ITLS 6107代做、代写Data Analytics、代写R设计、R编程语言调试代做Processing|代做R语言编程

ITLS 6107 Applied GIS and SpatialData AnalyticsIntroduction & Assignment 11 Introduction1.1 OutlineGeographic Information Systems (GIS): Taking this spatial context into account transformsanalyses, problem solving and provides a powerful method of visualising the world.Content: 地理信息处理的理论知识,ArcGi 的使用,数据可视化的指导,Kernel Density,Network 等1.2 Software & CodingSoftware: ArcGis, Qgis, TableauCoding: R (R studio), SQL1.3 Course Structurea) Individual Assignment I: 熟练 ArcGis 操作,了解 project coordinate system,datasetrelationship;以 Feedback 的形式,提高数据可视化b) Individual Assignment II: 通过地理数据的处理,从多角度(如 transport,studyingfacility 等)出发, 改善校园环境;考察 Kernel Densityc) Group Assignment:根据某家公司的销售数据、地理位置信息,提出 Marketing 和Supply chain 方面的改善意见;考察 Networkd) Final Exam: 理论知识 + 操作;考察对小组作业的参与程度,对数据处理的熟练程度1.4 General Tipsa) 创建 Geodatabase:i. ArcGis 里的文件夹,存储 map 里所有的信息,ii. 每张 Map,对应一个 Geodatabase,方便以后查看iii. Set as defaultb) 保存:保存在个人硬盘,操作时常保存,以免文件丢失2 Assignment 12.1 Map 12.1.1 InstructionCreate a map of the neighbourhood around your home (within 2- 3kilometres) that clearlyidentifies your house, nearby bus stops, train lines/stations (if any) and all the major features.Label important features as appropriate 2.1.2 RecapsShow neighbourhood around your home with all the major features (transport, supermarkets,park, hospital etc)2.1.3 Hintsa) Legendi. 地点和路线都需使用常见标志,如机场: ,铁路线;ii. 都不可以用 3D icon;iii. 颜色使用要符合 common sense,如公园用绿色,而不用红色b) Insert Map 可简洁,只保留 basic map(如果底图颜色有问题,用设置 dpi >96(eg 300) for image )c) Scale: 不可以 random 比例尺,第一张可考虑 500md) 额外标示,突出自己家的位置2.2 Map 22.2.1 InstructionUsing the map around your home from before (should be around 10-20 SA1 districtsdependent on where you live) create a thematic map using appropriate themes, which showsthe following:• Change in SA1 working population between 2011 and 2016• How worker travel to work (i.e., percent of workers travelling to work bydifferent transport modes to total number of workers in each SA1)• Add necessary labels, legends etc. to improve your map.2.2.2 RecapShow mode share of JTW and change in working population around your neighbourhood2.2.3 Hintsa) Working population change: (full time + part time)i. Join 2011 + 2016: Tabular join or Spatial Join (由于两年的 records 不同,选取周边 10-20 个 SA1 后在做再做 spatial join 可节省计算量)ii. Field Calculation: 计算 percentage or absolute change 后,将变化量里通过property 里的 symbology 来展示;Single mapb) Mode of JTW: mode of Journey to Work (JTW)i. Classify 16 modes: 可分为如公交车、轨道交通、轮渡、出租车几个大类,或者公共交通、个人出行等,以大类计算占比ii. 计算占比率: 有些值是 0,没法直接相除。建议: 分子分母同时+1,或者只计算 value 大于 0(Select by Attributes)2.3 Map 32.3.1 InstructionMixed land use is widely recognised as one of the factors that can promote liveability andsustainable choices. A mix land use index (mixuseind) has been created to represent thedegree of mixed land use in each SA3 in Sydney. This index is bounded between 0 and 1,with a higher value indicating a better mix.- Using the misuseind in the SA3_mix_landuse_index feature, identify the SA3 that has thebest/worst mix of land use within 50km of your home.- Compare how land is used in your home SA3 with the best/worst SA3 you identified above.You only need to compare with either the best or the worst SA3, not both.- You should show your analysis results on one map which should have titles, labels, legendsetc.- You should show on your map the top 5 land use categories for each SA3 based onpercentage of area.2.3.2 RecapCompare how land is used in your home SA3 with the best / worst SA3 within its 50 km.2.3.3 Hintsa) Choose SA3i. 在 home 的 SA3 layer 上,select by location,选择距离 50km,选出离家距离50km 的 SA3ii. 根据“mixuseind”排序,选择最高或最底的 sa3,两者选其一,与家所在 sa3 上对比。即最终呈现得出两个部分,一个是家所在 SA3,另一个是选择的 SA3b) Land use percentagei. LZN layer (Land Zoning 里 lay_class 列表示 land use 的种类,如 public recreation,neighborhood center 等)ii. Area: Calculate geometry: projected coordinate system (操作见 canvas), 改为 GDA1994 Australia Albers, unit 改为 square kilometersiii. 注意 Area 的 datatype,设置为 Float 或 Doubleiv. Dissolve: Aggregate features based on specified attributes 计算 percentagev. Symbology 中选择 color for categorical variables (not order/scale)c) 展示出家所在 SA3 和选择的 SA3 地理位置的关系2.4 Map 42.4.1 Instruction– Use the provided train stations and patronage data to determine and show the number ofservices and train patronage per SA3 on a typical Tuesday. You must also show the top 20busiest train stations between 7:30 and 8:30 AM across Sydney.– Ensure you label your map appropriately.2.4.2 RecapShow number of services and train patronage per SA3 on a typical Tuesday, plus the top 20busiest train stations in AM-peak2.4.3 Hintsa) 使用 SA3 Mapb) Use insert map to show the top 20c) 显示完整 Show all SA3s2.5 Map 52.5.1 Instruction– Australian Post strategically locates their offices to maximise the number of people theyserve (i.e., market size). Create a map showing the number of addresses within 2000 metresof each post office.2.5.2 RecapShow number of addresses within a 2km catchment of each Australian Post Office2.5.3 Hintsa) 从”SYD_Cultural Features”中”Type”选择 post office,创建 layerb) 在每个 post office 建立 2km 的 bufferc) GNFA: contains all physical addresses in Australia. Spatial Join with post office layer得出 number of addressesd) 展示完整2.6 Common Mistakesa) 每张图必带 North Arrow, Legend 和 Scaleb) 坚决不用散点图c) Random Layer, Field/Alias, Breaks, Scale 等 --- map 里显示的每个数值、文字都要有意义Random Break:Random Scale:本团队核心人员组成主要包括BAT一线工程师,精通德英语!我们主要业务范围是代做编程大作业、课程设计等等。我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编程 通讯编程 游戏编程多媒体linux 外挂编程 程序API图像处理 嵌入式/单片机 数据库编程 控制台 进程与线程 网络安全 汇编语言 硬件编程 软件设计 工程标准规等。其中代写编程、代写程序、代写留学生程序作业语言或工具包括但不限于以下范围:C/C++/C#代写Java代写IT代写Python代写辅导编程作业Matlab代写Haskell代写Processing代写Linux环境搭建Rust代写Data Structure Assginment 数据结构代写MIPS代写Machine Learning 作业 代写Oracle/SQL/PostgreSQL/Pig 数据库代写/代做/辅导Web开发、网站开发、网站作业ASP.NET网站开发Finance Insurace Statistics统计、回归、迭代Prolog代写Computer Computational method代做因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:[email protected] 微信:codehelp

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