控制台输出Security Warning: The negotiated TLS 1.0 is an insecure protocol and is suported for backward c

今天在启动项目时控制台给出了警告说:TLS 1.0协议不安全,仅支持向后兼容。推荐使用TLS 1.2及以上版本。

Security Warning: The negotiated TLS 1.0 is an insecure protocol and is suported for backward compatibility only. The reconmmmended protocol version is TLS 1.2 and later.

原因之一是使用的2014数据库 打上补丁即可解决,下载链接更新补丁

控制台输出Security Warning: The negotiated TLS 1.0 is an insecure protocol and is suported for backward c_第1张图片

控制台输出Security Warning: The negotiated TLS 1.0 is an insecure protocol and is suported for backward c_第2张图片
