⑤ Level3.Unit3.Part4 An urgent Call

★★An urgent Call 97 

M:I'd like to speak with Mr. Bennett, please.

              =May I speak to XX,please?

W:I'm sorry, but he's not here right now.  91 Would you like to leave a voice message?  85

              询问是否需要留言 = Can I take a messa? 我可以为您捎个口信吗?

M:It's urgent/ˈɜːrdʒənt/(紧急的) that I speak with him. 85  It's an emergency. 90

              urgent (adj.) 紧急的,紧迫的 → an urgent problem 紧急问题;an urgent task 紧急任务;

              It's urgent that… 某事是紧急的 → e.g. It's urgent that we sit down for taiks. 我们坐下来谈判是很紧急的

              emergency (n.) 紧急情况,突发事件 → in an emergency 在紧急情况下;

W:Oh, I see. What kind of emergency?

M:It's very personal so I can't give you any details.   93

              personal (adj.) 个人的,私人的 → e.g.  It's very personal. 这件事非常私人 / Can I ask a personal question?我可以问你一个私人问题吗?detail (n.) 细节;

译文:我想请班纳特先生听电话。对不起,他现在不在。您要留个话吗?我很急着跟他说话。这是紧急情况。 哦,我明白了。具体是什么紧急情况?这是非常私人的事情,所以我不能告诉你任何细节。

What  does the words“urgent”means? needing quick attention

Why doesn't he want to leave a voice message? - It's an urgent matter that he can't wait.

Would you like to leave a voice message?

W:Without more details I'm afraid I can't give you his number.  85 

       Give me your number and I'll let him know about your call. 

       Then maybe he'll call you back. Would that be okay?

M:Sure, my number is 5834987. It would be great if he could/kʊd/ call me within the next half hour.86(条件状语从句)

              within 在(某段时间)之内 → within the next half hour 在接下来的半个小时内;


Why doesn't she give out Mr. Bennett numbe?  She need to more details

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