

英文 中文
There he is. 他来了
Compensate much? 搞得这么隆重吗
He only turns ten once. 他只过一次十岁生日
And what ten-year-old doesn't want a sushi chef at his birthday party? "哪有十岁小孩不希望生日派对上有寿司师傅呢"
Cam! 小卡
Maybe I'm overcompensating a little bit. 我是搞得有点太隆重了
He's dealing with a lot lately. 他最近日子不太好过
Man, this wind is awful, huh? 天这股风真猛
Santa Anas. 这里可是圣安娜市
Makes my allergies go crazy. 我天天犯过敏呢
Cam! You having fun? 小卡玩得开心吗
His mother's turning him against me. Undermining. 他母亲挑拨我们的关系说我坏话
I told you to give her more in the divorce settlement. 我说过你离婚时应该分多一点钱给她
That money pays her to be cool. 那笔钱已经够她花的了
Pays who to be cool? 给谁钱呢
This wind. Dan, do you mind holding your son? 这股风丹你能抱一下你儿子吗
- Excuse me. - Danny! -失陪一下-丹尼
- Coming in! - Dad, you-you're too big. -我来啦-爸爸你太大只了
Come on! 来吧

Yeah! 太好玩了
- Higher? - Yeah. -想跳得更高吗-想
- All right, who wants more? Want more? - We do! -有谁想再来一次吗来吗-来吧
Yeah. 当然想啊
Cameron! 卡梅隆
- Stay back. - My God! -后退-天啊
Does somebody make a call? 谁能打电话报警吗
Adult male, down, on the hillside. 成年男性摔落在山坡上
We got three kids in a bouncy house. 充气屋里有三个孩子
All right, we're gonna stage the trucks on that service road. 我们会把车开到辅道上
Hen, I want you and Buck to rappel down, 亨你和巴克垂降下去
anchor that bouncy house. 固定住充气屋
Assess the condition of those kids, 评估孩子们的伤势
start to send them down one-by-one in a basket. 用救生篮把他们一个一个滑下去
I'll take care of the dad. 那个父亲就交给我吧
Chimney, you're gonna stay up here and work the winch. 奇米你留在这里牵引
How come I never get to do any of the fun stuff? 我怎么每次都分不到刺激的任务
Working the winch is fun. 牵引也很刺激啊
Help. 救命
Help. 救命
Bouncy house secure, Chim. 充气屋固定好了老奇
Copy. 收到
- Easy. - Yep. -慢点-好
- Help! - Help. -救命啊-救命
Hey, guys? Hey! Hey, guys, we're... 孩子们孩子们我们...
We're L.A. Fire and Rescue. We're gonna get you out of here, okay? 我们是洛杉矶消防救援队我们会把你们救出去
Everybody, just stay calm. 大家冷静
Hey, boys, can you tell if your friend here is okay? 孩子们你的朋友还好吗
Is he awake? Is he breathing? 他还有意识吗有呼吸吗
- Lower the basket down, Chim. - Copy. -把救生篮放下来老奇-收到
Is my dad okay? 我爸爸还好吗
- Cameron... - Sir. -卡梅隆-先生
Sir, do not move your head. 先生请不要移动头部
Stay still. We'll get you out of here as soon as we can. 尽量别动我们会尽快救你离开这里
Cameron... 卡梅隆
- Chim, little lower. - Copy. -老奇再低点-收到
Boys, come on, let's go. Now. 孩子们来快来
All right, that's it. Nice and easy, nice and easy. 非常好慢慢来慢慢来
All right, basket coming in, Hen. 好了把救生篮送进去亨
Hen's going down. She's got one kid, come on. 亨要下去了她救出了一个孩子

All right. 好了
Chim, we're good. Take me down. 老奇我们准备好了放我下去
BP and heart rate stable. 血压和心率正常
Vitals are stable. 生命体征平稳
Dad? 爸爸
- Dad! - Dan! -爸爸-丹
I thought you were dead. 还以为你死了
I'm okay, Cam. 我没事小卡
We're both okay. 我们都没事
Love you so much. 我很爱你
I love you so much, too. 我也很爱你
It's okay. 没事了
Everything is gonna be okay. 都会没事的
Had us worried, there. 让我们担心死了
Now Everything's gonna be okay. 现在都没事了
We're good down here. 下面完事了
You can pack it up topside. 你在上面可以收尾了
Nice work at the winch. 牵引工作干得不错
Thanks. 谢了
May. May. May. Wake up, wake up, wake up. 梅梅梅醒醒醒醒
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Wake up. 拜托拜托拜托醒醒
阿西娜·格兰特 氢可酮[麻醉镇痛药]
Mom. Mom! 妈妈妈妈
What's wrong with May? 梅怎么了
Honey. Honey, honey, honey. 宝贝宝贝宝贝
Your sister isn't feeling well, okay? 你姐姐不舒服懂吗
I need you to go next door to the Johnsons. 你得去邻居约翰逊家
Call your father, tell him to meet me at the hospital, okay? 打给你父亲让他去医院找我懂吗
- All right, can you do that? - Yeah. -好了做得到吗-好
All right. Lock the door. 好锁好门
I have to go and ride with your sister. 我得陪你姐姐去医院
Pulse is weak and thready. What did she take? 脉搏微弱无力她吃了什么
Hydrocodone. 氢可酮
Do you know how many pills she took, the dosage? 知道她吃了几片吗药的剂量
They were mine from last year. 这是我去年开的药
I had some dental work done but didn't finish the bottle. 我去治过牙但药没吃完
Maybe six or seven were left, I-I-I don't know. 或许有六七片我不记得了
Pupils aren't responding. 瞳孔没反应
She's a six on the GCS, fading. 昏迷指数6在衰竭
Mommy's right here, baby. 妈妈在这儿宝贝
It's okay. I'm right here. 没事我就在这儿
Can you hear me? 能听见吗
Stay with me. Stay with me. 坚持住坚持住
You're gonna be okay. 你不会有事的
They're gonna take good care of you. 医生会救你的
You be strong for me now, okay? 给我坚持住好吗
Athena. What's up? You're not answering your phone. 阿西娜怎么了你不接电话
I-I rushed out so fast, I forgot it. 我走得太快忘带了
Okay, well, what happened? 好怎么了
She took a bunch of pills. 她吃了好多药片
On purpose? Well, what did she take? 故意的吗是什么药
- Hydrocodone. - Okay, can... -氢可酮-好我们...
- Well, can we see her? - No... she's still in ICU. -能见见她吗-不能她还在重症监护室
They said maybe half an hour or so. 医生说可能要半个小时左右
I need to sit down. 我得坐一下
God, this is my fault. 天啊都怪我
You were right, you were... you were right. 你说得对你说得对
I shouldn't have told them. 我不该告诉他们
They weren't ready. 他们还没准备好
Did she seem this upset to you? 你看出她心烦意乱了吗
I mean, I-I know it's... hard. 我知道这很难接受
But this hard? 但没想到这么严重
When is the last time we didn't know exactly what May was feeling? 我们从什时候开始不了解梅的感受了
Sh-- well, she's a teenager now. 她处在青少年时期
I-I just, you know, maybe we weren't, 或许我们...
paying enough attention. 不够关注她
- I just-- I don't know, but... - Okay, all right, -我...我也说不好但-好好了
let's-let's not do this right now, okay? 现在先别说这个好吗
H-He with you? 他跟你一起来的吗
We... 我们...
we were having dinner, and he... and-and he drove me here. 我们当时在一起吃晚饭他开车送我过来了
I'm sorry. He was... he was just worried about me. 抱歉他只是担心我
I-I'm gonna get a cup of coffee. 我去喝杯咖啡
Yeah, okay.
The last time she was in a hospital bed, 上次她躺在医院的病床上
I was lying in it with her, feeding her. 是她躺在我身边我给她哺乳
Yeah. It was just an hour and a half of labor. 是啊一个半小时她就出生了
We almost didn't make it to the hospital. 我们差点没来成医院
She was so damn eager to get into this world. 她迫切地想来到这个世界上
Mom? 妈妈
Baby. 宝贝
Dad's here, too. 爸爸也在呢
Hey, sweetheart. 甜心
I'm sorry. I was stupid. 对不起我好傻
No, you're not stupid, honey. 不你不傻宝贝
You're a young girl. 你只是还太小
Being young is hard, honey. 青春本来就苦亲爱的
And I'm the one that should be sorry. 我才该道歉
I didn't see how much you were suffering with all of the stuff at home. 我没看出家里大人的事让你如此难受
About me. 我出柜给你带来了痛苦
This wasn't because of you, Daddy. 不是因为你爸爸
Things have been going on. 发生了一些事
I didn't want to tell you about them, 我本来不想告诉你们
because I was trying to handle it by myself. 因为我是想自己摆平
What kind of things, honey? 发生什么事了宝贝
At school? A boy? 学校的事吗交往的男生吗
No. Bunch of girls. 不一群女生
Mostly this one, Layla. 特别是其中一个蕾拉

