基于Java IO 序列化方案的memcached-session-manager多memcached节点配置


  1. java serialization
  2. msm-kryo-serializer
  3. msm-javolution-serializer
  4. msm-xstream-serializer


  • Java serialization is very robust and a proven technology. The biggest disadvantage IMHO is that different class versions cannot be handled.
  • Kryo is an extremely fast binary serialization library. In the popular thrift-protobuf-compare benchmark it's one of the fastest serialization toolkits - and it differs from the fastest in that it does NOT need a schema definition of serialized data, which is a requirement for serialization arbitrary session data. A disadvantage of using kryo based serialization is that it's binary - you just cannot look how the serialized object graph looks like. This is my favorite serialization strategy, just because of its great performance.
  • Javolution is a very good and fast xml binding toolkit. The reflection part is written by me and adds the bits that are actually binding POJOs to xml. It is covered well with unit tests, however I cannot guarantee that there's no issue left to solve (actually this serialization strategy was in use in my own projects, now replaced by kryo based serialization).
  • XStream based serialization should be very robust as this is an often used java object binding library. The biggest disadvantage IMHO is the relatively bad performance.


  网上有一些例子都是关于Javolution的,我个人倾向于使用Kryo,至于序列化出现的问题还可以自己解决,不过先使用java IO来配置,先用起来,以后再慢慢优化,换成Kryo。

  直接在CATALINAHOME/lib/下添加memcached−2.5.jar和memcached−session−manager−1.4.0.jar ,然后对CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml修改相应的配置


 由于项目对session 管理模式是non-sticky的,所以不配置failoverNodes,任何一个web工程对session的修改要及时更新到memcache上,所以sessionBackupTimeout为0(不同的应用有不同的配置,这样配置是符合我现在这个项目要求的)。
