

Design and implementation of remote synchronous classroom system
Abstracts:in such an era of network data explosion, the channels for people to obtain knowledge and information are very diversified. It has become a very common way to obtain data and information through the network. Teaching through the network and remote classroom training on the network can realize remote data access according to students’ different learning habits and learning requirements, So as to realize real-time remote classroom service. This time is to develop a remote synchronous classroom system by using JSP technology, SSM framework technology and MySQL database. Through the development of the website, we can realize the functions of online student registration, classroom learning and video playback, so as to realize the specific content services, and provide an online learning platform for student users, so as to realize the online education.

Key words: remote synchronous classroom; System design and implementation; JSP technology; MySQL

目 录
1 引言 1
1.1项目研究的背景 1
1.2项目的意义 1
1.3相关技术介绍 1
2 需求设计 2
2.1需求的调研 2
2.2可行性分析 2
2.3系统功能需求 3
2.4非功能性需求 4
3 系统与数据设计分析 5
3.1系统的整体设计 5
3.2数据库的设计 5
4 系统的实现 7
4.1系统的首页 7
4.2用户注册界面 7
4.3论坛版块的信息添加 8
4.4课程播放页面 8
4.5作业提交界面 9
4.6系统管理员界面 9
4.7添加课程信息 10
5 系统测试 10
5.1系统测试的目的 10
5.2系统测试的步骤 11
5.3系统测试的结果 11
结论 11
参考文献: 13
