


Map aMap = new HashMap(); 
//adding keys and values 
aMap.put("Five", 5); 
aMap.put("Seven", 7);
aMap.put("Four", 4);
aMap.put("Eight", 8); 
aMap.put("One", 1); 
aMap.put("Two", 2); 
aMap.put("Three", 3); 
2.利用Set entrySet(): 返回Map.Entry对象的视图集,即映像中的关键字/值对

 Set> mapEntries = aMap.entrySet();

List> aList = new LinkedList>(mapEntries); 
// sorting the List 
Collections.sort(aList, new Comparator>(){
	public int compare(Map.Entry ele1, Map.Entry ele2){
	    return ele1.getValue().compareTo(ele2.getValue()); 

public static > void sort(List list) 

public static  void sort(List list, Comparator c) 

import java.util.*; 

 * @author leo
 * @data 2017.3.10

public class SortHashMapByValues {
	 private static void sortMapByValues(Map aMap){
		 Set> mapEntries = aMap.entrySet();
	     System.out.println("Values and Keys before sorting "); 
	     for(Map.Entry entry : mapEntries)
	    	 System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " - "+ entry.getValue()); 
	     //use LinkedList to sort, because insertion of elements in linked list is faster than ArrayList. 
	     List> aList = new LinkedList>(mapEntries); 
	     // sorting the List 
	     Collections.sort(aList, new Comparator>(){
	         public int compare(Map.Entry ele1, Map.Entry ele2){
	    		 return ele1.getValue().compareTo(ele2.getValue()); 
	     // Storing the list into Linked HashMap to preserve the order of insertion. 
	     Map aMap2 = new LinkedHashMap();
	     for(Map.Entry entry: aList){
	    	 aMap2.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); 
	     // printing values after sorting of map 
	     System.out.println("Values and Keys after sorting "); 
	     for(Map.Entry entry : aMap2.entrySet()){
	    	 System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " - " + entry.getValue()); 
	public static void main(String[] args){
		Map aMap = new HashMap(); 
        //adding keys and values 
        aMap.put("Five", 5); 
        aMap.put("Seven", 7);
        aMap.put("Four", 4);
        aMap.put("Eight", 8); 
        aMap.put("One", 1); 
        aMap.put("Two", 2); 
        aMap.put("Three", 3); 

Values and Keys before sorting 
Eight - 8
Five -  5
Four - 4
One - 1
Seven - 7
Two - 2
Three - 3
Values and Keys after sorting 
One - 1
Two - 2
Three - 3
Four - 4
Five - 5
Seven - 7
Eight - 8
