


The Tender Power of Astrology Memes


Young Americans areacutely aware of their own emotionalstrugglesand those of their peers, and many of them seem to want an online home for their more tender thoughts. In the past two years, millions of them have found aconduit to talk to one another about their real lives: massively popular astrology accounts and newer micro-social apps, all devoted to astrology.


acutely  adv.强烈地, 深深感觉到, 强烈意识到

struggle  v.努力,奋斗;挣扎;搏斗;争夺  n.斗争;奋斗;努力

conduit  n.导管, 中转人, 中转机构, 中转国

As The Atlantic’s Julie Beck noted that astrology has rerooted itself in American youth culture at precisely the time many young people, who are less religious and more online than ever, feeladrift. Those meme accounts allow young people to turn thatintrospection outward and into something more social.

就像Atlantic’s Julie Beck所提及的那样,占卜学已经精确地将自己深深的再次扎根在美国年轻人的文化之中,此时很多的年轻人,他们很少有宗教信仰并且比以往更加依赖互联网,而感到无所适从,这些模因账户允许年轻人将内省向外转化,并且变得更加的社会化

adrift  adj.漂流, 漂浮, 漫无目的, 随波逐流  adv.飘浮, 〈比喻〉飘泊(无定), 无定职

introspection  n.反省, 内省

“Astrology is a framework for analyzing yourself and your experiences, and people naturally bring other people into that.” said Perkins, a 24-year-old comedy writer. 


Banu Guler, a co-founder of the astrology app Co-Star, thinks the ease with which astrology allows people to talk about personal struggles and negative emotions plays a huge role in its popularity.

Banu Guler,一个占卜应用Co-Star的合伙人,认为容易让占卜学允许人们去谈论人们之间的争斗和负面情绪,这给在占卜学的流行中发挥了巨大的作用

“It’s much easier to say, ‘I’m a Capricorn, so it’s hard for me to express my feelings,’ than to walk into a room and be like, ‘I’m an emotionally repressed psycho.’” 


Astrology can allow people to depersonalize and recontextualize their emotions as part of a common, collective journey, which can battle the isolation that often comes with feeling sad or anxious.


In American culture, emotional struggles or “difficult” personalities are often seen as personal failings. In its own way, astrology gives people an opportunity to acknowledge the forces and power structures beyond the self that affect mood and behavior. At its best, it can encourage self-awareness instead of self-flagellation. That’s particularly important for young people, for whom shame can be especially harmful.


Some psychologists believe that those effects may be more muted with astrology, with its intensely self-reflective nature, than in traditional religion, which tends to come with a community.


Co-Star, which launched in late 2017, is part of a new crop of apps, along with The Pattern and Sanctuary, that use the time and location of a person’s birth to generate a detailed natal chart that goes deeper than the sun-sign horoscopes first developed as newspaper curiosities.

Co-Star在2017年末开启,是新领域的应用,同样的还有The Pattern和Sanctuary,那使用了一个人的出生的时间和位置去生成详细的出生表,比最初作为纸媒好奇心刊登的太阳星座更深入。

Co-Star has also spawned a different kind of sharing: The app’s frank daily push notifications have developed a social-media life of their own. The messages, which say things like, “Your biggest challenge is to avoid becoming dead inside,” are frequently screenshotted and shared by users on Twitter and Instagram who feel, well, dragged and roasted. 


The notifications are generated by artificial intelligence, and Guler says the company is constantly tweaking the formula to strike the right note. “We really try to think about how we talk to and text each other,” she explains.

这种推送的通知通过人工智能产生,并且Guler 说公司在不断的调整公式来产生正确的消息“我们真的要试着去想一下如何互相交流和写信”他解释道

“It’s not sunshine and rainbows; it’s also pushing each other to be better humans and think more clearly.”


No matter your preferred medium, experts agree that a willingness to open up to others is a key step in the process of maintaining mental health. A close reading of one’s natal chart is by no means a replacement for necessary professional care, but the Child Mind Institute calls reaching out “a vital part of getting the help you need.”


Research suggests that repressing negative emotions worsens stress. With rates of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidality rising among young people, astrology’s ability to break down communication barriers and depersonalize the prohibitively personal has proved valuable to plenty of people. 


“That’s why astrology has stuck around for so long, especially in communities of punks and anyone outside of mainstream culture,” Guler says. 


There’s no scientific evidence that the planets have an effect on personality or behavior, but as with any system of belief, total adherence to astrology’s teachings isn’t necessary to dabble in its benefits. Maybe all it takes is an image of  The Rock(those who have difficulty expressing themselves) making friends with a porpoise, accompanied by a gentle joke about how Capricorns have trouble with intimacy, to help you feel seen by the stars.

