unity5.3 android存储路径,unity5.3.4之no android module loaded



system.io.file' does not contain a definition for readalltext on webplayer in Unity, 上网查资料,有个老外说This is due to the sandboxing security of the webplayer, which has certain limitations imposed to prevent malicious code being executed by a unity application via the browser.

Unity's docs include a page explaining this:

Which includes the following brief description of the limitations:

Restrictions on accessing data on a domain other than the one hosting your .unity3d file.

Some limitation on the usage of the Sockets.

Disallowing invocation of any method we deemed off limits. (things

like File.Delete, etc).

Disallowing the usage of System.Reflection.* to call private/internal methods in classes you did not write yourself.

In short, you cannot access the file
