Download and run CSQL on Linux -Only two commands will be used to start the server

from Jitendra's CSQL Blog :


If you ever wanted to start using the Enterprise CSQL MMDB on your computer, this article is for you. It will show how to download, configure and test the CSQL on your computer.

The released binary trial version csqlmmdb2.5 is ready to be used for 30-days by the CSQL users. The first order of business is to drop by the official CSQL web site ( and get a copy of the last stable release of the software. This is as easy as it sounds. The version of CSQL is licensed and may be freely downloaded and used under the terms of that license.

Required Package to work with JDBC Driver:

Follow the section "Download and Setting up JDK1.6" at end of this chapter for download, and setting up the path. Before start the csql server in your machine, it is recommended that you should install and set the path of jdk1.6 to work with JDBC Driver.

How to get the trial key ?

1. Contact at address : [email protected]
2. find the file named license under the CSQL root directory
3. Copy the provided key value and paste it into this file.

Follow the steps to download CSQL MMDB:

1.Download csqlmmdb2.5-x86.tar.gz from Official web site.

2.Change to the directory that has the TAR download

3.Type the following command at the prompt
$tar zxvf csqlmmdb2.5-x86.tar.gz

This will extract the files under csqlmmdb2.5-x86 directory in the current directory.

4.Change the directory to csqlmmdb2.5-x86 and Copy the provided key value and paste it into the file named 'license'.

5.Type the below command at the command prompt.
$. ./setupenv.ksh

This will build and set all the environmental variables defined in setupenv.ksh file present in directory.

6.Start the csql server using below command at the prompt

7.You should now get the display similar to:
getPageSize 8192
getMaxProcs 100
sysdb size 1048576 dbsize 10485760
System Database initialized
Database server started

All right, the database has been successfully configured and its time to play with some SQL statements.

NOTE: To stop the csql server just presses Ctrl+c.

8.Open up another terminal and type the following command to starts the csql client.
$. ./setupenv.ksh

9.Once the client is running, you should get the CSQL> prompt. Type the below command at this prompt.
CSQL>show tables;

10.Display should be similar to:
No table exist

Now, you will be creating tables and feeling happy with CSQL.

Download and Setting up JDK1.6:

By click on this link ( you will be downloading the package along with CSQL MMDB.

After download the package, follow the steps for path set up:

1.To know the path of your jdk installation, type the below command in your prompt.
$locate javac

2.You may get the similar output where the installation path would be different in your machine.

3.Now set the directory which has JDK1.6 compiler
$export JDK_HOME=/opt/java/jdk1.6.0_04
$export PATH=$JDK_HOME/bin:$PATH
