

Event Form1.Button1.Click

T1 = BeginThread (senMsg())

End Event

Sub senMsg

	personNumber = Form1.InputBox1.Text
//	MessageBox "人数是:" & personNumber
 	Delay 100
 	MsgArray = ReadMsg(SelectMsgFile)
 	MsgNumber = UBound(MsgArray)
// 	MessageBox "消息数是:" & MsgNumber
 	For count = 1 To personNumber
 		selectPerson = getRnd(1, 4)
 		Call SlideScreenUp(selectPerson)
 		selectMyMsg = getRnd(0, MsgNumber)
// 		Msgbox "第 " & selectMyMsg & " 内容为:" & Cstr(MsgArray(selectMyMsg))
 		Call ClickItem (1)
 		Delay 1000
 		Call Plugin.Sys.SetCLB(Cstr(MsgArray(selectMyMsg)))
 		Delay 3000
 		isFind = ClickHi
 		If isFind > 0 Then 	
 			Delay 3000
 			Call Paste
 			Delay 1000
 			Call ClickSend
 			Delay 2000 
 		End If
 		Call ClickRetun
End Sub

Function SelectMsgFile()
	SelectMsgFile = Plugin.File.SelectFile()
End Function

Function ReadMsg(Path)
	Text = Plugin.File.ReadFileEx(path)   
//	Msgbox "向目标文件读出文本内容为:"& Text    
	ReadMsg  = Split(Text, "|")
End Function

//Sub LogMsg(array)
//	ArrayLength = UBound(array)
//	If ArrayLength>=0 Then   
//    	i=0   
//    For ArrayLength
//        Msgbox "第 " & i+1 &" 行文本内容为:"& Cstr(array(i))   
//        i=i+1   
//    Next
//	End If
//End Sub

Function getRnd(from, toNumber)
	getRnd = Int(Rnd * (toNumber-from) + from )
End Function

Sub ClickItem(index)

	Dim  ItemHeight
	ItemHeight = 67
	Dim  The1stY_coordinate
	The1stY_coordinate = 168
	Dim  ItemX_coordinate
	ItemX_coordinate = 550
    y_coordinate  = (The1stY_coordinate + ItemHeight * (index - 1))
    MoveTo ItemX_coordinate, y_coordinate
//    MessageBox "ClickItem x= " & ItemX_coordinate & ", y = " & y_coordinate
    Delay 2110
    LeftDown 1
    Delay 20
    LeftClick 1
    Delay 3
    LeftUp 1
    Delay 3
End Sub

Sub SlideScreenUp(count)

	Dim  ItemHeight
	ItemHeight = 67
	Dim  The1stY_coordinate
	The1stY_coordinate = 168
	Dim  ItemX_coordinate
	ItemX_coordinate = 550
    startY = The1stY_coordinate + ItemHeight * count
    MoveTo ItemX_coordinate, startY
    Delay 2110
    LeftDown 1
    Delay 20
    For c = 1 To count*13
        MoveTo ItemX_coordinate, startY - ItemHeight/13*c
        Delay 100
    MoveTo ItemX_coordinate, The1stY_coordinate-3
    Delay 100
    LeftUp 1
    Delay 20
End Sub

Sub MyLeftClick
	LeftDown 1
    Delay 2
    LeftClick 1
    Delay 1
    LeftUp 1
End Sub

Sub ClickRetun
    MoveTo 375, 111
    Delay 4547
End Sub

Function ClickHi

Dim checked_x
Dim checked_Y

MoveTo 288, 73
Delay 1000

FindCenterColor 450, 350, 451, 600, "1AC045", checked_x, checked_Y 
MoveTo checked_x, checked_Y

//MessageBox "rentun at " & checked_x & ", " & checked_Y
ClickHi = checked_Y
If checked_Y >0  Then 
		Delay 500
End If

End Function

Sub ClickSend
	MoveTo 815, 107
	Delay 3000
// 	Call ClickRetun
End Sub

Sub Paste
	KeyDown "Ctrl", 1
	Delay 30
	KeyDown "V", 1
	Delay 200
	KeyUp "V", 1
	Delay 100
	KeyUp "Ctrl", 1
	Delay 30
End Sub
