


1. 翻译要言简意赅,Precise&Consise

Plain English (题外话:有人推荐原文书——Animal Farm,书中用simple but powerful的语言描写动物农场的故事,实际上是表达政治斗争)

正如The Elements of Style 中写道:"Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentence short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subject only in outline, but that every word tell."

2. EXPOSURE,要多阅读,多实践,积累很重要









Bill Morrow's Birthday Party 比尔·莫罗的生日宴会

注意:1. 名字中间的符号·;2. “宴会”词语的选择,比“聚会”正式,要结合文章背景


1. 对于首次出现的人名地名等除了音译外,需要括号备注原文拼写,这是为了能回译,可以追溯;

2. 译文中的汉语语法要严谨,如主谓宾明确,主题线(Topic String)清晰等,要经得起专业的推敲,不能让读者太伤脑筋,给弄晕了可不好;

3. 信达雅的基本原则至少要信和达,真实反映原文意思;

4. 翻译时要默认读者不懂英文,包括人名地名等,都需要用汉字。实践中要考虑客户需求,或许有需要刻意保留的专有名词等;

5. 注意中英文标点符号使用规范,不能混用(在有引号和句号、逗号时,根据引用的部分,适当安排引号和其他符号的顺序);

6. 注意汉字字数,不能过于啰嗦,通常情况,英语汉语字数的比例为:1.7~2.1;

7. 要对词汇敏感,注意词汇的褒贬;

8. 注意句子的完整和长短,句号和逗号适当选择,整段都是逗号会让读者很累;

× 不能让读者停下来分析句子结构

× 不能让读者理解有歧义

× 不能把翻译做成了阅读理解



Bill Morrow’s Birthday Party

Several times on his trips to China, which he made as a guest of the Chinese Government, Bill’s birthday occurred while he was in Beijing. On these occasions he was given a dinner in his honour and Premier Zhou Enlai would attend. He remembered the first occasion:

      At the hotel I always finished the meal with icecream and the girls there would laugh because I like it so much. Zhou Enlai was at my birthday party and at the end he got up, went over to the counter and got an icecream and he put it down in front of me - this is the Prime Minister you know! He said ‘This is for you’. I said ‘I didn’t know you could speak English’. He laughed and he said ‘a little bit’ measuring with his finger and thumb. Sometimes when we were alone then he’d speak to me in English.

‘This is for you,’ Bill Morrow heard on many occasions he would never forget - such as when he was taken in a boat down the Grand Canal and every boat that passed sounded its siren in salutation. Or when he was shown over the great Nanjing bridge, built where the ferries used to carry trains across the Changjiang River. He was given a chair and asked to wait a little as darkness came on, then suddenly the whole bridge was outlined in lights. ‘This is for you.’ ‘You mustn’t use all that electricity to please me,’ he protested, ‘all Nanjing will enjoy it too,’ he was told.

Zhou Enlai arranged for experts from Beijing University to give Bill Morrow some up-to-date information he wanted. ‘I’m just an old bum at home,’ Bill asked, ‘but here you treat me like a VIP.’ ‘We know what you have done,’ said Zhou Enlai. 

(from Audrey Johnson, Fly a Rebel Flag)


