如何解决Found the following, but they’re either not files or not executable问题


运行:roslaunch bosch_imu_driver imu.launch

报错:ERROR: cannot launch node of type [bosch_imu_driver/bosch_imu_node.py]: can't locate node [bosch_imu_node.py] in package [bosch_imu_driver]

于是运行:rosrun bosch_imu_driver bosch_imu_node.py

报错:Found the following, but they're either not files, or not executable:


在Google了解决办法后,发现是bosch_imu_node.py文件没有执行许可,需要运行chmod +x bosch_imu_node.py给予执行许可。运行后再执行rosrun,问题解决。


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