高效学习英语的几个关键点(中英双语)Key points of learning English efficiently








Psychological health is one of the most significant factor for learning English efficiently. Many people who are learning English as a second language feel worried and anxious to speak, sometimes because they can't understand what others are saying. The more anxious they are, the more they can't understand. So there is a vicious circle. However, only when you jump out from the vicious circle, accept all your problems that exsit in your Englsih learning, will you be at the start of improving your English. The most important for learning English efficiently is to learn it with a positive and happy attitude. Only when you feel thrilled, fall in love with English, you will find the effective way of learning English with a plan. The following are five suggestions on learning English effectively.

First, learn English joyfully. Make your brain in a relaxing and joyous state and more dopamine secretion occur in your brain, your ability of absorbing  knowledge will substantially enhanced. So it's a good way to use music to relax ourselves before learning, as well as immerse our brain in English environment as often as possible. You must remember this, English can only be absorbed by our brain when you feel good or are enjoying.

Second, try to fall in love with English. This is the fastest way to make progress in English. It is suggested you combine your English learning with your hobbies, if you are not so interested in English. For example, if you love watching films, you can just watch  English ones. If you like music, then just listen to English songs. Your love will make it easier for you to insisit on. Once I heard the experience of one person learning German. She started to learn German by watching her favourite soap friends in German. She couldn't understand one single word at the beginning , but she kept watching, when she was watching the second season, she began to understand several words and phrases. And later, she knew more and more German words and phrases. Therefore, the best way of learning a new language is to combine your hobbies with learning, I think.

Third, work out an applausible plan. You can start from forming the habit of learning English everyday. Many people especially those who have to work, say I am too busy at work to find even half a hour to learn English.  To my point of view, we don't need that long to learn at first, only five minutes is enough. Five minute is easier to keep going, helps to form a habit of learning English everyday, and will make a great difference if you keep doing it. On the other hand, learning English is actually like courtship. If you stay with it everyday, your feelings for English will be deepened, which will in turn give your more incentives to learn and be persevering. You may be able to do more than 5 minutes or even 30 minutes each day. And there are some good occasions for English learning, like listening to English when driving or travelling in the metro, doing house chores or having breakfast.

Fourth, be patient enough and encourage yourself now and then. First, we need to accept our present level of English, and don't worry about the invisible progress we have made, because making progress in languages needs a lot of practice. You can only achieve the transition when you have spent enough time on it. So patience is extremely crucial for English learning. Don't be anxious, once you got anxious, you will be easily give up learning.

The last is to be bold enough to open your mouth.  Language is for you to learn but not to teach. I totally agree with this point of view. It emphasizes the importance of positive attitude to English learning. You can only achieve the transition in English learning when you learn it proactively, practise it frequently in your life. Many people are nervous to open their mouths because they are afraid of making mistakes. However, to learn anything is the process from making mistakes to perfection.  So be placid about your mistakes and be bold enough to speak it out as often as possible, you will make distinctive progress sooner or later.

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