






其他按照默认安装即可,安装完毕后会在桌面创建快捷方式,我们双击打开使用即可。注意软件只能在windows x64平台使用,不支持mac或者Linux系统。使用方法


  1. Build and launch using the instructions above.
  2. Click 'Change default saved annotation folder' in Menu/File
  3. Click 'Open Dir'
  4. Click 'Create RectBox'
  5. Click and release left mouse to select a region to annotate the rect box
  6. You can use right mouse to drag the rect box to copy or move it

The annotation will be saved to the folder you specify.

You can refer to the below hotkeys to speed up your workflow.

Create pre-defined classes

You can edit the data/predefined_classes.txt to load pre-defined classes


Ctrl + u Load all of the images from a directory
Ctrl + r Change the default annotation target dir
Ctrl + s Save
Ctrl + d Copy the current label and rect box
Space Flag the current image as verified
w Create a rect box
e Create a Rotated rect box
d Next image
a Previous image
r Hidden/Show Rotated Rect boxes
n Hidden/Show Normal Rect boxes
del Delete the selected rect box
Ctrl++ Zoom in
Ctrl-- Zoom out
↑→↓← Keyboard arrows to move selected rect box
zxcv Keyboard to rotate selected rect box




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