
g++ gcc自带的sanitizers可用于检测内存泄漏、数组越界、线程竞态条件、未初始化等问题,支持Linux(win暂时只支持Aaddress sanitizers)。



Google sanitizers

Sanitizers are open-source tools for dynamic code analysis designed by Google. CLion integrates with the following Sanitizers:

  • AddressSanitizer (ASan)
  • LeakSanitizer (LSan)
  • ThreadSanitizer (TSan)
  • UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (UBSsan)
  • MemorySanitizer (MSan)

Useful links: Official documentation, Sanitizers in Clang, Sanitizers among Program Instrumentation Options in GCC.

Sanitizers are implemented in Clang starting 3.1 and GCC starting 4.8. All the sanitizers are available on Linux x86_64 machines and also on Windows 10 with clang-cl. For macOS, only AddressSanitizer and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer are supported.

As Sanitizers are based on compiler instrumentation, you need to rebuild your project in order to start using these tools.

Configure Sanitizers

Specify compiler flags

Adjust the following template line and add it to your CMakeLists.txt:

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=[sanitizer_name] [additional_options] [-g] [-OX]")

Use CMAKE_C_FLAGS instead of CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS for C projects.

For [sanitizer_name] use one of the following:

  • address for AddressSanitizer
  • leak for LeakSanitizer
  • thread for ThreadSanitizer
  • undefined for UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (other options are also available, see the UBSan section)
  • memory for MemorySanitizer

[Additional_flags] are other compilation flags, such as -fno-omit-frame-pointer, fsanitize-recover/fno-sanitize-recover, -fsanitize-blacklist, etc.

Use [-g] to have file names and line numbers included in warning messages.

Add optimization level [-OX] to get reasonable performance (see recommendations in the particular Sanitizer documentation).

