uboot extlinux.conf介绍

uboot extlinux.conf介绍

uboot extlinux.conf介绍_第1张图片粗看上面的配置可以盲猜里面内容的意思:

MENU: 从配置可以看到是一张bmp的照片,应该是进入此阶段选择的splansh图片
TIMEOUT: 选择超时配置
DEFAULT: 默认启动的目标选项,应该是下面LABEL中的一种
LABEL: 一个启动项,每一个LABLE下面有三个子配置
KERNEL: 该启动项选择的DTB文件
INITRD: 该启动项支持的ramdisk

uboot extlinux.conf介绍_第2张图片
其中st-machine-extlinux-config-stm32mp.inc里面填充了非常多EXTLINUX相关的配置项目,然后stm32mp15-robot.conf这个machine的配置文件会引用st-machine-extlinux-config-stm32mp.inc同时部分配置项目可能会覆写,这些配置会最终控制配置文件里面的具体内容;extlinuxconf-stm32mp.bbclass里面提供了一个task 叫do_create_multiextlinux_config,里面会根据配置项目来生成extlinux的实际conf文件,u-boot-stm32mp-extlinux.bb引用了extlinuxconf-stm32mp.bbclass并且完善整个生成配置文件、编译和安装等工作,这就是大概完整的流程图。

从最后看可以知道create_multiextlinux_config task是在compile之前运行。

addtask create_multiextlinux_config before do_compile

下面是 do_create_multiextlinux_config的主体内容,部分删减

python do_create_multiextlinux_config() {
    targets = d.getVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_TARGETS')
    # Need to deconflict the targets with existing overrides
    target_overrides = targets.split()
    default_overrides = d.getVar('OVERRIDES').split(':')
    # We're keeping all the existing overrides that aren't used as a target
    # an override for that target will be added back in while we're processing that target
    keep_overrides = list(filter(lambda x: x not in target_overrides, default_overrides))

    # Init FIT parameter
    fit_config = d.getVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_FIT')

    for target in targets.split():
        bb.note("Loop for '%s' target" % target)

        # Append target as OVERRIDES
        d.setVar('OVERRIDES', ':'.join(keep_overrides + [target]))

        # Initialize labels
        labels = d.getVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_LABELS')
        if not labels:
            bb.fatal("UBOOT_EXTLINUX_LABELS not defined, nothing to do")
        if not labels.strip():
            bb.fatal("No labels, nothing to do")

        # Initialize extra target configs
        extra_extlinuxtargetconfig = d.getVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_TARGETS_EXTRA_CONFIG') or ""

        # Initialize subdir for config file location
        if len(targets.split()) > 1 or len(extra_extlinuxtargetconfig.split()) > 0:
            bootprefix = d.getVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_BOOTPREFIXES') or ""
            subdir = bootprefix + 'extlinux'
            subdir = 'extlinux'

        # Initialize config file
        cfile = os.path.join(d.getVar('B'), subdir , 'extlinux.conf')

        # Create extlinux folder

        # Standard extlinux file creation
        if fit_config == '1':
            bb.note("UBOOT_EXTLINUX_FIT set to '1'. Skip standard extlinux file creation")
            bb.note("Create %s/extlinux.conf file for %s labels" % (subdir, labels))
            create_extlinux_file(cfile, labels, d)

        extra_extlinuxtargetconfigflag = d.getVarFlags('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_TARGETS_EXTRA_CONFIG')
        # The "doc" varflag is special, we don't want to see it here
        extra_extlinuxtargetconfigflag.pop('doc', None)
        # Handle new targets and labels append
        if len(extra_extlinuxtargetconfig.split()) > 0:
            bb.note("Manage EXTRA target configuration:")
            for config in extra_extlinuxtargetconfig.split():
                # Init extra config vars:
                extra_extlinuxlabels = ""
                extra_cfile = ""
                # Specific case for 'fit' to automate configuration with device tree name
                if fit_config == '1':
                    # Override current 'labels' with 'config' from UBOOT_EXTLINUX_TARGETS_EXTRA_CONFIG
                    # Under such configuration, UBOOT_EXTLINUX_TARGETS_EXTRA_CONFIG should contain the
                    # list of supported device tree file (without '.dtb' suffix) to allow proper extlinux
                    # file creation for each device tree file.
                    bb.note(">>> Override default init to allow default extlinux file creation with %s config as extra label." % config)
                    labels = config
                    # Update extra config vars for this specific case:
                    extra_extlinuxlabels = labels
                    extra_cfile = os.path.join(d.getVar('B'), subdir , config + '_' + 'extlinux.conf')
                    # Configure dynamically the default menu configuration if there is no specific one configured
                    if d.getVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_DEFAULT_LABEL_%s' % config):
                        bb.warn(">>> Specific configuration for UBOOT_EXTLINUX_DEFAULT_LABEL var detected for %s label: %s" % (config, d.getVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_DEFAULT_LABEL_%s' % config)))
                        bb.warn(">>> Set UBOOT_EXTLINUX_DEFAULT_LABEL to %s" % config)
                        d.setVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_DEFAULT_LABEL', config)

                # Append extra configuration if any
                for f, v in extra_extlinuxtargetconfigflag.items():
                    if config == f:
                        bb.note(">>> Loop for '%s' extra target config." % config)
                        if len(v.split()) > 0:
                            bb.note(">>> Set '%s' to extra_extlinuxlabels." % v)
                            extra_extlinuxlabels = labels + ' ' + v
                            extra_cfile = os.path.join(d.getVar('B'), subdir , config + '_' + 'extlinux.conf')
                            bb.note(">>> No extra labels defined, no new config file to create")
                # Manage new config file creation
                if extra_extlinuxlabels != "":
                    socname_list =  d.getVar('STM32MP_SOC_NAME')
                    if socname_list and len(socname_list.split()) > 0:
                        for soc in socname_list.split():
                            if config.find(soc) > -1:
                                if d.getVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_SPLASH_%s' % soc):
                                    splash = d.getVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_SPLASH_%s' % soc)
                                    bb.note(">>> Specific configuration for SPLASH Screen detected with configuration: %s" % config)
                                    bb.note(">>> Set UBOOT_EXTLINUX_SPLASH to %s" % splash)
                                    d.setVar('UBOOT_EXTLINUX_SPLASH', splash)
                    bb.note(">>> Create %s/%s_extlinux.conf file for %s labels" % (subdir, config, extra_extlinuxlabels))
                    create_extlinux_file(extra_cfile, extra_extlinuxlabels, d)

UBOOT_SPLASH_TTROBOT_IMAGE ?= “splash_ttrobot”
UBOOT_EXTLINUX_SPLASH_stm32mp15 = “KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 31: …TROBOT_IMAGE}" #̲UBOOT_EXTLINUX_…{STM32MP_DT_FILES_ROBOT}”
