
英文 中文
Here we are, ma'am, Crawley House. 我们到了夫人卡劳利公馆
For good or ill. 好歹来了
I still don't see why I couldn't just refuse it. 我还是不明白为什么我不能直接推辞
There's no mechanism for you to do so. 你无法这么做
You will be an earl. You will inherit the estate. 你将成为伯爵并继承庄园
Of course, you can throw it away when you have it. 当然继承之后你想败家弃位也行
That's up to you. 这都取决于你
Can I help? 有事吗
I'm Molesley, sir, 我是莫斯利先生
your butler and valet. 您的管家兼贴身侍从
Mr Molesley, I'm afraid... 莫斯利先生恐怕...
May I introduce ourselves? 我谨自我介绍一下
I am Mrs Crawley 我是卡劳利夫人
and this is my son, Mr Matthew Crawley. 这是我儿子马修·卡劳利先生
I'll just give Mr Taylor a hand with the cases. 我先去帮泰勒先生搬行李
- I can... - Thank you, Molesley. -我能...-谢谢你莫斯利
I won't let them change me. 我不会让他们改变我的
Why would they want to? 为什么他们会改变你
Mother, Lord Grantham has made the unwelcome discovery 妈妈格兰瑟姆伯爵不幸发现
that his heir is a middle-class lawyer 他的继承人是一名中产阶级律师
and the son of a middle-class doctor. 是一名中产阶级的医生的儿子
Upper middle class. 是中上阶级
He wants to limit the damage 为了补偏救弊
by turning me into one of his own kind. 他定会把我改造成他的同类
When you met him in London, you liked him. 你在伦敦见他时还挺喜欢他的
I simply do not understand why we are rushing into this. 我只是不知道为何如此匆忙
Matthew Crawley is my heir. 马修·卡劳利是我的继承人
Patrick was your heir, he never lived here. 帕特里克也是他可从没在这里住过
Patrick was in and out of this house since the day he was born. 帕特里克从小就在这宅子里进进出出
You saw how many of the village turned out for the service. 你也看到了追思会那天村里来了多少人
But nothing's settled yet. 一切尚未确定
It is settled, my dearest one, whether you like it or not. 板上钉钉亲爱的不管你喜不喜欢
I wouldn't say that. 我看不见得
Not while your mother breathes air. 老夫人只要尚有余息绝不会善罢甘休
Oh, Ellen. 艾伦
This is much better than I thought it would be. 这比我想象的好太多了
You have done well. 你打点得真不错
Thank you, ma'am. 谢谢您夫人
Would you like this in here, ma'am, or taken up to your room? 夫人提包是放在这儿还是拿到您屋内
In here, thank you. 放这儿吧谢谢
So, are you the whole of our new household? 我们的新侍从就你一个人吗
There's a local girl, ma'am, Beth. 还有一位本地姑娘夫人名叫贝丝
She's to double under-housemaid and kitchen maid. 她是杂物兼厨房女仆
- This is ridiculous. - Thank you very much, Molesley. -太荒谬了-非常感谢莫斯利
- Might we have some tea? - Very good, ma'am. -能给我们上点茶吗-当然夫人
- Well, he can go right now. - Why? -他现在就可以走了-为什么
Because we do not need a butler 因为我们不需要什么管家
or a valet, if it comes to that. 或是贴身侍从若非如此的话
We've always managed perfectly well 我们向来只有一名厨子和一位女仆
with a cook and a maid, and they cannot expect us 不也过得很好他们不能指望我们
- to alter our... - What they expect, Matthew, -改变自我-马修他们指望的
is that we won't know how to behave. 是我们不知道如何举止得体
So if you don't mind, 所以如果你不介意
I would rather not confirm their expectations. 我宁愿不要让他们的期望得逞
I have to be myself, Mother. 我得做我自己妈妈
I'll be no use to anyone if I can't be myself. 否则我将一无是处
And before they or you get any ideas, 在你或是他们擅作主张之前我有言在先
I will choose my own wife. 婚姻大事我要自己做主
What on earth do you mean? 你这话到底是什么意思
Well, they're clearly going to push one of the daughters at me. 显而易见他们定要把一位女儿强嫁给我
They'll have fixed on that when they heard I was a bachelor. 要是听说我还单身他们就会确定婚事
Lady Mary Crawley. 玛丽·卡劳利小姐到
I do hope I'm not interrupting. 希望我没打扰到你们
- Lady Mary... - Cousin Mary, please. -玛丽小姐-叫玛丽表亲就好
Mama has sent me down to welcome you 妈妈命我来欢迎你们
and to ask you to dine with us tonight. 并邀请你们与我们共进晚餐
Unless you're too tired. 除非你们舟车劳顿
We would be delighted. 我们乐意前往
Good. Come at 8:00. 那好今晚八点见
Won't you stay and have some tea? 你不留下喝杯茶吗
Oh, no, you're far too busy. And I wouldn't want to push in. 不了你们这么忙我又怎敢"强"留
Lynch, I think we'll go back by the South Lodge. 林奇咱们从南屋那边回去吧
Very good, my lady. 是小姐
Lady Mary, I hope you didn't misunderstand me. 玛丽小姐我希望你别误会
I was only joking. 我只是在开玩笑
Of course. And I agree. 当然我也赞同
The whole thing is a complete joke. 这整件事就是个天大的笑话
So what do you think we'll make of them? 你说他们会是什么样的人
I shouldn't think much. She hasn't even got a lady's maid. 好不到哪去她连贴身女仆都没有
It's not a capital offence. 又不是什么大忌
She's got a maid, her name's Ellen. 她有个女仆名叫艾伦
- She came a day earlier. - She's not a lady's maid. -她提前一天到的-她又不是贴身女仆
She's just a housemaid that 就是个持家女仆
fastens hooks and buttons when she has to. 招之即来缝缝补补
- There's more to it than that, you know. - Daisy! -贴身女仆可比这讲究多了-黛西
We'll want some very precise reporting when dinner's over. 晚饭后你再跟我们细说
Are we to treat him as the heir? 我们要当他是继承人来服侍吗
Are we heck as like. 当他是就怪了
A doctor's son from Manchester? 就曼彻斯特一个医生的儿子
He'll be lucky if he gets a civil word out of me. 我要是给他好脸色就算他走运了
We're all lucky if we get a civil word out of you. 你给我们谁好脸色我们都感觉挺幸运的
Gwen, parcel for you. Came by the evening post. 格温你的邮包晚班邮差送来的
Thank you, Mr Carson. 谢谢您卡森管家
William. 威廉
Have you seen them yet, Mr Carson? 您见过他们了吗卡森管家
By "them" I assume you mean the new family, 我想你说的是新来的那家
in which case, no. 还没见过
I have that pleasure to look forward to this evening. 我有幸期待今晚得以一见
Daisy, did you hear me call or have you gone selectively deaf? 黛西你是没听见还是选择性耳聋
No, Mrs Patmore. 没有帕特莫太太
Then might I remind you we 那我是不是该提醒你
are preparing dinner for your future employer. 今晚我们可是为你未来主子准备晚宴
And if it goes wrong, I'll be telling them why. 如果出了差错我可不会替你背黑锅
Why are they here at all when you're going to undo it? 你不是要撤销吗怎么他们还是来了
Your father's not convinced it can be undone. 你父亲不确定能够撤销
But you'll still try. 但你还会争取
Granny and I are willing to try. 奶奶和我都会的
And Papa is not? 可爸爸不会
We'll bring him round, you'll see. 我们会说服他的
We're trying to find a lawyer who'll take in on. 我们正打算找律师负责此事
So what are they like? 他们是什么样的人
She's nice enough, but he's... very full of himself. 她人挺好的但他...很是妄自尊大
- Why do you say that? - Just an impression. -何出此言-印象而已
Let's go down and you can decide for yourself. 咱们下楼吧您自可论断
Hello again. 又见面了
It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Mrs Crawley. 很高兴终于见到你了卡劳利夫人
We're delighted to be here, aren't we, Matthew? 我们很荣幸光临贵府对吧马修
Delighted. 很荣幸
Welcome to Downton. 欢迎来到唐顿
Thank you. You've been so kind. 谢谢您真是太好了
What a reception committee. 好隆重的迎接队伍
Yes, thank you. 是啊谢谢
This is Carson. We'd all be lost without him. 这位是卡森万事打点都少不了他
Mama, may I present Matthew Crawley and Mrs Crawley. 妈妈请允许我介绍马修和卡劳利夫人
My mother, Lady Grantham. 我母亲格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人
What should we call each other? 你我该如何互相称呼
Well, we could always start with Mrs Crawley and Lady Grantham. 可以叫卡劳利太太和格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人
Come into the drawing room 来客厅吧
and we can make all the proper introductions. 我们可以彼此正式介绍
Do you think you'll enjoy village life? 不知两位乡村生活是否过得习惯
It'll be very quiet after life in the city. 过惯了城市生活会觉得闲适很多吧
Even Manchester. 即使跟曼彻斯特比
I'm sure I'll find something to keep me busy. 我总会找到些事情做的
You might like the hospital. 也许医院合您的意
What sort of hospital is it? How many beds? 哪种医院规模如何
Well, it isn't really a hospital. 那儿可称不上是医院
Don't let Dr Clarkson hear you. 别让克拉克森医生听见您这么说
He thinks it's second only to St Thomas'. 他认为那里仅次于圣托马斯医院
It's a college hospital, of course, but quite well equipped. 虽说是所学校附属医院可设备相当齐全
Who pays for it? 资金从哪里筹集
Oh, good, let's talk about money. 这可好终于要提钱了
My father gave the building and an endowment to run it. 我父亲提供了场所并出资运营
In a way, he set up his own memorial. 他其实是给自己树碑立传
But how splendid. 这种方式可谓高尚
And Mr Lloyd George's new insurance measures will help. 洛依德·乔治先生的保险新政也会有所帮助
Please don't speak that man's name. We are about to eat. 千万别提那人影响食欲
I will hold it steady and you can help yourself, sir. 我会托住盘子您可随便取用先生
Yes, I know. Thank you. 当然我知道谢谢
You'll soon get used to the way things are done here. 你很快会习惯这里的生活方式
If you mean that I'm accustomed to 如果你想说这与我平日生活
a very different life from this, 有天壤之别
then that is true. 诚然如此
What will you do with your time? 你打算如何消磨时光
I've got a job in Ripon, and I've said I'll start tomorrow. 我在里彭找了工作明天就开始上班
A job? 你找了工作
In a partnership. You might have heard of it. 一家合伙人制律所你们也许听过
Harvell and Carter. 哈维-卡特事务所
They need someone 他们正需要一个
who understands industrial law, I'm glad to say. 懂工业法的人
Although I'm afraid most of it will be 虽然恐怕大部分业务
wills and conveyancing. 还是遗产分配和产权转让
You do know I mean 你该知道我打算
to involve you in the running of the estate? 让你参与管理庄园吧
Oh, don't worry. There are plenty of hours in the day. 不用担心空闲时间很多
And of course I'll have the weekend. 当然还有周末
We'll discuss this later, we mustn't bore the ladies. 迟些再谈吧别让女士们觉得乏味
What is a weekend? 什么是周末
Why shouldn't he be a lawyer? 当律师有什么不好
Gentlemen don't work, silly. 绅士不会去工作傻丫头
Not real gentlemen. 他不是真正的绅士
Don't listen to her, Daisy. 别听她的黛西
No! Listen to me, and take those kidneys up to the server 还是听我的吧快把那盘腰花端过去
before I knock you down and serve your brains as fritters! 要不我只能把你敲晕了用脑仁做煎饼
Yes, Mrs Patmore. 是的帕特莫太太
Wonder what that Mr Molesley makes of them. 不知莫斯利先生对他们怎么看
Poor old Molesley. 可怜的老莫斯利
I pity the man who's taken that job. 得到这苦差事真让人同情
Then why did you apply for it? 那你当初为什么申请
I felt it might help me to get away from you, Mr Bates. 为了避开你贝茨先生
I'm so interested to see the hospital. 我对那所医院很有兴趣
Ooh. Well, you would be, with your late husband a doctor. 可不是嘛您先生以前就是位医生
Not just my husband. 不只我丈夫
My father and brother, too. 我的父亲和哥哥也是
And I trained as a nurse during the war. 大战时我也当过护士
Oh, fancy. 真厉害
I'd love to be involved in some way. 我非常愿意参与其中
Well, you could always 下个月的义卖会
help with the bring-and-buy sale next month. 你倒是能帮上些忙
That would be most appreciated. 我们会非常感激的
She's a match for the old lady, 她跟老太太真是棋逢对手
she wasn't going to give in. 她不会轻易让步的
What old lady are you referring to, Thomas? 你说的是哪位老太太托马斯
You cannot mean her ladyship, the Dowager Countess. 不会是老伯爵夫人吧
Not if you wish to remain in this house. 如果你还打算在这里干下去
No, Mr Carson. 不是卡森先生
William! 威廉
Are you aware the seam at your shoulder is coming apart? 注意到你的肩膀处开线了吗
I felt it go a bit earlier on. I'll mend it when we turn in. 我之前发现了打算睡前缝上
You will mend it now 现在就缝好
and you will never again appear in public 以后绝不许再出现类似
in a similar state of undress. 衣衫不整的情况
No, Mr Carson. 是的卡森先生
To progress in your chosen career, 想要在这个职位上有所进步
William, you must remember that a good servant, 威廉你必须记住一个称职的仆人
at all times, retains a sense of pride and dignity 必须时刻将荣耀和尊严铭记于心
that reflects the pride and dignity of the family he serves. 因为这体现了主家的荣耀和尊严
And never make me remind you of it again. 只此一次下不为例
I'll do it. 我来缝吧
And cheer up, we've all had a smack from Mr Carson. 别在意谁没挨过卡森先生骂呢
You'll be the butler yourself one day, 总有一天你会成为管家
then you'll do the smacking. 到时候你就可以去教训别人了
I could never be like him. 我可不会像他那样
I bet he comes from a line 我打赌他家
of butlers that goes back to the Conqueror. 祖祖辈辈都是给人做管家的
He learned his business 这是他从业多年的积累
and so will you. 你早晚也会学到的
Even Mr Carson wasn't born standing to attention. 卡森先生也非生来就是谨言慎行
I hope not for his mother's sake. 否则可够他母亲受的
This was at the back door. 这封信从后门送进来的
Thank you, William. 谢谢威廉
It's kind of you to take an interest. 您对医疗事业真是有心了
I'm afraid it's a case of the warhorse and the drum. 这就像战马闻鼓声那种兴奋
You know my late husband was a doctor. 您要知道先夫也是医生
I do. I'm familiar with Dr Crawley's 卡劳利医生在
work on the symptoms of infection in children. 儿童传染病症方面的工作我曾反复拜读
Oh. Even I studied nursing during the South African War. 英布战争中我本人也学过护理
Really? 真的
Very distressing. Young farmer, John Drake. 真让人痛心年轻的农夫约翰·德雷克
A tenant of Lord Grantham's. He came in today. 伯爵的佃户今天来就诊的
It's dropsy, I'm afraid. 恐怕是积水
- May I see him?- Yeah. By all means. -能让我看看吗-当然请便
Is the dropsy of the liver or the heart? 是肝脏还是心脏
Everything points to the heart. 从各种症状来看是心脏
All right, Mr Drake, you're in safe hands now. 别担心德雷克先生你会没事的
What will happen to his wife? 他妻子该怎么办
She may try to keep the farm on. 她大概会努力让农场维持下去
Grantham is not a harsh landlord, 伯爵对佃户向来宽厚
but her children are young. 可毕竟她家孩子还小
What can I do to help? 我能帮上忙吗
If I'm to live in this village, I must have an occupation. 如果我要在这儿住下总得有些事做
Please. Let me be useful. 请让我尽点力吧
He chooses his clothes himself. 他亲自挑选衣服
He puts them out at night and hangs the ones he's worn. 晚上取出来摆好穿过的就挂在这儿
I get to take the linen down to the laundry. 我负责把衣物送洗
But that's about all. 差不多就这一件事
That's all? 就这样
"I'll do this", he says, "我自己来"他总是说
"I'll take the other". "I'll tie that". "我要拿另一件""我来系那个"
And I'm just stood there like a chump 而我就像个笨蛋一样站在那儿
watching a man get dressed. 看着他自己穿戴

