



He owned himself defeated  -- 他承认自己失败了

I don't feel up to that -- 我觉得我不能胜任这个工作

Don't dream away your time -- 不要虚度光阴

I would like to check out -- 我想结账 (这句和check in对应起来就能理解了,但是一时之间没想起来,听成了我想检查一下,事实上这句话应该是“I would like to check it out”)

Example is better than precept -- 身教胜于言传 

We are all for it --  我们都同意

His argument doesn't hold water --他的论点站不住脚

She is under the weather -- 她心情不好 (同 She is not in the mood)

Let's give him a big hand -- 让我们给他热烈的鼓掌

They charged the fault on him -- 他们把问题归咎于他

That's always the case -- 习以为常了

Opportunity knocks but once -- 机会只有一次

He resolved to give up smoking -- 他决心戒烟 (这里的resolve to很有意思, 可以替换成make his mind)
