





0) { ?>
月份 良品数量 不良数量 良品率 (%) 不良率 (%)
$value) { $goodnum1[] = $value['total_transaction_quantity']; $badnum1[] = $value['total_bad_quantity']; $arr_good_quantity1[] = $value['good_rate']; $arr_bad_quantity1[] = $value['bad_rate']; $arrvendor1[] = $value['operation_code']; } } else { $goodnum1[] = 0; $badnum1[] = 0; $arr_good_quantity1[] = 0; $arr_bad_quantity1[] = 0; $arrvendor1[] = 0; } echo ""; //计算机半年内的总良品和不良 $sql2 = "SELECT SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) AS total_transaction_quantity, SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)) AS total_bad_quantity, CASE WHEN (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0))) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ROUND((SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) / (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)))*100), 2) END AS good_rate, CASE WHEN (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0))) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ROUND((SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)) / (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)))*100), 2) END AS bad_rate, DATE(DATE_SUB(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-%d'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)) AS six_months_ago FROM wip_transactions WHERE transaction_date >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-%d'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)) AND transaction_date <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-%d')); "; $result2 = DB_query($sql2, $db); if ($array2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) { $good_rate2 = $array2['good_rate']; $bad_rate2 = $array2['bad_rate']; $six_months_ago2 = $array2['six_months_ago']; } else { $good_rate2 = 0; $bad_rate2 = 0; $six_months_ago2 = 0; } $array2 = array( (object)array('value' => $good_rate2, 'name' => '良品率'), (object)array('value' => $bad_rate2, 'name' => '不良率') ); echo ""; //计算总的良品和不良 $sql3 = "SELECT SUM( IFNULL( transaction_quantity, 0 ) ) AS total_transaction_quantity, SUM( IFNULL( bad_quantity, 0 ) ) AS total_bad_quantity, CASE WHEN (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0))) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ROUND((SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) / (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)))*100), 2) END AS good_rate, CASE WHEN (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0))) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ROUND((SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)) / (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)))*100), 2) END AS bad_rate FROM wip_transactions"; $result3 = DB_query($sql3, $db); if ($array3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result3)) { $good_rate3 = $array3['good_rate']; $bad_rate3 = $array3['bad_rate']; } else { $good_rate3 = 0; $bad_rate3 = 0; } $array3 = array( (object)array('value' => $good_rate3, 'name' => '良品率'), (object)array('value' => $bad_rate3, 'name' => '不良率') ); echo ""; //计算总的良品和不良 $sql4 = "SELECT wt.employee_num, he.employee_name, SUM(IFNULL(wt.transaction_quantity, 0)) AS total_transaction_quantity, SUM(IFNULL(wt.bad_quantity, 0)) AS total_bad_quantity, CASE WHEN (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0))) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ROUND((SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) / (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)))*100), 2) END AS good_rate, CASE WHEN (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0))) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ROUND((SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)) / (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)))*100), 2) END AS bad_rate FROM wip_transactions wt, hr_employees he WHERE wt.employee_num = he.employee_num -- AND transaction_date >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-%d'), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)) -- AND transaction_date <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-%d')) GROUP BY wt.employee_num ORDER BY bad_rate desc "; $result4 = DB_query($sql4, $db); while ($array4 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result4)) { $arrays4[] = $array4; } if (is_array($arrays4)) { foreach ($arrays4 as $key => $value) { $good_rate4[] = $value['good_rate']; $bad_rate4[] = $value['bad_rate']; $goodnum4[] = $value['total_transaction_quantity']; $badnum4[] = $value['total_bad_quantity']; $employee_name[] = $value['employee_name']; } } else { $good_rate4[] = 0; $bad_rate4[] = 0; $goodnum4[] = 0; $badnum4[] = 0; $employee_name[] = 0; } echo ""; //查询站别的良率、不良率 // $sql5 = "SELECT // operation_code, // SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) AS total_transaction_quantity, // SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)) AS total_bad_quantity, // CASE // WHEN (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0))) = 0 THEN 0 // ELSE ROUND((SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) / (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)))*100), 2) // END AS good_rate, // CASE // WHEN (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0))) = 0 THEN 0 // ELSE ROUND((SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)) / (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)))*100), 2) // END AS bad_rate // FROM wip_transactions // GROUP BY operation_code"; // $result5 = DB_query($sql5, $db); //员工工时 $sql6 = "SELECT wt.employee_num,he.employee_name, SUM((end_date - begin_date) / 3600) AS total_hours, SUM((end_date - begin_date) / (3600 * 24)) AS total_days, SUM((end_date - begin_date) / (3600 * 24 * 365)) AS total_years FROM wip_transactions wt, hr_employees he WHERE wt.employee_num = he.employee_num GROUP BY wt.employee_num"; $result6 = DB_query($sql6, $db); while ($array6 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result6)) { $arrays6[] = $array6; } if (is_array($arrays6)) { foreach ($arrays6 as $key => $value) { $total_hours6[] = $value['total_hours']; $total_days6[] = $value['total_days']; $total_years6[] = $value['total_years']; $employee_name6[] = $value['employee_name']; } } else { $total_hours6[] = 0; $total_days6[] = 0; $total_years6[] = 0; $employee_name6[] = 0; } echo ""; // 待生产工时统计 $sql7 = "SELECT a.operation_code,operation_name,sum(begin_quantity*standard_time) as paipei,sum(a.output_quantity*standard_time) wancheng,sum((begin_quantity-a.output_quantity)*standard_time) wait from wip_operation_plan a,bom_parameters b,wip_jobs_all c where a.operation_code=b.operation_code and begin_quantity>a.output_quantity and standard_time>0 and a.wip_entity_name=c.wip_entity_name GROUP BY a.operation_code,operation_name order by a.operation_code desc"; $result7 = DB_query($sql7, $db); while ($array7 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result7)) { $arrays7[] = $array7; } if (is_array($arrays7)) { foreach ($arrays7 as $key => $value) { $arramount7[] = $value['wait']; $arrvendor7[] = $value['operation_name']; } } else { $arramount7[] = 0; $arrvendor7[] = 0; } echo "";


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