
本示例使用的设备:RFID网络WIFI无线TCP/UDP/HTTP可编程二次开发读卡器POE供电语音-淘宝网 (taobao.com) 


Function bin2str(bindata)
    Dim rsStream, strls
    Set rsStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    rsStream.Type = 2
    rsStream.WriteText bindata
    rsStream.Position = 0
    rsStream.Charset = "utf-8" 
    rsStream.Position = 2
    strls = rsStream.ReadText
    Set rsStream = Nothing
    bin2str = strls
End Function

Function getpostval(totalstr, namestr)
    Dim p1, p2, k, strls
    k = Len(namestr) + 2
    strls = "&" + totalstr + "&"
    p1 = InStr(strls, "&" + namestr + "=")
    If p1 = 0 Then
        getpostval = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    p2 = InStr(p1 + k, strls, "&")
    If p2 > (p1 + k) Then
        getpostval = Mid(strls, p1 + k, p2 - (p1 + k))
        getpostval = ""
    End If
End Function

Function getjsonval(totalstr, namestr)
    Dim p1, p2, k, n, strls
    n = Len(totalstr)
    If n < 5 Then
        getjsonval = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    If (Left(totalstr, 1) <> "{") Or (Right(totalstr, 1) <> "}") Then
        getjsonval = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    strls = "," + Mid(totalstr, 2, n - 2) + ","
    k = Len(namestr) + 4
    p1 = InStr(strls, ",""" + namestr + """:")
    If p1 < 1 Then
        getjsonval = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    p2 = InStr(p1 + k, strls, ",")
    If p2 > (p1 + k) Then
        getjsonval = Mid(strls, p1 + k, p2 - (p1 + k))
        If (Left(getjsonval, 1) <> """") Or (Right(getjsonval, 1) <> """") Then
            getjsonval = ""
            Exit Function
        End If
        n = Len(getjsonval)
        If n < 3 Then
            getjsonval = ""
            Exit Function
        End If
        getjsonval = Mid(getjsonval, 2, n - 2)
        getjsonval = ""
    End If
End Function

'Parse Get information------------------------------------------------------------
info = Request.QueryString("info")     'Information frame
jihao = Request.QueryString("jihao")   'Equipment number(can modify)
caretype = Request.QueryString("cardtype") 'The card type can be IC, ID, or ISO15693
card = Request.QueryString("card")     'Hexadecimal card printing number
Data = Request.QueryString("data")     'Card sector data
dn = Request.QueryString("dn")         'Hardware serial number of equipment, factory has been cured, unique in the world
Status = Request.QueryString("status") 'Read card status. For example, the password authentication failure is 12

If ((info <> "") And (jihao <> "") And (caretype <> "") And (card <> "")) Then   
    Str = "Response="    'Fixed prefix that our device uses to retrieve the return information
    Str = Str + "1,"     'Information type: 1 indicates the display and sound of the driving device
    Str = Str + info     'Information frame	
    Str = Str + ",{CardNo:}"  + card  + "\nWelcome to user !"   'LCD display infomation
    Str = Str + ",20"    'Display delay of 20 seconds
    Str = Str + ",1"     'Buzzer sound type
    Str = Str + ",0"     'Chinese phonetic code
    response.Write (Str)
    'Parse POST information**********************************
    poststrlen = Request.TotalBytes 'length
    If poststrlen > 0 Then		
        poststr = bin2str(Request.BinaryRead(poststrlen))		        
        info = getpostval(poststr, "info")         'Information frame
        jihao = getpostval(poststr, "jihao")       'Equipment number(can modify)
        caretype = getpostval(poststr, "cardtype") 'The card type can be IC, ID, or ISO15693
        card = getpostval(poststr, "card")         'Hexadecimal card printing number
        Data = getpostval(poststr, "data")         'Card sector data
        dn = getpostval(poststr, "dn")             'Hardware serial number of equipment, factory has been cured, unique in the world
        Status = getpostval(poststr, "status")     'Read card status. For example, the password authentication failure is 12
        If ((info <> "") And (jihao <> "") And (caretype <> "") And (card <> "")) Then
            Str = "Response="      'Fixed prefix that our device uses to retrieve the return information
            Str = Str + "1,"       'Information type: 1 indicates the display and sound of the driving device
            Str = Str + info       'Information frame	
	        Str = Str + ",{CardNo:}"  + card  + "\nWelcome to user !"   ''LCD display infomation
            Str = Str + ",20"      'Display delay of 20 seconds
            Str = Str + ",1"       'Buzzer sound type
            Str = Str + ",0"       'Chinese phonetic code
            response.Write (Str)
            'Parse  json information**********************************
            info = getjsonval(poststr, "info")         'Information frame
            jihao = getjsonval(poststr, "jihao")       'Equipment number(can modify)
            caretype = getjsonval(poststr, "cardtype") 'The card type can be IC, ID, or ISO15693
            card = getjsonval(poststr, "card")         'Hexadecimal card printing number
            Data = getjsonval(poststr, "data")         'Card sector data
            dn = getjsonval(poststr, "dn")             'Hardware serial number of equipment, factory has been cured, unique in the world
            Status = getjsonval(poststr, "status")     'Read card status. For example, the password authentication failure is 12
            If ((info <> "") And (jihao <> "") And (caretype <> "") And (card <> "")) Then
                Str = "Response="      'Fixed prefix that our device uses to retrieve the return information
                Str = Str + "1,"       'Information type: 1 indicates the display and sound of the driving device
                Str = Str + info       'Information frame	
                Str = Str + ",{CardNo:}"  + card  + "\nWelcome to user !"   ''LCD display infomation
                Str = Str + ",20"      'Display delay of 20 seconds
                Str = Str + ",1"       'Buzzer sound type
                Str = Str + ",0"       'Chinese phonetic code
                response.Write (Str)
            End If            
        End If
    End If
End If

