

1. 词汇

  ⑴ high-handed handed        adj. 

(of people or their behavior) using authorityin an unreasonable way, without considering the opinions of other people  专横的,高压的


e.g.: Anyone who wants to “managestate affairs well and bring peace to the world” should practice a “policy ofbenevolence,” provide a “benevolent administration” and avoid any “high-handed rule.”

⑵notion  n[C]  anidea, belief, or opinion  概念;观点;看法

e.g.: Should Confucius’ notion of “benevolence”be applied to the handling of relations between different civilizations, therewill be no conflicts or war between different cultures, thereby bringing aboutthe “coexistence of civilizations.”


touch off : to provoke or initiate withsudden intensity 引发

e.g.: However, one must not think that“difference” will necessarily give rise to conflicts or touch off a war.


①base    adj. (formal)  not having moralprinciples or rules  卑鄙的;不道德的

e.g.: Base persons are in disharmonywith each other in spite of uniformity among them.

②lofty    adj. [usually before noun] (approving) (of a thought, an aim, etc.) deservingpraise because of its high moral quality 崇高的;高尚的

e.g.: The loftiest ideals of traditionalChinese culture are that “all things on earth grow together without one doingharm to another”, and that “all doctrines in the world develop in parallel witheach other without one standing in the way of another.”


和而不同: harmonious but different

仁政:benevolent governance


治国:manage state affairs

平天下:bring peace to the world

王道:benevolent governance

霸道:high-handed rule

引起:give rise to


君子和而不同,小人同而不和:Gentlemen are in harmony with each other inspite of differences between them, whereas base persons are in disharmony witheach other in spite of uniformity among them.

最高理想:the loftiest ideals

万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖(《礼记·中庸》):All things on earth grow together without one doingharm to another. All doctrines in the world develop in parallel with each otherwithout one standing in the way of another.

思想源泉:source of ideas

有识之士:people of insight

认同:identify with

展开对话:carry out dialogues

从这一点来说:in this sense
