

If you're a penetration tester, there are numerous tools you can use to help you accomplish your goals.


From scanning to post-exploitation, here are ten tools you must know if you are into cybersecurity.


什么是网络安全? (What is Cybersecurity?)

Being a cybersecurity engineer means being responsible for an entire network. This network includes computers, routers, mobile phones, and everything that connects to the internet.

成为网络安全工程师意味着要对整个网络负责。 该网络包括计算机,路由器,移动电话以及连接到Internet的所有内容。

Thanks to the rise of Internet of Things, we see more and more devices connecting to the internet every day. Services like Shodan are proof of how dangerous it is to have an internet-connected device without adequate security.

由于物联网的兴起,我们每天看到越来越多的设备连接到互联网。 Shodan之类的服务证明了拥有没有足够安全性的互联网连接设备有多么危险。

We cannot rely on Antivirus software either, given how sophisticated today’s hackers are. Besides, most attacks nowadays use social engineering as their entry point. This makes it even harder for cybersecurity professionals to detect and mitigate these attacks.

考虑到当今黑客的复杂程度,我们也不能依靠防病毒软件。 此外,当今大多数攻击都以社会工程学为切入点。 这使得网络安全专业人员更加难以检测和缓解这些攻击。

Covid-19 has become another major catalyst for growing cyber-attacks. Employees working from home don’t have access to the same enterprise-level security architectures in their workplace.

Covid-19已成为发展网络攻击的另一主要催化剂。 在家工作的员工无法在工作场所访问相同的企业级安全体系结构。

The growing number of cyber-attacks have also increased the demand for cybersecurity professionals around the world. Due to this increasing demand, Cybersecurity has been attracting a lot of experts as well as beginners.

越来越多的网络攻击也增加了对全球网络安全专业人员的需求。 由于这种需求的增长,网络安全吸引了许多专家和初学者。

For those of you who are new to Cybersecurity, hacking is not as cool as it looks on TV. And there is a high probability that you will end up in jail.

对于网络安全新手来说,黑客攻击并不像在电视上看起来那么酷。 而且您很有可能最终入狱。

However, being a penetration tester or a white hat hacker is different – and beneficial – since you will be playing with the same tools black hat hackers (the bad ones) play with. Except for this time, it's legal, and your goal is to help companies discover security vulnerabilities so they can fix them.

但是,作为渗透测试人员或白帽黑客是不同的-也是有益的-因为您将使用与黑帽黑客(坏人)相同的工具。 除了这次,这是合法的,您的目标是帮助公司发现安全漏洞,以便他们可以修复它们。

You can learn more about the types of hackers here.

您可以在此处了解有关黑客类型的更多信息 。

It is always hard to find the right tools to get started in any domain, especially if you are a beginner. So here are 10 tools to help you get started as a cybersecurity engineer.

在任何领域都很难找到合适的入门工具,特别是如果您是初学者。 因此,这里有10种工具可帮助您入门,成为网络安全工程师。

初学者网络安全工程师的顶级工具 (Top Tools for Beginner Cybersecurity Engineers)

Wireshark (Wireshark
