// Point.
    public float PointToStraightlineDistance(Vector3 lineStartPoint, Vector3 lineEndPoint, Vector3 targetPoint)
        Vector2 startVe2 = IgnoreYAxis(lineStartPoint);
        Vector2 endVe2 = IgnoreYAxis(lineEndPoint);
        float A = endVe2.y - startVe2.y;
        float B = startVe2.x - endVe2.x;
        float C = endVe2.x * startVe2.y - startVe2.x * endVe2.y;
        float denominator = Mathf.Sqrt(A * A + B * B);
        Vector2 pointVe2 = IgnoreYAxis(targetPoint);
        return Mathf.Abs((A * pointVe2.x + B * pointVe2.y + C) / denominator);

    /// 只计算 起点到终点+linewidth  矩形内的点,忽略矩形外部的点
    private bool PointInRect(Vector3 lineStartPoint, Vector3 lineEndPoint, Vector3 targetPoint, float linewidth)
        float minx,miny,maxx,maxy = 0;
        if(lineStartPoint.x < lineEndPoint.x)
            minx = lineStartPoint.x;
            maxx = lineEndPoint.x;
            minx = lineEndPoint.x;
            maxx = lineStartPoint.x;

        if (lineStartPoint.y < lineEndPoint.y)
            miny = lineStartPoint.y;
            maxy = lineEndPoint.y;
            miny = lineEndPoint.y;
            maxy = lineStartPoint.y;

        //minx -= linewidth;
        //maxx += linewidth;
        //miny -= linewidth;
        //maxy += linewidth;

        if (targetPoint.x <= maxx && targetPoint.x >= minx)
            if(targetPoint.y <= maxy && targetPoint.y >= miny)
                return true;

        return false;

    /// 去掉三维向量的Y轴,把向量投射到xz平面。
    public static Vector2 IgnoreYAxis(Vector3 vector3)
        return new Vector2(vector3.x, vector3.z);


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