英语_中英对照[友邻优课]每日英语早餐_in two minds:japan's sharing economy


In two minds: Japan's sharing economy


① Airbnb can barely hide its frustration over the country's approach to home-sharing.


② A new law, which comes into force today, legalises the practice for hosts who register with the authorities, but restricts it to a maximum 180 days per year.


③ Local authorities can further curtail that.


④ Worse, on June 1st the government told Airbnb it had to cancel all bookings for June 15th-19th for hosts still in the process of getting licensed.


⑤ Japan's give-with-one-hand-take-with-the-other approach goes some way to explaining why the country's sharing economy, in which people rent goods and services from one another via internet platforms, remains tiny compared with other developed economies.


⑥ Powerful industry lobbies, restrictive regulation and public anxiety stifle growth.


⑦ By contrast, the government encourages sharing where it can help rural areas that lack services; some places are exempted from the general ban on ride-sharing.


⑧ Sharing-economy platforms are realising they have to do things on the country's terms.

这两年共享经济的发展势头非常迅猛,不管传统企业还是互联网公司都愿意打上这么一个标签。但我们的邻国日本,却对共享经济持保守态度。以 Airbnb 为例,Airbnb 是一个专门用于短租私人住房的平台,但日本去年才在法律上合法化了房屋共享这个行为,而且日本政府对此提出的法律要求还颇为严格。6月1日,日本政府突然发布通知,要求包括 Airbnb 在内的所有短租、民宿平台从即日起立即取消未完成合法登记民宿房源的入住预订,正在注册报备过程中的房源也在强制取消订单之列。Airbnb 得知消息后立即与日本旅游局沟通,希望确保游客不会因此被耽误行程。最终,Airbnb 在屡次沟通无果后,不得已取消了数千单民宿的预订订单,但是承诺对受到牵连的游客进行赔偿。实际上,类似于 Airbnb 这样的短租平台一直饱受质疑,在很多国家里也还处在灰色地带。一方面,它损害了酒店行业的利益;另一方面,在安全性上,它并没有完善对房主资质的约束,有很多潜在风险。




In two minds: Japan's sharing economy

① Airbnb can barely hide its frustration over the country's approach to home-sharing.

② A new law, which comes into force today, legalises the practice for hosts who register with the authorities, but restricts it to a maximum 180 days per year.

③ Local authorities can further curtail that.

④ Worse, on June 1st the government told Airbnb it had to cancel all bookings for June 15th-19th for hosts still in the process of getting licensed.

⑤ Japan's give-with-one-hand-take-with-the-other approach goes some way to explaining why the country's sharing economy, in which people rent goods and services from one another via internet platforms, remains tiny compared with other developed economies.

⑥ Powerful industry lobbies, restrictive regulation and public anxiety stifle growth.

⑦ By contrast, the government encourages sharing where it can help rural areas that lack services; some places are exempted from the general ban on ride-sharing.

⑧ Sharing-economy platforms are realising they have to do things on the country's terms.


in two minds: 犹疑不定;拿不定主意

approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/: n. 应对方式/处理方式 vt. 接近,靠近;处理

come into force: 生效

legalise /ˈliːɡ(ə)lʌɪz/: vt. 使合法化;法律认可

practice /ˈpraktɪs/: n. 业务;实践

host /həʊst/: n. 房东;主人;东道主

register /ˈrɛdʒɪstə/: vi. 注册

authority /ɔːˈθɒrɪti/: n. 权威;(复数)当权者,当局(政府)

restrict sth. to … /rɪˈstrɪkt/: 把某件事情限定在某个范围

maximum /ˈmaksɪməm/: n./adj. 最大值/限度(的)

curtail /kəːˈteɪl/: vt. 削减

booking /ˈbʊkɪŋ/: n. 预订

in the process of /ˈprəʊsɛs/: 在……的过程中

get licensed /ˈlʌɪs(ə)nst/: 获得认证/授权/许可

give with one hand, and take with the other: 一手给予,一手剥夺

go some way to doing sth.: 在一定程度上(in a way)

via /ˈvɪə, ˈvʌɪə/: prep. 通过;经由

lobby /ˈlɒbi/: n. 游说;游说团

lobbyist /ˈlɒbiɪst/: n. 说客

stifle /ˈstʌɪf(ə)l/: vt. 扼杀;抑制

exempt /ɪɡˈzɛm(p)t/: vt. 豁免(exemption)

on one's terms: 按照某人的规矩/条件

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