HDLBits-Verilog学习记录 | Verilog Language-Basics(1)

1.Simple wire

problem:Create a module with one input and one output that behaves like a wire.

module top_module( input in, output out );

    assign out = in;

2.Four wires

problem:Create a module with 3 inputs and 4 outputs that behaves like wires that makes these connections:

a -> w
b -> x
b -> y
c -> z

module top_module( 
    input a,b,c,
    output w,x,y,z );
	assign w = a;
    assign x = b;
    assign y = b;
    assign z = c;

3.inverter | Notgate

problem:Create a module that implements a NOT gate.

module top_module( input in, output out );

	assign out = ~in;

4. And gate

problem:Create a module that implements an AND gate.

module top_module( 
    input a, 
    input b, 
    output out );
	assign out = a & b;

5.Nor gate

problem:Create a module that implements a NOR gate. A NOR gate is an OR gate with its output inverted. A NOR function needs two operators when written in Verilog.

module top_module( 
    input a, 
    input b, 
    output out );
    assign out = ~(a | b);


problem: Create a module that implements an XNOR gate.

module top_module( 
    input a, 
    input b, 
    output out );
    assign out = ~(a ^ b);
