
MA4601/MAT061 Stochastic Search and OptimisationAssignment 2: Clustering with Cross-EntropyDue 9:00am Tuesday 3 March, 2020The task for assignment 2 is to use the cross-entropy method to do clustering. You will needto submit two files: a programme file titled YOUR NAME programme.r (or .py, .jl, etc.) and a reportas a pdf file titled YOUR NAME report.pdf. Submission by email to [email protected]: De Boer, Kroese, Mannor, Rubinstein (2005) A tutorial on the Cross-Entropymethod. Annals of Operations Research 134, pp. 19–67.ClusteringWe are given a set of points X ⊂ Rd and are told to find centroids c1, . . . , ck ∈ Rd and apartition X = X1 ∪ · · · ∪ Xk in order to minimise.It can be shown that the centroids have to have the form,so we can simplify the problem to finding the optimal partition. (If we use a distance otherthan Euclidean then the centroids may not have this form.)Solution SpaceW.l.o.g. suppose that X = {x1, . . . , xn} and represent a partition into k subsets by a vectori = (i1, . . . , in) ∈ {1, . . . , k}n, where ih = j when xh ∈ Xj . The MAT061课程作业代做、代写Python,Java实验作业、代做Java,Python编程设计作业 代写Python程problem is thus to minimiseS(i) = X.Our family of probabilities on Ω = {1, . . . , k}nis indexed by matrices P = (pij )i=i,...,n;j=1,...,k,whereP(I = i) = Ynh=1ph,ih.P is constrained to be non-negative, with row-sums equal to 1.1Test ProblemOnce you have your code working, apply it to the data set jain.txt, available on LearningCentral (taken from Jain & Law (2005) Data Clustering: A Users Dilemma). Do it for k =2, 3, 4, . . .The report should describe the choices made in implementing the CE method and why theywere made. It should be presented as a stand-alone document that can be understood withouthaving to read your code. It should be no more than four pages long. When implementing theCE method you should consider the following aspects:• The sample size.• The selection quantile.• The smoothing parameter.Marks will be allocated on the following basis:50% Code correctness (does it actually work).20% Quality of solution (how good is the best solution found).20% Reasoning behind choices for meta-parameters.10% Clarity of report.2转自:http://www.3zuoye.com/contents/3/4822.html
