2022-09-27 Growth Requires Perseverance

“Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold — but so does a hard-boiled egg.” — Author Unknown

Don’t be discouraged when they show up but learn to weather the storm. **Things will not go as you expect, keep moving forward, anyway. There will always be something not right where you are in your life. **If you focus on what is right or what you’ve accomplished, your attitude will be better. You will be grateful and content no matter what surrounds you or how long it takes to reach your goal.

You will be happy instead of disheartened. Don’t lose heart. Goals are inspiring. Every person should create short term and long term goals to work towards. Besides, it is important to create an inspired action plan that will help you attain those goals. By inspired, I mean pursuing a cause that means something to you. Take inspired action towards your goals, so you create momentum and move towards them.

As you take the smallest step forward, your energy propels you in that direction, and the momentum carries you over the bumps in the road. As you go to work, universal intelligence brings forth your desires and dreams. No matter the circumstances, inspired action should be taken so you are progressing.

The right conditions to thrive and prosper reside in your thoughts, not in outward circumstances. If your attitude is in alignment with your goals, you’re well on your way to accomplishing them. Is it taking longer for you to accomplish your goals? Just keep taking the next step. Are you frustrated with obstacles and setbacks? Trust the process and the journey that is unfolding.

It is leading you somewhere but not where you imagined. You won’t know until you get there, so for now release your worries, judgement and frustration and settle in for the ride. Enjoy where you are, on the way to where you are going.

Take heart, knowing you will accomplish your goals in due time. Think of a garden. It’s important to have good soil to produce fruit, but the soil need not be perfect to bring forth a harvest.

The same goes for you. Focus on what is good and what is going right and continue to take inspired action towards your goals. After all, just do it no matter what the conditions and you will achieve something meaningful, owing to your commitment and perseverance.

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