
off the record   把…记下来;非正式的;私下里说,随便说说

Someone's setting me up.有人在陷害我。

I know the drill.我知道规矩,我知道该怎么做,我了解这种套路;

It's your funeral,这与我无关。Fancy something to eat?想吃点东西吗

sit tight  非正式〉按兵不动;耐心等待(时机);坐稳啦;稳坐不动;固执己见;

a sight for sore eyes 看着舒服的东西;佳客;受欢迎的; 赏心悦目;珍品;受欢迎的人; 救星,痛苦;

you are a sight for sore eyes .你可真养眼,见到你真高兴;你可真是我的救星;

bears only a passing resemblance.有点像;酷似,有些相似,像极了;

 have more than a passing resemblance to非常像

sniff around,四处打探,追查,逗留;

these two must be behind the cons. 这两个人肯定【是幕后黑手】/【知道内幕】

do a runner 不给钱就走,跑路,逃避;

back to square one. 原地踏步;从头再来;退回起点;问题回到原状;

Not remotely 不会的;绝

That's much better than nothing, but it's not remotely enough. 这比什麽都没有好多了,但绝对不够。

Sadly, the substance did not remotely match the storyline .令人悲哀的是内容和故事情节大相径庭

bourbons 波旁威士忌;【史】波旁皇室的一员;〈美〉最顽固的保守分子

Confucius tells us: learning without thought is bourbons thought without learning is perilous.孔子告诉我们:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。

I tell you what, 我告诉你;我告诉你怎么办;我告诉你一个好主意

till the end of the day  直到世界末日/截止日期

local rag : newspaper specified to a certain area;本地报社地方小报;

Have a great day. 祝你们愉快;美好的一天;祝你一天好运

raise the profile  提升形象 提高声望、地位、知名度;

probably best.最好、适合、一定;

Proceeds of crime 犯罪所得;赃款赃物;犯罪收益;

mess around 浪费时间;混(日子);乱管闲事;一片狼籍;闲混;胡闹,闲荡

I'm not the kind of person to mess around with.我可不是那种好惹的人。

never ever mess around.绝对不要惹事。  don't just mess around all day!别整天闲混了。

We get a head-to-head.我们就能当面对决


【1】外表OR行为很独特,以至于不像个智人h-m- sapien。

that guy is a creature and a half.。

no sneakers i’m wearing creatures.没有运动鞋。


His b-tchy girlfriend was acting like a real creature .


dont tell me i look like no creature.。我不像个怪物。 a lucky creature幸运儿;

【4】夜间出没的丑东西; a group of fiends 恶魔。

1. the creatures have took a trip to the abyss again

2. he used to be a lawyer but now hes a creature

3. check that creature freaking out。

I know just the creature to catch them.我就知道怎么才能抓住他们

undies drawer.内衣抽屉;内衣衣柜;

I'm on it,有我呢;我正在做,我来搞定它,我会调查清楚,我来吧;

Bear with me. 容忍我一下吧

what's the score 比分是多少?    A score of men  20个人;

on that/this score 就那个(或这个)来说;在那个(或这个)问题;

more an issue 更像是个问题。

This is more an issue about actual equality between the documents, rather than semantic equality.这更多的是文档的事实等价问题而非语义等价问题。

corporate sounding,

He calls his "company" the Survival Research Labs (SRL), a deliberately misleading corporate-sounding name.


The narrator here is a bit too bland and corporate-sounding, but this is a solid overview。解说员在这里有点太平淡和企业冠冕堂皇,但这是一个坚实的概述。

Money's no object.钱不是问题。

We get a head-to-head. 我们当面对决。

bring you guys up to speed.关键部分  kick back 休息,悠闲,放松,反击;

front-loaded 前期的;

go to the lengths of doing sth,费尽心机;挖空心思;想方设法,千方百计做某事;

Go to the lengths to stop it.作点努力来停止它。

1.Is it really necessary to go to the lengths of employing someone to help achieve goals?我们真的需要花费大量时间来找一个能帮助我们实现目标的人吗?

smoke out the mastermind. 查出主谋; suddenly go off the radar 突然间失踪;

funny business.搞笑、开玩笑、滑稽;胡闹;耍花招;怪事,不道德的事,非法活动;

  homework准备工作;really did their homework 费尽心思

howdy int.(招呼语)你好;您好;豪迪;嗨

blend in v.相称;协调;混合;融入;融入圈子;调和;隐藏

can't have been too  一点也不,并不,1.That can't have been too amusing.这并不会是什么有趣的事。

carry the can 负责任;代人受过;单独承担全部风险[责任];背黑锅;

softie 有同情心的人;热心肠的人;柔弱的人;心软的人;善良的人

Water under the bridge.都过去了,既往不咎; DI ;detective inspector.探长

Put yourself in my shoes. 你站在我的角度想想
