12. Managing New Product Development Teams

1. Constructing New Product Development Teams

• Team Size

-May range from a few members to hundreds.

-Bigger is not always better; large teams create more administrative costs and communication problems

-Large teams have higher potential for social loafing.

• Team Composition

-Including members from multiple functions of firm ensures greater coordination between functions.

-Diversity in functional backgrounds increases breadth of knowledge base of team.

-Other types of diversity (e.g., organizational tenure, cultural, gender, age, etc.) can be beneficial as well.

-However, diversity can also raise coordination costs.

-Extended contact can overcome some of these challenges.

2. Structure of New Product �Development Teams

a. Functional Teams

-Members report to functional manager

-Temporary, and members may spend less than 10% of their time on project.

-Typically no project manager or dedicated liaison personnel.

-Little opportunity for cross-functional integration.

-Likely to be appropriate for derivative projects.

b. Lightweight Teams

-Members still report to functional manager.

-Temporary, and member may spend less than 25% of their time on project.

-Typically have a project manager and dedicated liaison personnel.

-Manager is typically junior or middle management.

-Likely to be appropriate for derivative projects.

c. Heavyweight Teams

-Members are collocated with project manager.

-Manager is typically senior and has significant authority to command resources and evaluate members.

-Often still temporary, but core team members often dedicated full-time to project.

-Likely to be appropriate for platform projects.

d. Autonomous Teams

-Members collocated and dedicated full-time (and often permanently) to team.

-Project manager is typically very senior manager.

-Project manager is given full control over resources contributed from functional departments and has exclusive authority over evaluation and reward of members.

-Autonomous teams may have own policies, procedures and reward systems that may be different from rest of firm.

-Likely to be appropriate for breakthrough and major platform projects.

-Can be difficult to fold back into the organization.

3. The Management of New Product Development Teams

• Team Leadership

-Team leader is responsible for directing team’s activities, maintaining alignment with project goals, and communicating with senior management.

-Team leaders impact team performance more directly than senior management or champions.

-Different team types need different leader types

• Team Administration

-Many organizations now have heavyweight and autonomous teams develop a project charter and contract book.

• Managing Virtual Teams

-In virtual teams, members may be a great distance from each other, but are still able to collaborate intensely via videoconferencing, groupware, email, and internet chat programs.

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