

英文 中文
♪More♪ ♪请赐予我♪
♪Give me more♪ ♪更多♪
♪Give me more♪ ♪更多♪
♪If I had a heart I could love you♪ ♪我若有心就会爱你♪
♪If I had a voice I would sing♪ ♪我若有声便会高歌♪
♪After the night when I wake up♪ ♪沉沉黑夜我将苏醒♪
♪I'll see what tomorrow brings♪ ♪敢问明日将奈我何♪
♪I... I... I...♪ ♪我...我...我...♪
♪If I had a voice I would sing♪ ♪我若有声就会歌唱♪
Hello! 你好
You are Ragnar Lothbrok's son, 你是拉格纳·罗斯布洛克的儿子
Bjorn. 比约恩
I remember you from the thing. 我记得在"那个"上见过你
Yes. 是啊
Where is your father? 你的父亲呢
Bjorn? Who are you talking to? 比约恩你在和谁说话
I was just asking your son 我在问你儿子
where Ragnar Lothbrok might be? 拉格纳·罗斯布洛克可能去哪了
He's gone fishing. 他去捕鱼了

Oh! Fishing. 哦捕鱼啊
He's gone fishing. 去捕鱼了啊
Yes, fishing. 没错去捕鱼了
When will he return? 他什么时候回来
I don't know. 不知道
In which case I must take someone back as surety, 这样的话我得带一个人回去做担保
just in case. 只是以防万一
In case...? 什么万一
In case your husband has not gone fishing! 万一你丈夫没去捕鱼
You! Come! 你过来
Come! 快过来
You have to come with me. 你得跟我走
If you don't obey this order, 你要是违抗命令
the Earl will never give you an arm-ring! 伯爵永远不会给你臂环的
I'll come. 我跟你走
Good. 很好
Then let's be on our way. 那我们上路吧
What are you doing? Where are you taking my son? 你在干什么你要把我儿子带到哪里
He'll be quite safe, woman. 他会很安全的女人
I bid you all a good day. 祝你们今日顺利
We did it, brother. 我们成功了兄弟
Yes, brother, we did. 是啊兄弟成功了
Let's just hope the Earl sees it that way. 希望伯爵也这么想
Yeah. 是啊
What is your name? 你叫什么名字
Athelstan. 阿特尔斯坦
I am Ragnar Lothbrok. 我叫拉格纳·罗斯布洛克
What was that place called? 那地方叫什么
Lindisfarne. 林第斯法恩岛
England? 属于英格兰吗
Yes. 是的
It was foretold that divine punishment 有预言说被神明选择的人
would fall upon God's chosen people for all our grievous sins. 会因恶劣的罪行受到神圣的惩罚
And so it has happened. 这真的发生了
And that is why I am here. 所以我还活着
No. 不对
You are here because I spared your life. 你还活着是因为我保住了你的小命
Why did you spare my life? 你为什么不杀我
I don't know yet. 我还不知道
Ragnar Lothbrok! 拉格纳·罗斯布洛克

What is it? 怎么了
Brother Cenwulf here, beside me. 这位坐在我旁边的凯沃尔夫兄
I think he's dead. 我觉得他死了
You're right. 你说的没错
Leif. 里弗
May God rest your soul, brother Cenwulf. 愿上帝使你的灵魂安息凯沃尔夫兄
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. 奉圣父圣子与圣灵之名阿门
We'll drink well tonight, my friend. 我们今晚将开怀痛饮朋友
Erik! 埃里克
Oh, thank the gods! 感谢众神
And not alone! Look! 我不是一个人看
We've brought slaves to sell. 我们带来了出售的奴隶
But there's more, woman. 还不止这些姑娘
More things of gold and silver 还有你我甚至所有卡特加特海峡人
than you and I have ever seen before, 都从未见过的
nor anyone else here in Kattegat. 比金银更值钱的宝贝
Ragnar Lothbrok, welcome back. 拉格纳·罗斯布洛克欢迎归来
We know you sailed west across the open ocean 我们知道你向西边的大海航行
and found land and plunder, 找到土地劫掠财物
as you promised. 正如你允诺的那样
So let no man say any more that it is not possible, 所以人们再也不能说这一切不可能
and we salute and praise you. 我们赞颂你向你致敬
Knut. You're too late. 克努特你太晚了
You missed the boat. 你错过了船
I came to tell you 我过来告诉你
that Earl Haraldson summons you 哈拉德森伯爵召见你
to attend him in the great hall. 去大会堂里参加仪式
It will be a pleasure. 我倍感荣幸
Well done, Ragnar! 干得好拉格纳
Are you coming, Knut? 你来吗克努特
My lord, 领主大人
it was easy to take all of these things. 要拿走这些东西很简单
The priests in their temple, 教堂里的神父们
they had no weapons. 他们手无寸铁
They were like babies. 他们像婴儿一样软弱
Here is one of their priests. 这是其中一位神父
We captured several of them to sell for slaves. 我们俘虏了一些神父卖为奴隶
It must be true 这肯定是事实
that there are many more such holy places in England 在英国和西方的其他土地上
and other lands to the west 还有更多像这样的圣殿
likewise filled with such treasure, 同样装满了这些珍宝
and to sail there will benefit us all. 航行到那里能造福我们大家
How did you find this place of great riches 当所有的前人都失败之后
when all before you had failed? 你怎么会找到这片富饶的土地
My lord, 领主大人
we were more fortunate than others. 我们比其他人更幸运
We had Thor on our side. 雷神与我们同在
Thor. Thor. Thor. 雷神雷神雷神
Yes. 没错
Then you were indeed fortunate. 那你确实很幸运
But you understand that all this belongs to me, 但你知道所有珍宝都属于我吧
by right. 公正地说
My lord, me and Floki paid for the boat. 领主大人我和弗洛基买下了船
Surely we are entitled to... some reward, 我们当然有资格得到...一些珍宝吧
and my crew. 我的船员也一样
You want me to pay you when you took these things 你从如婴儿般软弱的人们那拿走这些东西
as easily as from babies? 还想让我给你报酬吗
Here's what I've decided to do. 我决定接下来这样做
Each one of you can take one thing from this haul. 你们每个参与航行的人可以从这里拿走一件东西
One? 一件东西吗
Yes. 是的
And you'll still be richer than you were before. 你们还是能比之前更富裕
Now, all the world can see 现在所有人都能看到
how magnanimous and generous is your lord, 你们的领主大人是多么宽宏大量
especially since you disobeyed me. 尤其是在你违抗我之后
So, Ragnar Lothbrok, 那么拉格纳·罗斯布洛克
what will you choose? 你会选择什么
I will take the priest for my slave. 我要那位神父作我的奴隶
The priest? 那位神父吗
Granted. 我同意
Why did you do that? 你为何这样做
Why did you give everything away so easily? 你为何轻易地抛弃了所有东西
We wasted our time. 我们浪费了时间
I never should have believed in you. 我压根就不应该相信你
He was looking for an excuse to kill us. 他想找个理由杀了我们
Why would we go to Valhalla 在如此悲惨无意义的死亡之后
after such miserable and pointless deaths? 我们为何还要去瓦尔哈拉殿堂
Brother, believe me, 兄弟相信我
this is not the end, it's just the beginning. 一切仍未结束这只是开始
Well... 那么...
At least we didn't give everything away so easily. 至少我们没轻易的放弃所有东西
That's your one thing? 这是你选的东西吗
How should he ever find out? 他不会发现的
You idiot! 你个傻子
Would Odin expect us to do anything so stupid? 奥丁神会希望我们做这么傻的事吗
You have your odin and I have mine. 你有你的奥丁神我有我的
Why don't you go get drunk 你怎么不去喝个酩酊大醉
spend all this on whores. 然后把这些都花在嫖妓上
Make sure the Earl really finds out 来确保伯爵知道
that you stole from him. 你偷了他的东西
What a hoard is this! 宝贝真多啊
What a hoard it is. 的确很多
See what you've done, my lord? 看到你所做的一切了吗我的领主
Never doubt your power. 永远不要怀疑你的权威
With just a few words 区区几句话
you stripped Ragnar Lothbrok of all his treasure. 你就剥夺了拉格纳·罗斯布洛克所有财富
He's nothing to you 他对你来说什么也不是
and you are all power 你才是掌权者
all authority. 至高无上
You can have whatever you want. 你想要什么都行
They told me you'd come home! 他们跟我说你会回来的

