

# Get the current GitHub user
current_user=$(git config --global user.name)

if [ "$current_user" == "user1" ]; then
    # Switch to user2
    mv id_rsa id_rsa_user1
    mv id_rsa.pub id_rsa_user1.pub
    mv id_rsa_user2 id_rsa
    mv id_rsa_user2.pub id_rsa.pub

    # Configure Git for user2
    git config --global user.name "user2"
    git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
    echo "Switched to user2"
    # Switch to user1
    mv id_rsa id_rsa_user2
    mv id_rsa.pub id_rsa_user2.pub
    mv id_rsa_user1 id_rsa  
    mv id_rsa_user1.pub id_rsa.pub

    # Configure Git for user1
    git config --global user.name "user1"
    git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
    echo "Switched to user1"

# Display the current user name and email
echo "Current GitHub user: $(git config --global user.name)"
echo "Current GitHub email: $(git config --global user.email)"
