

Not persuade you but share my reasons for practicing EnglishPublic speaking

1. Confidence, confidence to pursuemore opportunity, more opportunity comes, from frighten in front of 10 peopleto confidently standing in 300 people. Facing challenges in other circumstance,like in front of customer

Design our tone, gestures, turngood work to great work. People remember you because you deliver a great speech(that would be the reason I didn’t make impression on you)

2. Differentiate yourself amongyour peers. Find opportunity to practice in construction industry in the field.

3. A purpose. In English orChinese? For a reason.

Tips: Top down approach in structure to captureyour audience, it’s not a book, audience can’t go back.

Q: How to control the emotion and theenvironment

A: I need to drop my transcript,(write, remember), no time to see your eye (turn transcript to bullet point, mapbullet point into your mind), adjust your pace according to audience’s interest.

First brief 3 points, then deep dive on why, clear transition between different pionts. 

Fursey - The thrill of tip top table topics

It's intersting to find out through a simple word game that everyone can do impromptu speech, yet there are people who will stuck when being asked what's your name. I was stuck when asked "give me a car" as I was thinking some fancy car name but I couldn't recall instantly. Sometimes, there is no wrong answer, just be brave and enjoy the conversation. Conversation or impromptu talk is like a tennis game, no one wants to win, just hit the ball and enjoy. Sometimes the ball drops, but that's fine. Through the talk, you start to know the person more and build meaningful relationship. Sometimes you just need to act as an audience.   

The story about his father asking where do you want to put your name when he wrote down this name in the bathroom is impressive. Instead of yelling at him and blaming him as an idiot, his father's word is so inspiring and has long lasting impact on him. And one of his student who was only at his class for one week many years later appreciated him and said, when no one trust me, you trust me. That was one of the talk he had with his student after the class. He put his name on his student's heart. Every semester, he put his name on the blackboard as a teacher. 

Find your stories in your life that has some universal meaning. Prepare it and you can use same answer for many different questions. 

Metaphor is powerful. When you feed a dog, dog look at you as god, but when you feed a cat, cat think they are the god. You can't ask a cat to climb down from the tree, but you can give them their favorite food along the way to lead them down. It's like the people you talk to, you need to know their interest in order to lead them. 
