generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]


What are Diffusion Models?

Forward diffusion process

Connection with stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics

Reverse diffusion process

Parameterization of Lt for Training Loss

Connection with noise-conditioned score networks (NCSN)

Parameterization of 

Parameterization of reverse process variance 

Speed up Diffusion Model Sampling

Conditioned Generation

Classifier Guided Diffusion

Classifier-Free Guidance

Scale up Generation Resolution and Quality

Quick Summary

What are Diffusion Models?

Previous work's limitations:

-- GAN models are known for potentially unstable training and less diversity in generation due to their adversarial training nature.

-- VAE relies on a surrogate loss.

-- Flow models have to use specialized architectures to construct reversible transform.

Diffusion models are inspired by non-equilibrium thermodynamics. 非平衡热力学


generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]_第1张图片

Forward diffusion process


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generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]_第3张图片

Connection with stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics

朗格文动力学是物理学中的一个概念,用于对分子系统进行统计建模。结合随机梯度下降,随机梯度Langevin dynamics(Welling & Teh 2011)可以从概率密度产生样本p(x) 仅使用渐变在马尔可夫更新链中:

generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]_第4张图片

Reverse diffusion process


generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]_第5张图片

Parameterization of Lt for Training Loss

我们需要学习一个神经网络来近似反向扩散过程中的条件概率分布,我们想训练μ,因为Xt在训练时可作为输入,我们可以重新参数化高斯噪声项以使其预测\epsilon _{t}从输入Xt在时间步长t:

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Connection with noise-conditioned score networks (NCSN)

generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]_第8张图片

Parameterization of \beta_{t}

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Parameterization of reverse process variance \Sigma_{\theta }

generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]_第10张图片

Speed up Diffusion Model Sampling

generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]_第11张图片


  1. 使用更少的步骤生成更高质量的样本。
  2. 具有“一致性”属性,因为生成过程是确定性的,这意味着以同一潜在变量为条件的多个样本应该具有类似的高级特征。
  3. 由于一致性,DDIM 可以在潜在变量中执行语义上有意义的插值。

generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]_第12张图片

Conditioned Generation

在具有条件信息(如 ImageNet 数据集)的图像上训练生成模型时,通常会生成以类标签或一段描述性文本为条件的样本。

Classifier Guided Diffusion

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generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]_第14张图片

Classifier-Free Guidance

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Scale up Generation Resolution and Quality

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generative-model [What are Diffusion Models?]_第18张图片

Quick Summary

  • Pros: Tractability and flexibility are two conflicting objectives in generative modeling. Tractable models can be analytically evaluated and cheaply fit data (e.g. via a Gaussian or Laplace), but they cannot easily describe the structure in rich datasets. Flexible models can fit arbitrary structures in data, but evaluating, training, or sampling from these models is usually expensive. Diffusion models are both analytically tractable and flexible

  • 优点:可处理性和灵活性是生成建模中两个相互冲突的目标。可处理的模型可以进行分析评估和廉价拟合数据(例如通过高斯或拉普拉斯),但它们不能在丰富的数据集中轻松描述结构。灵活的模型可以适应数据中的任意结构,但从这些模型中评估、训练或采样通常成本高昂。扩散模型在分析上既易于处理又灵活

  • Cons: Diffusion models rely on a long Markov chain of diffusion steps to generate samples, so it can be quite expensive in terms of time and compute. New methods have been proposed to make the process much faster, but the sampling is still slower than GAN.

  • 缺点:扩散模型依赖于长马尔可夫扩散步骤链来生成样本,因此在时间和计算方面可能非常昂贵。已经提出了新的方法来使该过程更快,但采样仍然比GAN慢。

笔记摘自Lil'Log--【写的真好啊 respect】

What are Diffusion Models?icon-default.png?t=N7T8
