database简称DB: 存储数据的仓库,是以某种结构存储数据的文件。指长期保存在计算机的存储设备上,按照一定规则阻止起来,可以被用户或应用共享的数据集合。
用于创建,维护,使用数据库的一种大型软件系统。比如MySQL, Oracle, SQL server等等。
方式2:CMD命令行操作:小黑窗里面输入:net start/stop MySQL80来启动或关闭服务。
方式1:外部访问命令 mysql -h主机名 -P端口号 -u用户名 -p密码
如果是访问本机的数据库,可以省略为mysql -u用户名 -p密码
方式3:图形化窗口,Navicat, SQLyog, MySQLWorkBench等工具。
int : tinyint、smallint、mediumint、int
decimal(5, 2): 表示范围为-999.99~999.99
char: 定长字符串类型,默认长度为1
text: 不支持默认值
datatime: 存储的时间不会随着时区变化。
update products
set properties = '{
"dimension" : [1,2,3],
"weight" : 10,
"manufacturer" : {"name" : "sony"}
WHERE product_id = 1;
json_extract(properties, '$.weight') as weight
from products
where product_id = 1;
-- 查询所有的库
show databases;
-- 创建库
create database db1;
-- 查询数据库的字符集
show create database;
-- 指定字符集和校对规则
create database mydb2 character set gbk;
-- 修改字符集
alter database mydb2 character set utf8;
-- 删除数据
drop database mydb2;
use db1;
-- 创建表
create table student (id int, name varchar(50), age int, gender char);
-- 查看所有表
show tables;
show create table student; -- 查看完成的创建语句
-- 查看表结构
desc student;
-- 修改表名
alter table student rename to stu;
-- 修改字段名
alter table stu change id sid int;
-- 修改数据类型
alter table stu modify gender char(2);
-- 新增字段
alter table stu add score double(5, 2);
-- 修改字段的顺序
alter table stu modify gender char(2) after name;
-- 删除表
drop table stu;
-- 全字段插入
insert into emp
value(101,'tom','男',12000, '1999-02-23', 'boss');
-- 指定字段插入
insert into emp(id, name)
value(102, 'jack');
-- 批量插入
insert into emp(id, name)
values(103, 'rose'),(104, 'pert');
-- 将所有行的该字段数据修改为一个值
update emp set salary = salary + 15000;
update emp set salary = 19000
where name = 'jack';
update emp salary = 1000, gender='女'
where name = 'rose';
update emp set birthday = '2000-01-01'
where id = 104;
delete from emp where name = 'jack';
-- 删除全部数据,逐条删除,删除后可以恢复,主键还是继续累加的
delete from emp;
-- 删除表后,全新创建一个空的新表,删除后无法恢复
truncate emp;
select 关键字的作用:用于运算,执行函数,查询数据。
select * from emp;
: 查询emp的所有数据select name, salary from emp;
查询指定字段的数据select distinct salary from emp;
去除重复数据select name, salary + 1000 as new_salary from emp;
select * from emp where id = 1 or id = 2;
select * from emp where eid in (1, 3, 5);
select * from emp where salary >= 8000 and salary <= 15000;
select * from emp where salary between 9000 and 15000;
select * from emp where salary is null;
select * from emp where salary is not null;
select name, IFNULL(salary, 0) + 1000 from emp;
排序:关键字order by 字段名,默认是ASC升序排序,DESC是降序。
select * from emp order by salary desc;
按照降序排列select * from emp order by id asc;
asc可以省略select * from emp order by salary asc, id desc;
select count(*) from t_employee where commission_pct is not null;
统计函数select * from t_employee where salary * (1 + IFNULL(commission_pct, 0)) > 15000;
如果值可能为空的话,要使用IFNULL()方法设置默认值,否则NULL和其他数字计算还是 SUM(salary), SUM(commission_pct * salary) from t_employee;
计算工资总和select SUM(salary * (IFNULL(commission_pct, 0) + 1)) from t_employee;
计算带佣金的工资总和select max(birthday), min(birthday) from t_employee;
select did, count(*) from t_employee group by did;
查询部门变化和每个部门的人数select did, sum(salary) from t_employee group by did having SUM(salary) > 40000;
查询工资总和大于40000的部门编号及工资和。select did, SUM(salary) sm from t_employee where gender = '女' group by did having sm > 20000;
查询部门女员工工资总和大于20000的部门编号和工资总和。Limit m, n 关键字
select * from emp limit 0, 5;
查询前5条记录select * from emp limit (x-1) * n , n;