
  1. 把本地文件夹变成git 仓库
git init
  1. 本地代码提交
git add .
git commit -m "提交说明"
  1. 远程分支需要配置
2. 把本地的公钥加到github
  1. 添加远程仓库
git remote add origin(远程仓库名) [email protected]:test/branchName.git(自己的github clone 地址)

必须加 add 参数

git remote origin(远程仓库名) [email protected]:test/branchName.git(自己的github clone 地址)
报错如下: error: Unknown subcommand: github_python usage: git remote [-v | --verbose] or: git remote add [-t ] [-m ] [-f] [--tags | --no-tags] [--mirror=] or: git remote rename or: git remote remove or: git remote set-head (-a | --auto | -d | --delete | ) or: git remote [-v | --verbose] show [-n] or: git remote prune [-n | --dry-run] or: git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [( | )...] or: git remote set-branches [--add] ... or: git remote get-url [--push] [--all] or: git remote set-url [--push] [] or: git remote set-url --add or: git remote set-url --delete -v, --verbose be verbose; must be placed before a subcommand

  1. 如果远程分支有文件必须先 git fetchgit merge
git fetch origin master
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories origin/master

两个不相关的分支merge会报错,必须加 --allow-unrelated-histories

否则会报错 fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

  1. 把本地提交推送到远端分支
git push origin master


Enumerating objects: 226, done. Counting objects: 100% (226/226), done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads Compressing objects: 100% (205/205), done. Connection reset by port 22 fatal: sha1 file '' write error: Broken pipe/s fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly

解决办法在本地git bash中执行:git config http.postBuffer 524288000

然后再git push origin master 就没有报错了,push完之后再刷新一下github
