
1.I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street.

moved to : 1)moved的d不读。2)to 弱化,像发te。

2.Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.

Yesterday 语调上扬;knocked at连读,ed发d的音,knock dant ; 联想起looked at

3.He asked me for a meal / and a glass of beer.

Would you like tea or coffee? 询问语句中,tea,coffee 都上扬表示后面还有其他的选择,话没没有说完。coffee降下来表示话题结束,这是最后一项选择。

meal 语调上扬;  for a 弱读 ; and前断句;    and a 弱读


(1).遇到标点   (2).主语  (3).连词   (4).介词  (5).That

4.In return for this,the beggar stood on his head / and sang songs.

stood on 连读,读起来是 stoo don;    sang 念得的时候可以san+g,再把g去掉。  

(额外两个自己注意的点,for =fer    songs,s)

5.I gave him a meal.He ate the food and drank the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away.

 He ate 连读,元音之间连读加j;   弱读,th ;  put a 连读,t发d, pude;      cheese in 连读 tʃi  zin   ;went away. 两种方式,1.把t省掉,wenaway  2.t读d,wendaway.    wen的发音的问题:wɛnt,听着好像one???


6.Later a neighbour told me about him.Every body know him.His name is Pency Buttons.

Buttons 两种念法,一种正常念,一种省掉t不念,glottal stop

7.He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.

calls at 连读,call zant;    every 发音问题:ˈɛvri; month 发音问题,[mʌnθ];  always 的发音问题

