GraphQL Clients 代码优化

小布什微笑地讲了一句很沉重的话 :“我曾经听说,人最好趁年轻的时候就去世,当然,要越晚越好……”
I once heard it said of man that the idea is to die young as late as possible

如果把这句话,年迈的程序员用Python 语言翻译一下,就是:“写代码,要越年轻越好”
一个程序员如何带着尊严,幽默和善良而老去( As he aged he taught us how to grow with dignity, humor and kindness)


一、 GraphQL 创建mutation create语句 (动态表名和字段)

def mutation_create(table_name, str_sql, str_status):
    table_name_camelCase = table_name[0].lower() + table_name[1:]
    strmutation = """
        """ % (table_name, str_sql, table_name_camelCase, str_status)

    return strmutation

二、 GraphQL 批量导入数据

def import_from_api(api_url, table_name, *args):
    with urllib.request.urlopen(api_url) as url:
        data = json.loads(
        for obj in data:
            str_sql = ""
            str_status = ""
            for arg in args:
                # key name must be camelCased
                argCamel = camel(arg)
                str_sql += "%s:\"%s\"," % (argCamel, obj[arg])
                str_status += argCamel + '\n'
            # create graphql sql
            strmutation = mutation_create(table_name, str_sql, str_status)
            # execute graphql
            mutation_result = mutation_graphql(strmutation)

三、 GraphQL 清空整表数据

def truncate_table(table_name):
    query_str = "all%ss" % table_name
    strquery = """

            """ % query_str
    query_result = query_graphql(strquery)
    for data in query_result["data"][query_str]:
        data_id = int(data["id"])
        strmutation = mutation_delete_table(table_name, data_id)
        mutation_result = mutation_graphql(strmutation)

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