

Convergence acceleration of a sequence by the Levin transformation. Initialize by calling the constructor with arguments nmax, an upper bound on the number of terms to be summed, and epss, the desired accuracy.Then make successive calls to the function next, which returns the current estimate of the limit of the sequence.The flag cnvgd is set when convergence is detected.

sum, the nth partial sum of the sequence; omega, the nth remainder estimatewn , usually from(5.3.19); and the parameter beta, which should usually be set to 1, but sometimes 0.5 works better.The current estimate of the limit of the sequence is returned.

using System;

namespace Legalsoft.Truffer

    /// Convergence acceleration of a sequence by the Levin transformation.
    /// Initialize by calling the constructor with arguments nmax, an upper bound on
    /// the number of terms to be summed, and epss, the desired accuracy.Then make
    /// successive calls to the function next, which returns the current estimate of
    /// the limit of the sequence.The flag cnvgd is set when convergence is
    /// detected.

    public class Levin
        private double[] numer { get; set; }
        private double[] denom { get; set; }
        private int n { get; set; }
        private int ncv { get; set; }
        public bool cnvgd { get; set; }
        private double small { get; set; }
        public double big { get; set; }
        private double eps { get; set; }
        private double lastval { get; set; }
        private double lasteps { get; set; }

        public Levin(int nmax, double epss)
            this.numer = new double[nmax];
            this.denom = new double[nmax];
            this.n = 0;
            this.ncv = 0;
            this.cnvgd = false;
            this.eps = epss;
            this.lastval = 0.0;

            small = float.MinValue * 10.0;
            big = double.MaxValue;


        /// sum, the nth partial sum of the sequence; omega, the nth remainder estimate
        /// wn , usually from(5.3.19); and the parameter beta, which should usually be
        /// set to 1, but sometimes 0.5 works better.The current estimate of the limit
        /// of the sequence is returned.

        public double next(double sum, double omega, double beta = 1.0)
            double term = 1.0 / (beta + n);
            denom[n] = term / omega;
            numer[n] = sum * denom[n];
            if (n > 0)
                double ratio = (beta + n - 1) * term;
                for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                    double fact = (n - j + beta) * term;
                    numer[n - j] = numer[n - j + 1] - fact * numer[n - j];
                    denom[n - j] = denom[n - j + 1] - fact * denom[n - j];
                    term = term * ratio;
            double val = Math.Abs(denom[0]) < small ? lastval : numer[0] / denom[0];
            lasteps = Math.Abs(val - lastval);
            if (lasteps <= eps)
            if (ncv >= 2)
                cnvgd = true;
            return (lastval = val);
